Scoreboard Beware League 80's Theme. Only 6 more needed!

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Re: Scoreboard Beware League 80's Theme

PostSat Apr 12, 2014 4:09 pm

This will be a live draft, I would appreciate any input as to time and date (start times can be from 9am- 10pm)

Turn duration can be 45 seconds, 1 minute, 1.5 minutes, 2 minutes or 2.5 minutes.

I vote for 45 seconds to make the draft move quickly. Read about the details of the live draft here:

Please note that this is a serpentine draft so if you have number 1 pick that means you will have number one pick for pitchers. The first hitter taken will be round 6. Number 12 drafter will have the last pick among pitchers but first among hitters/relievers.

The rules will be enforced as the commissioner can control it note the following from the link:
◾During the draft, the Commissioner has the ability to Pause and Unpause the draft, and also to Rewind the draft to any pick in the past. This would allow him to resolve any issues, either technical, or at his discretion (e.g. if someone made a pick that violates the league's custom rules).
Last edited by BigAMcInroy on Tue Apr 15, 2014 1:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.

The Conndor

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Re: Scoreboard Beware League 80's Theme

PostSun Apr 13, 2014 10:47 am

Hey there, BigMcInroy. I have to hand it to you: you come up with some pretty good ideas for theme leagues. I will do this: if it takes a little while no issue with me, I will just have to remember to keep checking in. I love any theme league where we end up using the cards that never get used.

Evenings are usually OK for me, and if I have something scheduled there I can usually move it. Daytime is not feasible until after 5 PM any day except Fridays, as I am at work and either on call or not able to access a computer.

The Conndor

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Re: Scoreboard Beware League 80's Theme

PostSun Apr 13, 2014 10:50 am

Re: Scoreboard Beware League 80's Theme
PostSat Apr 12, 2014 9:27 am

Re: Scoreboard Beware League 80's Theme

Post by BigAMcInroy » Thu Apr 10, 2014 8:23 am
Why Not

Welcome Seanreflex! We only need 9 more.

1. bigamcinroy
2. joeedrott
3. seanreflex
4.Orange 5
5. The Conndor


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Re: Scoreboard Beware League 80's Theme

PostSun Apr 13, 2014 11:34 am

1. bigamcinroy
2. joeedrott
3. seanreflex
4.Orange 5
5. The Conndor
6. Bigdinkent


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Re: Scoreboard Beware League 80's Theme

PostSun Apr 13, 2014 3:02 pm

Welcome Conndor and Bigdinkent!
This league will be interesting. Some of these pitchers are putrid and I have never seen them used!
I see individual pitchers having 10+ era's.


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Re: Scoreboard Beware League 80's Theme

PostSun Apr 13, 2014 5:44 pm

I'm east coast time, the later the better draft time for me


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Re: Scoreboard Beware League 80's Theme

PostSun Apr 13, 2014 7:11 pm

This will be more like a softball beer league.


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Re: Scoreboard Beware League 80's Theme

PostMon Apr 14, 2014 6:04 pm

Only 6 more teams needed!

The Conndor

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Re: Scoreboard Beware League 80's Theme

PostTue Apr 15, 2014 10:44 am

While I understand wanting to have the draft move quickly, I would vote for more time for each choice in the draft. 60 seconds at least, I would personally prefer 75 to 90. If I am outvoted, no big deal, not a deal-breaker.


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Re: Scoreboard Beware League 80's Theme

PostTue Apr 15, 2014 1:09 pm

I am fine with any of the times. I haven't done a live draft yet. Perhaps 45 seconds is too fast. What does everyone else think?

Still 6 to go!

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