Changing pitchers/hitters...

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Re: Changing pitchers/hitters...

PostSat Apr 12, 2014 5:31 pm

Of around 15 $999 leagues, I've seen one maybe two teams switch versions of cards. Didn't help in either case. Didn't happen in the no limit leagues at the old site either. Pretty much a non issue.


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Re: Changing pitchers/hitters...

PostSun Apr 13, 2014 10:40 am

The simple thing to do is not to complain about it and just put it in the rules when the league starts. Leagues are started all the time with particular rules for the league, When you start your league put it in. There is no difference between a person using Babe Ruth's 15mil card then after 30 games seeing the use of it result in a 187 batting avg. and 5 hrs then switching his card for one of his 13mil. cards to see if it does better, than to switch a card for injury purposes. A guy who drafted josh Gibson doesn't have that ability, injury or not.

If Ruth then goes on a .370 clip with hr's every 5 ABs no one seems to mind that the card was switched. So why mind when the decision to switch was motivated by injury rather than disappointing stats. Both results are the same, meaning both guys get the advantage of using the player's other cards instead of having to settle for a bad season or injured season with the other card.

If you want to stop the practice just put it in the rules when the league is formed, everyone here will follow the rule as it was stated in the beginning. Otherwise me, and anyone else, will use all the abilities all the advantages a large salary cap allows.

Like I said before, A 200 mil league eliminates this practice because of the lost salary when doing it. The only difference between a 200mil league and a 999 mil league is the ability to do the switching as you see fit, and making trades easier to accomplish as no money limits stop you.

Some people find it unethical to use another card because of injury, but have no qualms about doing it because the card they chose is doing badly, its hypocritical since the results are the same.

If you join a 999mil league and don't like this practice talk to the commish and ask for it to be a rule for the league, if he is reasonable guy, he will do it I think. But its just another way to limit strategy, which for me, is not as much fun. That is what lower salary caps are for. What attracts me to the 999mil league is that you must take into account the ability when drafting players. You might choose Ty Cobb over Oscar Charleston, or Johnny bench over Heavy Johnson, etc because you can use their different cards instead of being stuck with one.

It adds another element into the play and it reduces the effect of one team getting plagued with injuries while another isn't. Which always seemed irritating to me. Many will say, well that's part of the game and if you draft high Plate Appearances players, injuries will be short or not at all, its an element you should take into account when you draft. Point given, it's true. But no one does it, they pick the best player in their turn and consider injuries as an unlucky part of the game. Since many times you can get through a season without a lower plate appearance guy being injured at all.

Hal takes over much of the decision making process and plays the games for you, the 999mil league allows you more freedom of choice, and i'm all for it because at least I switch players, trade without the limits of salary, and drop and pick up players at will, which at least makes me feel like I have some control over my team rather than be captive to hal's decisions on play.

Lastly, here is something I would be interested in to avoid the randomness of injuries and make people pay attention to ABs when it involves drafting. Instead of one person being lucky by avoiding injuries and another not, just use the AB's as a marker for the player. If he has 500AB's he can use 500ABs, if he has 600AB he can use 600ABs. Once his ABs are used he sits on the bench til the playoffs. It adds an element of rest into the team which for realism is more on point. In this version, we use an every day player every game whatever his AB total when in the major leagues most players are rested. If you want more realism, using ABs will force a manager to rest their players like they do in the majors for fear of having 20 games left in the season and the team being fielded by all back-ups.

If you want realism, that is a better way to go in my opinion. It makes guys who only played half the season play half the season rather than play a whole season because the team was lucky to avoid an injury. Strat can add a check or radio button in the section when the league is formed which gives the ability to choose or not choose injuries, and choice on use of ABs 100%, 110%, 120%, since with such awesome line ups players tend to use up their ABs quicker than they did in the majors. If they did that, the institution of only using one card for a whole season and having to chose which card to use from the beginning would be something I would endorse.



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Re: Changing pitchers/hitters...

PostSun Apr 13, 2014 11:14 am

[quote="Scottbdoug"]Not sure why som made a 999mil salary cap if it isnt for the reasons mentioned earlier.

I had hoped my answer of why we have 999,999 caps, showing it's not for the reasons mentioned earlier, might give you pause in drawing conclusions on so much, so quickly, since you're pretty new here....but I think I swung and missed lol.


