Preliminary PC 2013 standings

the official tournament of SOM Baseball 20xx

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Re: Preliminary PC 2013 standings

PostTue Nov 19, 2013 1:39 am

qksilver69 wrote:Wish there was some kind of advantage to finishing 1st! :D

I was considering a "bye" for the top finishers in events 1-5 (that is, before I finalized and set the rules, as set out in various places). But the "bye" would have meant that fewer people would have made it to the playoff rounds. In the end, it was decided to stretch out the qualifiers to 36 (up from 24 last year). But with 36 qualifiers, there is no bye for top finishers in events 1-5.

As it is, there will be a seeding process for the leagues and divisions in the semi-final rounds, and there is a ballpark draft.
The draft order for ballparks (in the semi-final round) will be set by order of finish - best to last in each semi-final league.

So there are advantages from finishing higher in events 1-5.


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Re: Preliminary PC 2013 standings

PostTue Nov 19, 2013 1:41 am

Bump (to the new page):

UPDATED preliminary standings

As of games played Sunday November 17.

The ultimate point system is as described on the tournament main page, and the sign up page on these boards.

However, for the sake of having preliminary results that are comparable from player to player, the following point system was used. (1) Adjust player event results (i.e. wins plus playoff bonus points) by adding .5 for each game not yet played, where 162 games have not yet been played in a particular event. Fractions are rounded up. (2) The best 4 event results are counted. (3) Penalty points for re-using ballparks have been applied. (4) I have added the bonus points for entering all 5 events, on these standings.

I have not attempted to apply any tie-breaker tests at this time. For simplicity, I have just listed the standings in numeric order, without recognizing ties or tie-breakers.

Remember - the top 36 participants advance to the semi-final playoff round - 3 12 team leagues, with the 4 playoff teams from each of those leagues advancing to the final championship league!

Preliminary standings as of November 17 (with a correction):


Name | Points | Explanations re games to play
c="in the clubhouse" - play is completed
Games to play (=/"g=__")("W"=winning record for event still in progress, playoff bonus points possible)
"P"=still playing playoffs - more bonus points possible
/ XXXXX / XXXXX - if more than one event is still in progress, separate entries are separated by a "/" symbol

1. qksilver69 415 Games to play (="g")-15 W ("W"=winning record) /P ("P"=still playing playoffs)
2. Knerrpool 404 /g=15
3. karphenry 397 c ("c"=finished - "in the clubhouse")
4. J-Pav 396 P
5. stevep107 394 c
6. the ghost of roger maris 393 c
7. gbrookes 391 P
9. Stoney18 389 /g=36W
10. Dr.Publix 386 /g=78 /P
11. Pan Mark 385 c
12. the splinter 382 /g=36W
13. Spider 67 381 /g=15W
14. spicki17 381 /g=15W
15. Phenomenal 377 /g=36
16. buzz082308 377 c
17. Delbird 374 c
18. mesquiton 374 /g=36W /P
19. chuckwonup 374 /g=15
20. bertolett 374 P
21. TomSiebert 374 /g=15
22. teamnasty 371 /g=78W
23. jmoore1966 371 /g=15
24. Gilbo 371 c
25. Terry101 370 c
26. TexasKen 369 c
27. coachtwitty 368 c
28. pronk08 368 /g=15W
29. Kire 367 c
30. Jake Squid 367 /g=78
31. durantjerry 367 /g=36 /P
32. ROGGIE 366 /g=78W /g=15
33. T.Richardson 365 c
34. exwallman 364 /g=15W
35. Jeepdriver 364 c
36. thisisray 364 P
37. thisisdan26 362 c
38. LongIsland4Ever 360 /g=15W
39. mpcharette 360 /g=36W /g=15W
40. scumby 360 P
41. NYY82602 359 /g=99W /g=15 /P
42. milleram 358 c
43. bbasebrawl 358 /g=15
44. pine tar 357 c
45. rongermany 356 /g=15
46. WJS6768 355 c
47. Hailedog 355 P
48. FRANKZAHN 354 c
49. Al Hogg 354 c
50. l.strether 353 c
51. sebastian 353 /g=15
52. Steve F 353 /g=78
53. kihoover 351 c
54. blsmith7 351 /g=78 /g=15W
55. salmonbellies 350 c
56. usjgtjrgolf 348 P
57. hendrix08 347 c
58. STEVEPONEDAL 347 /g=15
59. ehlekev1 346 /g=36
60. STEVENHOLMAN 346 /g=36
61. GoDucks 345 /g=78
62. waynick 344 P
63. VilleBowler300 344 P
64. GARYCOOK 342 /g=15W
65. markyura 342 /g=36W
66. rolandzeut 341 c
67. maverick38 338 c
68. krazykat 338 /g=78
69. MichaelGrammes 337 c
70. nol15736 335 P
71. edgecitytx 333 /g=78
72. Brent65 333 /g=36W
73. Mr. Met 333 /g=15W
74. JR_Shark 332 /g=15
75. Dr_Marc 332 /g=78
76. SteadyEddie33 330 c
77. Phila01 330 /g=99
78. dalekeener 329 c
79. LANCEBOUSLEY 329 /g=15W
80. dmanwon 329 c
81. tmm6883 328 P
82. ute3333 326 c
83. Neil Toomey 324 /g=99
84. FoggyOne 323 c
85. McBurns 327 /g=78
86. cwitkowski970 326 /g=78W
87. uncle ny 323 /g=15W
88. Harold Homers 320 c
89. gcaraballo 318 c
90. Red Beards 317 /g=36W
91. slingsby 316 /g=15
92. AZHawg 316 c
93. keyzick 315 c
94. Siberian Knights 313 /g=15
95. MforTurtle13 311 c
96. bob711 310 /g=15
97. jamespoohbear 307 /g=99
98. hammertime23452 307 c
99. godolphs 305 c
100. rippa76 299 c
101 mciccolini 299 /g=15
102. Jffhyd 297 /g=36


