Big M,
I'm not sure I agree with your comment about "maybe four managers replied" From what I can tell, Nine managers checked in on the dates I posted. Since we have to replace Zim and DJ is MIA, that left only Corky to check in and he already said he didn't really want to do a live draft.
Jeepdriver - In anytime
bigmahon - In on above times (few posts up)
joethejet - IN either day
durantjerry - no word yet. prob need to replace hasn't checked in
gbrookes - IN: Prefers Saturday
BigAlric - IN Saturday "very bad", Sunday good
Semper Gumby - IN Saturday OK, Sunday on plane.
Stoney18 - IN either day
nythawk129921 - In either day
ArrylT - IN Saturday "not likely", Sunday *maybe*
Corky - in w/reservations/check back in
Remember I said, "let's find a date" while I think the live draft that they have will be problematic, I am willing to try it. The problem, as I feared, is that we have such disparate time zones and schedules.
I gave my availability. While I didn't address specifically the times you suggested, I guess I just figured silence was consent. I would have sounded off, like AT and someone else did if the times didn't work for me. I agree that the times that you suggested are the ones we'll have to work with.
The biggest problem with have with the 22nd is AT's work schedule and that Semper is probably on a plane to South Korea on the 23rd. Big A can't really do the 22nd it seems while GB prefers Saturday and AT is a maybe on Sunday.
I share your frustration with finding a date. Seems that Sunday is still a possibility if Semper's schedule changes, and AT and GB can make it. I'm not sure when they will know that. AT/GB Maybe you guys can let us know when you'll know.
If Semper doesn't travel and Sunday works for GB and AT, then we'll have to find 2, maybe 3 (depending on Corky) new players that can make the date/time we have decided upon.
We can start looking at the weekend after too.
I think that is the current status.