Mon Mar 17, 2014 7:18 pm
Not sure what league those rules are from, I don't see that section in our rules. Here is what is written, in the old thread:
Annual Spring Free Agent drafts:
1) The first 3 draft positions of the first round or each FA draft (except for our initial draft) are determined by weighted draft lottery of the twelve teams with the worst records. This includes, regular yearly draft, prospect draft and supplemental draft. All other draft choices and all other rounds are chosen in reverse order of finish.
2)The lottery works like this, We have a list of five states, WI, AZ, CT, NJ, and CA, in this order.
3) The annual spring free agent will be determined by the lottery numbers on the day AFTER the previous season's Strat postseason ends. The prospect draft will be determined by the lottery numbers on the 2nd day after the Strat postseason ends.
4) We will take the pick 3 of the first state (WI), using only the last two numbers and use the chart below to determine who receives the first choice. We'll use AZ to choose the second choice, and CT to choose the third. If any of the first 3 states are duplicates (say WI and AZ numbers both choose the team with the 23rd best record, than we use the last two states (NJ and CA). If after 5 states, we still have not chose 3 choices, then we go in reverse order after the choices that have been chosen.
Record of Team-last two numbers of pick 3 #
worst team 01-24
23rd best team 25-41
22nd best team 42-54
21st best team 55-64
20th best team 65-72
19th best team 73-79
18th best team 80-85
17th best team 86-90
16th best team 91-94
15th best team 95-97
14th best team 98-99
13th best team 00
5) The non-serpentine free agent draft of at least 10, and up to 15 rounds each year. Effective with the 2011 card set, this draft shall be held in April.
6) Only players that were issued cards for that year are available for the Spring FA draft.
7)All owners must drop enough players to bring their rosters to a maximum of 20 players allowing for 10 draft picks; Owners can drop below 20 players, but must not have less than 15 prior to the draft.
8) Player drops must be announced prior to the beginning of the Free Agent draft.
9) All owners must have a full 30 man roster upon completion of the annual Spring Free Agent draft.