Name | Points | Explanations re games to play
c="in the clubhouse" - play is completed
Games to play (=/"g=__")("W"=winning record for event still in progress, playoff bonus points possible)
"P"=still playing playoffs - more bonus points possible
/ XXXXX / XXXXX - if more than one event is still in progress, separate entries are separated by a "/" symbol

Please be aware that the above total includes games in hand, at a rate of .5 win per game in hand. Therefore, these standings are still **preliminary**. Some players who are ranked highly still have to "play out their seasons". Players with games in hand can either gain further points (if they play better than .500) or lose points (if they play worse than .500). Also, there will be playoff bonus points still to come. So keep playing till the last out! You never know!

Update Nov. 19-corrections for coachtwitty and pronk08


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Re: Preliminary PC 2013 standings

PostWed Nov 20, 2013 6:39 am

To quote Cosmo Kramer "I'm Out". Swept in the semis. stuck at 360.
Thanks gbrookes.


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Re: Preliminary PC 2013 standings

PostWed Nov 20, 2013 9:20 am

It's to bad I decided to wait til event 5 to do something usefull this year. But hey for my first year I'll take 2 playoff appearences in 5 leagues this is some tough competition! Next year though watch out!


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Re: Preliminary PC 2013 standings

PostWed Nov 20, 2013 9:38 pm

nol15736 wrote:It's to bad I decided to wait til event 5 to do something usefull this year. But hey for my first year I'll take 2 playoff appearences in 5 leagues this is some tough competition! Next year though watch out!

Well the owner who made it in because you whipped me owes you a thank you.


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Re: Preliminary PC 2013 standings

PostSat Nov 23, 2013 4:21 am

UPDATED preliminary standings

As of games played Friday November 22.

The ultimate point system is as described on the tournament main page, and the sign up page on these boards.

However, for the sake of having preliminary results that are comparable from player to player, the following point system was used. (1) Adjust player event results (i.e. wins plus playoff bonus points) by adding .5 for each game not yet played, where 162 games have not yet been played in a particular event. Fractions are rounded up. (2) The best 4 event results are counted. (3) Penalty points for re-using ballparks have been applied. (4) I have added the bonus points for entering all 5 events, on these standings.

I have not attempted to apply any tie-breaker tests at this time. For simplicity, I have just listed the standings in numeric order, without recognizing ties or tie-breakers.

Remember - the top 36 participants advance to the semi-final playoff round - 3 12 team leagues, with the 4 playoff teams from each of those leagues advancing to the final championship league!

