Tue Jan 21, 2014 10:52 am
Finals going into game 6 tonight, as the Giants struggle back again from a 2-0 deficit at the start of the series.
6 of 12 teams have been loaded for season 6 and the others can load now, too.
NOTE: Lumberco has been MIA since January 5. He has not been active in the forums or responded to any of a series of emails.Two leagues missed the Friday night deadline for loading last week because of that and we have been forced to replace him in one league and are seeking a replacement in the other.
Since he has been non-responsive for 16 days now, it does not seem reasonable to wait very long for him to load a team in this league. If he does not load his season 6 team by the end of the coming weekend, then I believe we need to seek a replacement for him in this league, too. That way, we should at least be able to meet the team-loading deadline for Friday, January 31.