I reached out to the welter guy and this was the response (from one of them): "cripes, we haven't even started this league yet. Why the massive rush to get the other ones going? " I told him to chill.
G_MONEY wrote:I reached out to the welter guy and this was the response (from one of them): "cripes, we haven't even started this league yet. Why the massive rush to get the other ones going? " I told him to chill.
It amazes me how some people sign up for events, but don't pay attention to what they've signed up to do.
70's Mystery tournament League #1 - password is one
73 - musicfactorypr@gmail.com 37 - Great Unwashed - IN 83 - nwelter - IN 98 - uncle ny - IN 6 - djkalle - closer 71 - Lee300 - IN 18 - G_Money - IN 51 - bogusbrook - IN 48 - ashleyjoe - IN 8 - jayhawk81 - IN 105 - azcsuram - IN 59 - l.strether - IN