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Re: NAKL - Chat Thread

PostMon Feb 03, 2014 1:22 pm


Just want to let you all know the state of the league. Quick recap, my wife, the big bread winner in our house, lost her job in August, we have been unable to find anything that fits her skill set and/or salary here in Buffalo. We know we will be moving, just not sure where or when. We have some promising leads these next 2 weeks in Virgina and Michigan. My best guest is we will be leaving Buffalo around May 1.
What does all this have to do with this league? Well for starters, at the moment, I do not have a discretionary income (hell I don't have any income), not sure when that will change but it could delay the start of things. I do have a few credits in the bank so It won't effect all my play. Secondly packing up and moving is a HUGE undertaking and a giant time suck. I don't know if.when I'll have time to get out rosters, player avail sheets, etc. Nor do I know if/when I'll be able to babysit a draft. I just think it's fair you all know what is going on. I'll keep you posted as I can.

That all said, I've examined my team with the help of the ratings and have determined I have some pieces to move:

1. Jonathan Lucroy RHH C hits lefites a bit better, but can play vs RHP too.
2. Howie Kendrick, 2e14 at 2b, Not 100% sure I'll move him so it will take a special deal
3. Aaron Hicks, a future play, not really usable this year
4. Michael Saunders, 4th OF Great conrer OF D with a -1 throwing arm, decent against RHP and good base stealer
5. Josh Reddick RF 1e8 (-4) Great defense, Huge power, speed, just not a great OB guy
6. Justin Ruggiano Similar profile to Saunders, but better against LHP, and better power
7. AJ Griffin, not a good fit for my park, needs a big park(read low BP hr numbers) still a big talent, he won't be cheap
8. Wei- Yin Chen LH sp likely a 5L or 6L also needs a big ballpark

I would also like to trade the bam-box that is Miller park for a neutral to pitchers park if anyone is interested.

I'm looking for:

LF that hits LHP
RP, middle and set up guys
Draft picks

My team is pretty well set and looks like it should be competitive, we'll see though.


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Re: NAKL - Chat Thread

PostMon Feb 03, 2014 1:36 pm

Sorry to hear you have to move. I hope it all works out for you and your family. I for one have no problem waiting for whenever it becomes convenient for you for this league to get going. The league is pretty minor in the whole scheme of things.


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Re: NAKL - Chat Thread

PostMon Feb 10, 2014 9:41 pm

Just so everyone knows, I am leaving for holidays on Thursday and won't be back until the following Saturday and doubt I'll be checking in at all here. I don't want anyone worrying about me ;) .


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Re: NAKL - Chat Thread

PostThu Feb 20, 2014 5:38 pm

just a bump to see if we can get ANY type of activity in this league...


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Re: NAKL - Chat Thread

PostThu Feb 20, 2014 8:34 pm

Ninersphan wrote:just a bump to see if we can get ANY type of activity in this league...

Same as Unleashed. I have a feeling after your recent post, that most if not all of us are waiting on you :P


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Re: NAKL - Chat Thread

PostThu Feb 20, 2014 8:39 pm

Jerlins wrote:
Ninersphan wrote:just a bump to see if we can get ANY type of activity in this league...

Same as Unleashed. I have a feeling after your recent post, that most if not all of us are waiting on you :P

You have the most up to date rosters, you don't need me for hot stove trades, I'm still here to process them, there's just been an appalling lack of activity so far.

My post was just a heads up that we MIGHT not be starting right when the cards drop, or that we might get started and then be delayed.
Last edited by Ninersphan on Thu Feb 20, 2014 8:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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Re: NAKL - Chat Thread

PostThu Feb 20, 2014 8:43 pm

Ninersphan wrote:just a bump to see if we can get ANY type of activity in this league...

And on a side note, some of us have been trying to generate trade talks, though to be fair, only a few names being floated out there as available are anything more than late round (if that) waiver wire fodder. I know I've made a private inquiry or two to a couple of managers, but it's been a wait and see attitude. So, I'm sure with the cards out, things will heat up shortly.


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Re: NAKL - Chat Thread

PostFri Feb 21, 2014 1:12 pm

My lineup looks very strong, but I have needs at SP and RP. Send offers if you have extra of either.


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Re: NAKL - Chat Thread

PostFri Feb 21, 2014 1:33 pm

I am open to trading parks. I currently have Coors.


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Re: NAKL - Chat Thread

PostFri Feb 21, 2014 3:22 pm

I have to trade a first basemen. I have Votto, Davis, and Goldschmidt. I could also move Pence or Cuddyer. Need a LF and SP. Please PM me with any offers. Thanks

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