I'd like five seasons with the championship round (5th season) determined by a vote of the top 12 teams after the first four seasons. Would you play one decade at a time or possibly 60's and 70's at one time and then the 80's and 90's together?
I'd also like to suggest live draft with unique stadiums for the championship round.
I'm in. Need someone to be commissioner and coordinate everything with SOM. I'd think start 2 leagues at the same time or 1 week apart, and then as they end start the last 2 leagues. We maybe should start an official sign up list. Last time was 1 point for each win, 5 points for making playoffs, 5 points for making finals, and 10 points for winning championship.
I might be in, need clarity on the format...just 4 season commitment (one ecah 60, 70, 80 and 90s) with 5th season determined by top 12 (but aren't top 12 all 12 managers?)
Like unique stadiums idea and have to keep or use draft pick to change stadium if the stadium continues one decade into the next.