Preliminary standings as of November 22:


Name | Points | Explanations re games to play
c="in the clubhouse" - play is completed
Games to play (=/"g=__")("W"=winning record for event still in progress, playoff bonus points possible)
"P"=still playing playoffs - more bonus points possible
/ XXX / XXX - if more than one event is still in progress, entries are separated by a "/" symbol (e.g. "/g=84W /P")

1. qksilver69 424 P
2. Knerrpool 404 P
3. J-Pav 401 P
4. karphenry 397 c
5. gbrookes 396 P
7. stevep107 394 c
8. the ghost of roger maris 393 c
9. Stoney18 388 /g=21W
10. Spider 67 387 P
11. Pan Mark 385 c
12. Dr.Publix 384 /g=63
13. the splinter 383 /g=21W
14. mesquiton 381 /g=21W /P
15. spicki17 381 c
16. Phenomenal 378 /g=21
17. buzz082308 377 c
18. Tom Siebert 375 c
19. Delbird 374 c
20. chuckwonup 374 c
21. bertolett 374 c
22. pronk08 372 P
23. durantjerry 372 /g=21
24. jmoore1966 371 c
25. Gilbo 371 c
26. Terry101 370 c
27. teamnasty 370 /g=63W
28. ROGGIE 370 /g=63W
29. thisisray 369 P
30. TexasKen 369 c
31. NYY82602 368 /g=84W /P
32. coachtwitty 368 c
33. LongIsland4Ever 367 P
34. Kire 367 c
35. Jake Squid 367 /g=63
36. T.Richardson 365 c
37. Jeepdriver 364 c
38. thisisdan26 362 c
39. mpcharette 360 /g=21W
40. scumby 360 c
41. exwallman 359 c
42. milleram 358 c
43. bbasebrawl 357 c
44. pine tar 357 c
45. rongermany 356 c
46. WJS6768 355 c
47. Hailedog 355 c
48. blsmith7 354 /g=63 /P
49. Steve F 354 /g=63
50. FRANKZAHN 354 c
51. Al Hogg 354 c
52. usjgtjrgolf 353 P
53. l.strether 353 c
54. kihoover 351 c
55. sebastian 350 c
56. salmonbellies 350 c
57. GoDucks 347 /g=63
58. STEVENHOLMAN 347 /g=21
59. hendrix08 347 c
61. ehlekev1 345 /g=21
62. waynick 344 c
63. VilleBowler300 344 c
64. markyura 342 /g=21W
65. rolandzeut 341 c
66. nol15736 340 P
67. krazykat 340 /g=63
68. GARYCOOK 340 c
69. Mr. Met 339 P
70. maverick38 338 c
71. MichaelGrammes 337 c
72. Dr_Marc 335 /g=63
73. edgecitytx 332 /g=63
74. Brent65 333 /g=21W
75. JR_Shark 332 c
76. SteadyEddie33 330 c
77. Phila01 329 /g=84
78. dalekeener 329 c
79. dmanwon 329 c
80. cwitkowski970 327 /g=63W
81. uncle ny 327 P
82. Neil Toomey 326 /g=84
83. McBurns 325 /g=63
84. tmm6883 328 c
86. ute3333 326 c
87. FoggyOne 323 c
88. Harold Homers 320 c
89. gcaraballo 318 c
90. Red Beards 317 /g=21W
91. AZHawg 316 c
92. keyzick 315 c
93. Siberian Knights 313 c
94. slingsby 312 c
95. MforTurtle13 311 c
96. bob711 310 c
97. jamespoohbear 310 /g=84
98. hammertime23452 307 c
99 mciccolini 305 c
100. godolphs 305 c
101. rippa76 299 c
102. Jffhyd 299 /g=21


Name | Points | Explanations re games to play
c="in the clubhouse" - play is completed
Games to play (=/"g=__")("W"=winning record for event still in progress, playoff bonus points possible)
"P"=still playing playoffs - more bonus points possible
/ XXX / XXX - if more than one event is still in progress, entries are separated by a "/" symbol (e.g. "/g=84W /P")

Please be aware that the above total includes games in hand, at a rate of .5 win per game in hand. Therefore, these standings are still **preliminary**. Some players who are ranked highly still have to "play out their seasons". Players with games in hand can either gain further points (if they play better than .500) or lose points (if they play worse than .500). Also, there will be playoff bonus points still to come. So keep playing till the last out! You never know!

Players who are currently ranked 37-41 should keep checking the standings periodically, for 2 reasons (1) some players in the 1-36 **projected spots** could possibly drop down below the 36 spots if they go on a long losing streak - some have lots of games left to play, and (2) if players fail to check in for the playoffs, or can't participate for some reason, then the replacements will be picked - in order - from the next highest finishers from those 37th and subsequent ranked players. This is a real possibility , as it tends to happen every year.

All players who are projected to be finishing 1-36 should look for the information on the playoff rounds (posted on other threads on this "Players Championship" discussion board, and should check in on the thread that will be set up for that purpose on or about December 15.

