how we like to complain

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Re: how we like to complain

PostTue Apr 01, 2014 8:38 pm

Scottbdoug wrote: Interesting quirk in som i think as so many games are decided in the bottom of the 9th as if it was planned to be like that.

Similar to being up 3 games to one and losing the series, or down 3 games to one and winning the series...It happens A LOT.


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Re: how we like to complain

PostTue Apr 01, 2014 9:18 pm

Lets see if i do better when i draft my own team on the same concept ie. Pitching matters little get those great hitters with defence and speed. Im an amazing 3-0 so far lol.


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Re: how we like to complain

PostTue Apr 01, 2014 9:59 pm

how random is random? Hmmmm we all seem to wonder :lol:


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Re: how we like to complain

PostTue Apr 08, 2014 9:44 pm

For those still interested in this post...

So im coming back. Im now 43-44, 3 games behind punta.

Here are the comparisons of pujols sisler chartleston and cobb

Unfortunately it seems the last druid is proving to be wrong in his thoughts.

Pujols 52 runs 71 rbis. 297.366.574
Sisler. 54 runs 62 rbis. 310.339.445

Charleston 61 runs 71 rbis. 300.378.543
Cobb. 50 runs 62 rbis .327.355.477

That is 113 run vs. 104 and 142 rbis vs. 124

My players are equal or better than my opponent.

My run differential has slowed but is still moving up +44 compared to +33 before.

Im 3 games behind a team that is a +35

As for the last druid saying that i will be 15 games behind punta so far he has been in correct. As for my pitching staff being horrendous it is 2nd best in the league proving 2 things. First pitching doesnt matter much and/or 2nd i know how to manage a pitching staff better than most.

Either way unless i crash the 2nd half of the season the last druid might need to rethink his ideas on what good pitching i
Or at least how important it is in a 200mil atg 7 league with only 12 teams.

Or im the luckiest guy on the planet of course :)


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Re: how we like to complain

PostThu Apr 10, 2014 8:40 pm

Oh yeah baby 48-45 now and 2 games behind the lead.


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Re: how we like to complain

PostFri Apr 11, 2014 8:35 am

I'd like to complain about newbies that come on here and SUPPOSED "ASK" for advice....but really want to just have their egos stroked.

Reminds me of a similar guy that appeared here playing $200M some 8 or so months ago....don't remember his name....but I do remember his game....perhaps Nev remembers him since the two of them tango'd many times here on the board...he was/is a HUGE Reds fan. He thought Reds like Larkin, Dibble, Bench, E. Davis, were the ULTIMATES for $200M....he would come on here and "ASK" for advice and when many of the SAVVY owners such as many who have given you EXCELLENT advice, he would just argue, argue and argue and defend. He played in MANY perhaps even 20 $200M leagues....and then he disappeared....don't know if he wisened up and came back with a new name, gave up ATG and moved on to 20xx, gave up the hobby altogether or maybe, just maybe came back as YOU....whatever the case, I don't remember him winning more than maybe 85 or 86 games in his BEST league and NEVER made it to the playoffs in the 5 or 6 leagues I was in with him.

I'm not a BIG $200 fan, but I've played in 20 leagues and made the playoffs 12 of those 20 let me say that at $200M Druid and Nev are 2 of the very savviest of the savvies (they make the playoffs more than my pitiful 60%) and if you continue arguing with them and don't wisen up, you will NEVER win 88 games at the $200M level....even if you draft your DREAM team in a LIVE draft....cuz if you think those dudes know their STUFF in Auto Draft, wait till they eat your lunch in a live draft and THAT'S ALL I HAVE TO SAY ABOUT THAT.


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Re: how we like to complain

PostFri Apr 11, 2014 10:33 am wrote:I'd like to complain about newbies that come on here and SUPPOSED "ASK" for advice....but really want to just have their egos stroked.

