A few things I found while double checking rosters that should b e cleaned up as we end the FA draft...
The Googledoc shows
Brett Anderson on both Roscodog and Terry's rosters. He should only appear on Roscodogs roster as he should not have been available to draft. As a result, Terry should get one additional makeup pick to bring his roster to 30 players.
blsmith drafted
Tim Collins #257. However, according to the googledoc, he has a full roster of 30 before the pick of Collins. Collins should remain in the FA pool.
Cubit drafted
Alfredo Simon #51, but simon does not appear on Cubit's googledoc roster. Adding Simon would bring Cubit's roster to 31 players, meaning he should not have had the selection he used to pick up Federowicz and Federowicz should be returned to the FA pool.
Please review and verify.
- Cal "the Un-official roster double checker" Haugland