EDIT NOTES - Please note that last edit was at 7:47 ET on Saturday Nov. 23, to put Tom Siebert back in at the 18th spot (inadvertently omitted in previous edit). Please note that other rankings were shifted down by 1 spot after this correction.


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Re: Preliminary PC 2013 standings

PostSat Nov 23, 2013 12:59 pm

Phew. I was gonna cry "conspiracy!" :lol:



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Re: Preliminary PC 2013 standings

PostSun Nov 24, 2013 4:57 am

I'm drunk right now, so please takethis with grani of salst , but does this mean I habe no shot at making the final 36 even if I win a championshiip with my league 5 team?


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Re: Preliminary PC 2013 standings

PostSun Nov 24, 2013 11:02 am

blsmith7 wrote:I'm drunk right now, so please takethis with grani of salst , but does this mean I habe no shot at making the final 36 even if I win a championshiip with my league 5 team?

No - it doesn't mean that.

Your team in event 4 is in the playoffs, and can earn either 5 more points for winning the semifinals, or 10 more points for winning the championship in that event 4 league.

But your event 5 team still has 60 games left to play (63 when I posted the standings, before last night's games). If it wins more 1/2 of its remaining games, then your projected (ultimately final) point score will be increased by every extra win over .500. So if they went 40-20 in their last 60 games, that would be 10 wins over the assumed 30-30 for the projections. That would bump you up by 10 points in the standings, just by winning more games than "expected". (In my math and terminology, 40-20 is just 10 games over 500, not 20 games in the common useage of the term. It means the number of wins greater than the number of wins at a .500 record).

As of Friday, you needed 11 more points to tie the 36th spot player (T Richardson), or 12 to pass him. I haven't looked at tie-breakers yet. I could dig those out and look at the tiebreaker rules in the next few days sometime.

Mathematically, winning the championship in event 4 isn't quite enough. You will (also) need a combination of a good performance from your event 5 team in its last 60 games. But, to the extent that your event 4 team can get either 5 or 10 more playoff points by winning 1 or 2 playoff series, it will make your task a little easier for your event 5 team. By my calcs, to get 12 more points for a clear 36th finish without tie-breakers, you could either win the semi-finals in event 4 and then go 37-23 in event 5 remaining games, or win the finals in event 4 and then go 32-28 in remaining event 5 games.

Keep in mind that there are still some other managers chasing the 36th spot, but there are also some managers who are above the 36th spot that also have lots of games to play, like yourself. So they need to "win out" as much as you do. But T Richardson is "in the clubhouse", and so his point total won't change obviously at this point.

Also keep in mind that if you finish 37th or 38th, there is a possibility of getting into the final 36 as an alternate, if one or more players don't check in for the finals. It seems like there is often 1 player at least that is travelling somewhere where there is no electricity every year, unfortunately for them.

By the way, I'll have a few grains of salt and a margherita, please! (and sir, is there any "wi-fi" here?) ;)


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Re: Preliminary PC 2013 standings

PostThu Nov 28, 2013 2:41 am

UPDATED preliminary standings

As of games played Wednesday November 27.

The ultimate point system is as described on the tournament main page, and the sign up page on these boards.

However, for the sake of having preliminary results that are comparable from player to player, the following point system was used. (1) Adjust player event results (i.e. wins plus playoff bonus points) by adding .5 for each game not yet played, where 162 games have not yet been played in a particular event. Fractions are rounded up. (2) The best 4 event results are counted. (3) Penalty points for re-using ballparks have been applied. (4) I have added the bonus points for entering all 5 events, on these standings.

I have not attempted to apply any tie-breaker tests at this time. For simplicity, I have just listed the standings in numeric order, without recognizing ties or tie-breakers.

Remember - the top 36 participants advance to the semi-final playoff round - 3 12 team leagues, with the 4 playoff teams from each of those leagues advancing to the final championship league!