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Re: Changing pitchers/hitters...

PostSun Apr 13, 2014 12:13 pm

Scottdoug, I have not heard any complaints of switching cards in any of the 100 or so live drafts I have done. You seem to be making an issue out of nothing. If people want to do it, fine. Most people don't because they understand thirty or so at bats is not a large enough sample to give up on a card. Chances are if you are in a position that you are searching for the correct card to use, that the rest of your team is not that good anyway. All of the switching is not going to fix a larger problem of an overall weak team.

Even for injuries. At the unlimited level, you have an 8mil plus backup ready to go in anyway. Switching out to a different Morgan card for example really is not much of an improvement when your bench is that deep.


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Re: Changing pitchers/hitters...

PostSun Apr 13, 2014 8:23 pm

Well, you've all been sucked in by Delivery Boy again. Before anyone criticizes his ethical position consider that he is way too smart to tell you how he could "cheat" and then do it.DB is akin to A former teammate of mine who on road trips was able to go into A bar and incite a fight (or near fight) between 2 guys who most likely didn't even know each other, then laugh as they took it outside. We would bet him he couldn't do it until in a bar in Washington one of the "combatants" had on a jacket from the same fraternity as our guy. It turned out that the only ones being taken were us.


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Re: Changing pitchers/hitters...

PostSun Apr 13, 2014 8:50 pm

Don't spoil our fun! This is the closest we have been allowed to actually express opinions on this forum. Since the move from the old site, many people have been banned or quit because they were too passionate about their opinions for Strats taste. The old days we could get into some pretty heated topics and that competitive passion over flowed into more leagues being formed. Add to that the feel of Bernie really trying to make this game as good as he could for us and he joined into the forum conversations tossing ideas around discussing his successes and failures. Knowing he was a one man show trying his best for us, helped keep people around forming leagues. Now the apathetic approach to communicating with us has done nothing to keep our competitive juices flowing, creating boredom and less leagues forming. Many of the most competitive and passionate managers gave up on this game. We need more topics like this to get people to actually step up and express their opinions to keep this game as entertaining as possible or allowed.


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Re: Changing pitchers/hitters...

PostMon Apr 14, 2014 1:46 am

sorry nevdully, I actually did miss your post for some reason, perhaps my trigger scroll finger passed too quickly :)



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Re: Changing pitchers/hitters...

PostMon Apr 14, 2014 10:12 am

I'm in a 999M live draft league, have had injuries and used my 16 player (extremely expensive) bench to manage through them.

I had never thought about gaming the game and using my 777M for excessive player changes.

Kind of like cheating on your wife?? You know it's out there but do you want to do it?? Hmmm the vow's... remember them??

Steal money from a 'found' wallet??

Make money on the stock market with 'inside' information??

Go sketchy and questionable to try and win, at a fake on line baseball game, with primarily dead players?? For $30.00...

The thought process of 'If you're not indicted you're not invited' comes into play here.

How would the 'Most interesting man in the world" have handled this dilemma?

To each his own I guess.


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Re: Changing pitchers/hitters...

PostMon Apr 14, 2014 4:36 pm

Dwight does have a point but unless its stated beforehand in the rules of the league I always assumed its allowed and drafted accordingly.



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Re: Changing pitchers/hitters...

PostThu Apr 17, 2014 12:45 pm

hotcorner4444 wrote:Well, you've all been sucked in by Delivery Boy again. Before anyone criticizes his ethical position consider that he is way too smart to tell you how he could "cheat" and then do it.DB is akin to A former teammate of mine who on road trips was able to go into A bar and incite a fight (or near fight) between 2 guys who most likely didn't even know each other, then laugh as they took it outside. We would bet him he couldn't do it until in a bar in Washington one of the "combatants" had on a jacket from the same fraternity as our guy. It turned out that the only ones being taken were us.

Thanks... I'm really not that smart. I brought up a subject and wanted to see opinions. I have learned that the ol' theory of 'baffle them with bullsh*t' doesn't work with me. Once you find a chink in the amour, you hammer away at it until submission with no let up. None. Not even enough air to breathe. Why do people remember lies more than the truth?

Delivery Boy...

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