gkhd11a wrote:There is a term for what Nev, Salty and Last Druid do on this website. It is called being a troll. Creating dessension is the goal, game set and match for the majority of their posts. To say they are concerned about the "community" is a joke.
When Sporting News had a open spot for a stratomatic tournament with celebrities such as Curt Schilling, Doug Glanvile and others, we were offerred to choose one from the ATG community to participate and Bobby was being nominated, being a successful businessman and having run so many great tournaments out of the kindness of his heart and paying for prizes on his own this would have been a great reward for without a doubt the one person who did more for this community than anyone ever did,what was said. Last Druid, then Petrosian said it should be himself but definelty not Bobby as he was not a good enough player to represent the community. Nev agreed and pushed for Bill Jansen, who helped developed player values and ultimately a repricing of players and who was ultimately voted in by the community to represent us and stopped playing ATG a few months after this celebrity tournament entered.
So now here is the gruff Moose, truly thanklessly running the most successful tournament we have here, getting extra prizes, allowing everyone to play in a tournament that might be a little out of their comfort zone. Putting virtually every rule change and options up to the community for a vote, resulting in very good participation in an excellent well run tournament. Moose must be of course run down and demeaned as by the 3 trolls as a successful tournament does not fit in with the demeanor they would like to establish on this game.
What of course is stopping Nev, Salty and the Last Druid from running their own tournament? Nothing! However, they would then have to deal with disgruntled players and if anyone thinks Moose is too gruff, I can't imagine what a tournament would be like if people were running afoul of that trio!.
So here is my challenge, start the initial annual three troll tournament! I thnk you three pretty much know everything there is to know about most everything and would get pretty good participation in an ATG tournament and could make an annual tournament to crown the best player of ATG in the rules you see fit to do.
I think Moose is getting a pretty raw deal from the three trolls and I only see the work he puts into the tournament, I hate to see him go the way of Penngray, Rob55, Bobby and others who contributed so much over the years.
Well said.