Preliminary standings as of November 27:


Name | Points | Explanations re games to play
c="in the clubhouse" - play is completed
Games to play (=/"g=__")("W"=winning record for event still in progress, playoff bonus points possible)
"P"=still playing playoffs - more bonus points possible
/ XXX / XXX - if more than one event is still in progress, entries are separated by a "/" symbol (e.g. "/g=84W /P")

1. qksilver69 424 P
2. J-Pav 406 c
3. Knerrpool 404 P
4. karphenry 397 c
5. gbrookes 396 c
7. stevep107 394 c
8. the ghost of roger maris 393 c
9. Stoney18 387 /g=6W
10. Spider 67 387 c
11. Pan Mark 385 c
12. Dr.Publix 383 /g=48
13. the splinter 382 /g=6W
14. Terry101 382 P (correction from prior standings)
15. spicki17 381 c
16. mesquiton 379 /g=6W
17. Phenomenal 379 /g=6
18. buzz082308 377 c
19. Tom Siebert 375 c
20. NYY82602 375 /g=69W
21. Delbird 374 c
22. chuckwonup 374 c
23. bertolett 374 c
24. thisisray 374 c
25. pronk08 372 c
26. durantjerry 372 /g=6
27. jmoore1966 371 c
28. Gilbo 371 c
29. ROGGIE 371 /g=48W
30. teamnasty 370 /g=48W
31. TexasKen 369 c
32. coachtwitty 368 c
33. LongIsland4Ever 367 P
34. Kire 367 c
35. Jake Squid 367 /g=48
36. T.Richardson 365 c
37. Jeepdriver 364 c
38. thisisdan26 362 c
39. blsmith7 360 /g=48 /P (correction)
40. mpcharette 360 /g=6W
41. scumby 360 c
42. exwallman 359 c
43. milleram 358 c
44. bbasebrawl 357 c
45. pine tar 357 c
46. rongermany 356 c
47. GoDucks 356 /g=48 (correction)
48. WJS6768 355 c
49. Hailedog 355 c
50. FRANKZAHN 354 c
51. Al Hogg 354 c
52. Steve F 353 /g=48
53. STEVENHOLMAN 353 /g=6W
54. usjgtjrgolf 353 c
55. l.strether 353 c
56. kihoover 351 c
57. sebastian 350 c
58. salmonbellies 350 c
59. hendrix08 347 c
61. nol15736 345 c
62. ehlekev1 344 /g=6
63. waynick 344 c
64. VilleBowler300 344 c
65. markyura 343 /g=6W
66. rolandzeut 341 c
67. GARYCOOK 340 c
68. Mr. Met 339 P
69. maverick38 338 c
70. krazykat 337 /g=48
71. MichaelGrammes 337 c
72. Dr_Marc 335 /g=48
73. JR_Shark 332 c
74. uncle ny 332 P
75. Brent65 331 /g=6
76. edgecitytx 331 /g=48
77. SteadyEddie33 330 c
78. Phila01 329 /g=69
79. dalekeener 329 c
80. dmanwon 329 c
81. tmm6883 328 c
82. cwitkowski970 327 /g=48W
83. Neil Toomey 327 /g=69W
84. McBurns 326 /g=48
86. ute3333 326 c
87. FoggyOne 323 c
88. Harold Homers 320 c
89. gcaraballo 318 c
90. Red Beards 316 /g=6
91. AZHawg 316 c
92. keyzick 315 c
93. Siberian Knights 313 c
94. slingsby 312 c
95. MforTurtle13 311 c
96. bob711 310 c
97. jamespoohbear 310 /g=69
98. hammertime23452 307 c
99 mciccolini 305 c
100. godolphs 305 c
101. rippa76 299 c
102. Jffhyd 296 /g=6


Name | Points | Explanations re games to play
c="in the clubhouse" - play is completed
Games to play (=/"g=__")("W"=winning record for event still in progress, playoff bonus points possible)
"P"=still playing playoffs - more bonus points possible
/ XXX / XXX - if more than one event is still in progress, entries are separated by a "/" symbol (e.g. "/g=84W /P")

Please be aware that the above total includes games in hand, at a rate of .5 win per game in hand. Therefore, these standings are still **preliminary**. Some players who are ranked highly still have to "play out their seasons". Players with games in hand can either gain further points (if they play better than .500) or lose points (if they play worse than .500). Also, there will be playoff bonus points still to come. So keep playing till the last out! You never know!

Players who are currently ranked 37-41 should keep checking the standings periodically, for 2 reasons (1) some players in the 1-36 **projected spots** could possibly drop down below the 36 spots if they go on a long losing streak - some have lots of games left to play, and (2) if players fail to check in for the playoffs, or can't participate for some reason, then the replacements will be picked - in order - from the next highest finishers from those 37th and subsequent ranked players. This is a real possibility , as it tends to happen every year.

All players who are projected to be finishing 1-36 should look for the information on the playoff rounds (posted on other threads on this "Players Championship" discussion board, and should check in on the thread that will be set up for that purpose on or about December 15.

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