Reminds me of a similar guy that appeared here playing $200M some 8 or so months ago....don't remember his name....but I do remember his game....perhaps Nev remembers him since the two of them tango'd many times here on the board...he was/is a HUGE Reds fan. He thought Reds like Larkin, Dibble, Bench, E. Davis, were the ULTIMATES for $200M....he would come on here and "ASK" for advice and when many of the SAVVY owners such as many who have given you EXCELLENT advice, he would just argue, argue and argue and defend. He played in MANY perhaps even 20 $200M leagues....and then he disappeared....don't know if he wisened up and came back with a new name, gave up ATG and moved on to 20xx, gave up the hobby altogether or maybe, just maybe came back as YOU....whatever the case, I don't remember him winning more than maybe 85 or 86 games in his BEST league and NEVER made it to the playoffs in the 5 or 6 leagues I was in with him.

Mondreyes was his name...and he did change his name at least once, but not his winning pct. He argued Manny Ramirez was a better RF than Hank Aaron and Billy Hamilton better than Hugh Duffy (both regardless of caps) among other asinine evaluations. His "knowledge" was all based on how well he played the board game back in the early 60's...He said "Strat was Strat". :roll:

He's a nice enough guy, albeit completely close-minded...I've played more than anyone in history (except perhaps Dugger) and still find much to learn....So it's just funny to me to see guys who've barely played have such knowing opinions...they're just certain they already know just about everything...My friend Rob would say you couldn't convince these type of people that a 2x4 is hard even if you hit them in the head with it. :mrgreen:

So I don't care to hear some newbies talk about the best way to determine the best of the best etc...not that they're bad or anything and it is possible some newbie savant could come in and dominate off the bat, it's just these types "usually" can't be reasoned with...Hard to talk trades, which is frustrating, for me anyway, or have any constructive conversations when they tell you "don't offer me a crappy 3b like Mathews for a stud like Cabrerra.

And yes, some do come to ask advice all the while shooting down "every" piece of advice given, just so they can explain why their choices are right and yours wrong.


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Re: how we like to complain

PostFri Apr 11, 2014 4:24 pm

To enhance the importance of drafting I would like to see an option, a choice type thing, that the league would have a taxi squad. This in lieu of the free agency pool.

A five man taxi squad that the manager can only use for injuries over say 3 to 5 games. If you don't have many injuries you don't use the taxi squad. Lots of injuries, well lots of transfers. Plus after the injury is healed the players must return to the lineup, and taxi squad.

This would place a premium on your original draft choices. Better get it right because there is no Free Agency to dip into when things don't go as planned.


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Re: how we like to complain

PostSat Apr 12, 2014 10:33 am

dwightskino21 wrote:To enhance the importance of drafting I would like to see an option, a choice type thing, that the league would have a taxi squad. This in lieu of the free agency pool.

A five man taxi squad that the manager can only use for injuries over say 3 to 5 games. If you don't have many injuries you don't use the taxi squad. Lots of injuries, well lots of transfers. Plus after the injury is healed the players must return to the lineup, and taxi squad.

This would place a premium on your original draft choices. Better get it right because there is no Free Agency to dip into when things don't go as planned.

Great idea.


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Re: how we like to complain

PostSun Apr 13, 2014 12:46 pm

If you read my posts, I may come of as arrogant, but Im not. When a person gives me a piece of advice I take it. But I don't take it as fact, just experience. And when I don't understand his reasoning or his conclusions I will question them. If he feels like he is being argued with than he would be correct. Arrogance is when you give advice or opinion and expect to recipient to take it as is without question. How can a person be more arrogant that that?

If you state something you consider is right, don't expect everyone to take it as is. Defend your point. By defending your point you teach the person arguing with you that you know what your talking about and he will take your opinion more as well-founded. But to get irritated or upset because he argues with you seems counter productive for both parties, better just to ignore the guy and leave it at that.

There is no such thing as a dumb question, when you argue with a person you both teach him, and you see if the opinions you hold are indeed fact or just something you think is fact. You teach him and you teach yourself.

I believe that the best strat manager isn't a person who has learned the auto draft. He is the best auto draft manager not the best strat manager. If you believe me to be wrong then don't complain about my arrogance and stupidity, tell me why I am wrong in holding that opinion or just ignore me as being a foolish and ignorant.

If you cant argue your point then perhaps your point isn't well founded.

I gave my reasons why I think what I think, if im wrong tell me why.

