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Re: HCKL Chat Thread

PostTue Jul 30, 2013 5:38 pm

lev.cohen wrote:I think I'm out on using any unleashed cards. It removes some of the skill and strategy.

????? :?:

I've now done 4 drafts this year using the unleashed set, all keeper leagues mind you, do you know how many of the 14 unleashed guys were drafted on average...



Well Lilly was on most teams already so in fairness we'll say 5 cards have been in use.

Mostly because the other 9 guys SHOULDN'T HAVE EVEN BEEN UNLEASHED CARDS!!! Most of them are so one sided they aren't even used.

But because they started this whole thing with two separate sets, there is now an obligation by the company whether TSN or Strat, to put out an unleashed set even if only 3-4 guys actually are really unleashed cards.

The thing that kills me is the A number 1 guy who should have been a poster child for this years Unleashed set, is Brandon Moss, yet he is in the standard set, proving yet again it's freaking arbitrary. And if Moss who is never going to duplicate that production again, can be included, while Lilly, who has a track record of being a pretty good starting pitcher, can be excluded, then it's clearly arbitrary. there's no rhyme or reason to who is in or out. and If that's the case, then just leave 'em all in.

Removes skill and strategy, are you serious...

There is no "skill" in this game, it's luck, pure and simple. We're talking about a game that uses random dice rolls to generate results. The only "skill" is identifying which are the better cards to increase your chances, it's akin to buying more lottery tickets to improve your odds.

As far as Strategy, if you can get HAL to actually pinch hit one of those unleashed cards every time you'd want to, then please tell me the secret. If this was the face to face board game, then you'd have a strategy argument, but with HAL running things, NO way.

Skill & strategy... gimme a break. :roll:


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Re: HCKL Chat Thread

PostTue Jan 07, 2014 8:55 pm

Hi guys,

Before we start the draft (am now thinking around Jan 25), I wanted to highlight a likely new rule change.

As mentioned before, I am tired of running a pre-card league where SOM makes very arbitrary decisions about what cards to exclude. So I am putting out 2 proposals for feedback, but both will allow some form of Unleashed cards to be used:

1) We go with the Unleashed set, pure & simple

2) We allow players from the Unleashed set to be played via strict adherence to the following criteria/rules:

a) All SP cards allowed if they have 5 starts and 29.2 IP. If SOM includes a pitcher as a starter with fewer starts or IP, we exclude them manually.
b) All RP cards with 29.2 IP or more will be allowed.
c) All hitter cards with 150 PA or more (AB+BB) will be allowed no matter card value.
d) All hitter cards with at least 50-149 PA will be allowed if card value is less than 6.5M.
e) All catcher cards with at least 50 PAs or more will be allowed regardless of card value.

Please let me know your thoughts. As most of you know, HCKL is not a strict democracy, so I am not looking for votes per se, I am looking for feedback. My inclination is to go with Option #2, so especially interested in arguments against.



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Re: HCKL Chat Thread

PostTue Jan 07, 2014 9:07 pm

qksilver69 wrote:Hi guys,

Before we start the draft (am now thinking around Jan 25), I wanted to highlight a likely new rule change.

As mentioned before, I am tired of running a pre-card league where SOM makes very arbitrary decisions about what cards to exclude. So I am putting out 2 proposals for feedback, but both will allow some form of Unleashed cards to be used:

1) We go with the Unleashed set, pure & simple

2) We allow players from the Unleashed set to be played via strict adherence to the following criteria/rules:

a) All SP cards allowed if they have 5 starts and 29.2 IP. If SOM includes a pitcher as a starter with fewer starts or IP, we exclude them manually.
b) All RP cards with 29.2 IP or more will be allowed.
c) All hitter cards with 150 PA or more (AB+BB) will be allowed no matter card value.
d) All hitter cards with at least 50-149 PA will be allowed if card value is less than 6.5M.
e) All catcher cards with at least 50 PAs or more will be allowed regardless of card value.

Please let me know your thoughts. As most of you know, HCKL is not a strict democracy, so I am not looking for votes per se, I am looking for feedback. My inclination is to go with Option #2, so especially interested in arguments against.


Given my rant above qksilver's post on last years set, you should all know where I stand, but for those of you who may still be confused:


Unleashed all the way. ;)


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Re: HCKL Chat Thread

PostTue Jan 07, 2014 9:28 pm

I vote number one. No restrictions.


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Re: HCKL Chat Thread

PostTue Jan 07, 2014 11:18 pm

There has never been a SP or RP carded (leashed or unleashed) who pitched fewer than 29.2 innings. 4 start pitchers have been carded in the past but 2a and b are pretty much moot. As far as the hitters go, if we're going to allow some unleashed cards in we might as well go all the way. Why option 2, Dave? To exclude the really wacky cards as opposed to just the wacky cards?


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Re: HCKL Chat Thread

PostWed Jan 08, 2014 3:37 am

Yup. In principle I agree with SOM's attempts to restrain the card set, I just wish they would enforce it consistently.


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Re: HCKL Chat Thread

PostWed Jan 08, 2014 4:03 am

Ninersphan wrote:
qksilver69 wrote:Hi guys,

Before we start the draft (am now thinking around Jan 25), I wanted to highlight a likely new rule change.

As mentioned before, I am tired of running a pre-card league where SOM makes very arbitrary decisions about what cards to exclude. So I am putting out 2 proposals for feedback, but both will allow some form of Unleashed cards to be used:

1) We go with the Unleashed set, pure & simple

2) We allow players from the Unleashed set to be played via strict adherence to the following criteria/rules:

a) All SP cards allowed if they have 5 starts and 29.2 IP. If SOM includes a pitcher as a starter with fewer starts or IP, we exclude them manually.
b) All RP cards with 29.2 IP or more will be allowed.
c) All hitter cards with 150 PA or more (AB+BB) will be allowed no matter card value.
d) All hitter cards with at least 50-149 PA will be allowed if card value is less than 6.5M.
e) All catcher cards with at least 50 PAs or more will be allowed regardless of card value.

Please let me know your thoughts. As most of you know, HCKL is not a strict democracy, so I am not looking for votes per se, I am looking for feedback. My inclination is to go with Option #2, so especially interested in arguments against.


Given my rant above qksilver's post on last years set, you should all know where I stand, but for those of you who may still be confused:


Unleashed all the way. ;)

Bill and I have been in the minority since the beginning on this so my vote will always be include them all .And good to see that Dave has finally seen the light and has finally acknowledged that strat hasnt ever seemed to adhere to their same"reasoning"year in and year out


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Re: HCKL Chat Thread

PostWed Jan 08, 2014 4:32 am

I agree with previous posts. #1


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Re: HCKL Chat Thread

PostWed Jan 08, 2014 12:15 pm

Dave - I've never really been in favor of using the Unleashed set, but I don't really care that much to make an issue of it. I would say that if you're going to do it, then just use them all, if for no other reason than to make your life simpler.


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Re: HCKL Chat Thread

PostWed Jan 08, 2014 1:23 pm

I also do not have strong feelings either way but if I were to vote it would be to keep the regular set.

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