I state that a live draft tells how good you are at strat that an autodraft, tell me why this is a wrongly help opinion. I can tell you why its a rightly held opinion, defend your point and at the end we can see who is correct, or end up learning that both opinions are inconclusive. It would be enjoyable to find out no?

Complaining about newbies having opinions makes it seems that open discussion and argument is reserved to those who have played the game longer, or have been on the site longer, but if that is true, you being an experienced player, can hold that knowledge for only yourself or spread it around, and if the newbie questions your knowledge don't get upset, defend your point, if you decide to answer a question you take on the responsibility of a teacher do you not? and if your opinion is worth its salt, you should be able to tell the newbie why. Teachers teach, not get upset when challenged, not become impatient. This isn't the martial arts or the army, this is a knowledge mind involved game not a physical training program.

So to conclude and teach me right if I am incorrect,

People play stratomatic online because of its ease. No need to get together with a bunch of guys in person, no need to schedule times to play the windows game. People are busy people, and online strat allows those that love the game to continue participating in it where if online strat didn't exist they may have to leave playing it altogether. But it is in the end a substitute. If online strat could be exactly like the board game but quicker, that is the goal. To be more precise, If strat online could be a reflection of how you manage a team, without you having to always manage it, that would be awesome. You program Hal to be a reflection of exactly how you manage, and then let hal play for you. Saves time and you enjoy the game too. The attraction is that strat online is mostly hassle free, all the irritants of other people, time schedules, missing games, falling behind, time constraints, are largely reduced in strat online. But in the end its a substitute. You gain ease, but lose control. I don't think it would be much of a leap that if the online game allowed you to make hal do exactly what you wanted in all situations, it would be just as good as playing the board game or windows game. Program hal to your exact specification and let it play.

The auto draft option is used for the same reason, you pick 25 players rank them and wait for others to do the same. No need for schedules, time commitments, you join and draft at your leisure when you are available to do it. All independent of others. That freedom is desirable as there is no stress to it. But again its a substitute for a live draft. If you become good at an auto draft doesn't mean you would be good at a live draft and vice-versa. In an auto-draft the skill comes in learning how the auto draft works, not in how live drafts work.

You get an idea on where players are usually drafted and you rank those players higher than your opponents. Or you avoid certain players because they will usually be chosen before you get to draft them. Or you draft certain positions first, so if you miss your pick, the talent in that position is higher than other positions so that your replacement is not much or any downgrade. Im no expert of the auto draft and I haven't studied it long enough to know all the ins-and-outs of it. But to get good at it you need to learn a whole other set of principles than of a live draft.

And these principles once-learned make you good at an auto-draft, not good as a strat manager. Its what you do after the auto-draft that determines that. And with a good auto-draft you have an advantage over your opponent before anything starts. Its not much of a competition when you start with ten 10mil players and your opponent starts with two. So in reality, the auto draft shows who is best at the auto draft, not at managing a strat baseball team. If you are a great auto draft player it is no wonder of you have 20 seasons and make the playoffs 12 times, or 15 times. But since the auto draft is just a substitute for a live draft, in order for strat online to function with ease because of the avoidance of having groups of people be in front of their computer at the same time, the learning of that skill has little to do with determining how good of a strat manager you are. A live draft is a better indicator.

So much of this game is due to odds or chance, the things that involve choice and decisions, and reduce random chance, the better it determines the skill level of a player. Its that way in all gaming and its that way in strat as well. A live draft, because it is you doing the picking, involves no chance like the auto draft does, and there is a better indicator of the skill level of the player.

No one who has played strat chose, or would choose, and no one in the major leagues would choose, an auto draft over a live draft if they had the time to do a live draft. Unless they used the auto draft long enough to be better at it then their opponents. Learning how to do well in a live draft is a skill set that has been since strat, or baseball itself, started as the determining factor and first indicator on how good you are as a manager. The auto-draft is poor substitute. It lacks the ability to choose exactly who you want when its your turn to pick, and since this choice is the determining fact on whether you are successful or not, the auto-draft is a poor indicator on how good a strat manager you are.

If you disagree state your opinion why, defend it, and I could be totally wrong, let's find out.


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