Double Franchise Plus 2 League - Selections completed

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mighty moose

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Re: Double Franchise Plus 2 League - Mighty Moose on the clo

PostWed May 14, 2014 1:15 pm

Sorry for the delay, give me a few moments.

mighty moose

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Re: Double Franchise Plus 2 League - Mighty Moose on the clo

PostWed May 14, 2014 1:56 pm

Franchise Portion

1. Musial6 - Yankees
2. mighty moose - A's (Philadelphia, Kansas City post, Oakland)
3. drfreeze49
5. fraank123
6. Treyomo
7. Jablowmi
8. mrharryc
9. JoeyC
10. reggie reigns
11. emart
12. nymets99
13. nymets99
14. emart
15. reggie reigns
16. JoeyC
17. mrharryc
18. Jablowmi
19. Treyomo
20. frank123
22. drfreeze49
23. mighty moose
24. Musial6

Plus 2 Portion

1. nymets99
2. emart
3. reggie reigns
4. JoeyC
5. mrharryc
6. Jablowmi
7. Treyomo
8. frank123
10. drfreeze49
11. mighty moose
12. Musial6
13. Musial6
14. mighty moose
15. drfreeze49
17. fraank123
18. Treyomo
19. Jablowmi
20. mrharryc
21. JoeyC
22. reggie reigns
23. emart
24. nymets99


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Re: Double Franchise Plus 2 League - FRANKMANSUETO on the c

PostWed May 14, 2014 2:02 pm

Franchise Portion

1. Musial6 - Yankees
2. mighty moose - A's (Philadelphia, Kansas City post, Oakland)
3. drfreeze49- NY-San Francisco Giants
5. fraank123
6. Treyomo
7. Jablowmi
8. mrharryc
9. JoeyC
10. reggie reigns
11. emart
12. nymets99
13. nymets99
14. emart
15. reggie reigns
16. JoeyC
17. mrharryc
18. Jablowmi
19. Treyomo
20. frank123
22. drfreeze49
23. mighty moose
24. Musial6

Plus 2 Portion

1. nymets99
2. emart
3. reggie reigns
4. JoeyC
5. mrharryc
6. Jablowmi
7. Treyomo
8. frank123
10. drfreeze49
11. mighty moose
12. Musial6
13. Musial6
14. mighty moose
15. drfreeze49
17. fraank123
18. Treyomo
19. Jablowmi
20. mrharryc
21. JoeyC
22. reggie reigns
23. emart
24. nymets99


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Re: Double Franchise Plus 2 League - Frank Mansueto on the C

PostWed May 14, 2014 2:31 pm

St. Louis Cardinals


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Re: Double Franchise Plus 2 League - Frank Mansueto on the C

PostWed May 14, 2014 2:38 pm

Franchise Portion

1. Musial6 - Yankees
2. mighty moose - A's (Philadelphia, Kansas City post, Oakland)
3. drfreeze49- NY-San Francisco Giants
4. FRANKMANSUETO - Cardinals
5. fraank123
6. Treyomo
7. Jablowmi
8. mrharryc
9. JoeyC
10. reggie reigns
11. emart
12. nymets99
13. nymets99
14. emart
15. reggie reigns
16. JoeyC
17. mrharryc
18. Jablowmi
19. Treyomo
20. frank123
22. drfreeze49
23. mighty moose
24. Musial6

Plus 2 Portion

1. nymets99
2. emart
3. reggie reigns
4. JoeyC
5. mrharryc
6. Jablowmi
7. Treyomo
8. frank123
10. drfreeze49
11. mighty moose
12. Musial6
13. Musial6
14. mighty moose
15. drfreeze49
17. fraank123
18. Treyomo
19. Jablowmi
20. mrharryc
21. JoeyC
22. reggie reigns
23. emart
24. nymets99


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Re: Double Franchise Plus 2 League - Frank Mansueto on the C

PostWed May 14, 2014 2:55 pm

A little roster clarification on the Boston franchise - does it include the Beaneaters/Bees/Americans, or are those part of the "plus 2" selection process?


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Re: Double Franchise Plus 2 League - fraank123 on the Clock

PostWed May 14, 2014 3:05 pm

I believe the Bees and Beaneaters were predecessors to the Braves and are listed under the BSB (for Boston Braves) Roster, so I believe they would belong to the Braves.
The Americans were predecessor to the Red Sox but I don't think Strat lists any American League players prior to 1900. Do they?


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Re: Double Franchise Plus 2 League - fraank123 on the Clock

PostWed May 14, 2014 3:10 pm

Good point, Musial - I was going off Diamonddope excel lists but should probably just go to the site and see how they're categorized there.


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Re: Double Franchise Plus 2 League - fraank123 on the Clock

PostWed May 14, 2014 3:18 pm

BSB pre and db and mil postand atl exp. all braves. Not mil expansion


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Re: Double Franchise Plus 2 League - Treyomo on the Clock

PostWed May 14, 2014 3:21 pm

Franchise Portion

1. Musial6 - Yankees
2. mighty moose - A's (Philadelphia, Kansas City post, Oakland)
3. drfreeze49- NY-San Francisco Giants
4. FRANKMANSUETO - Cardinals
5. fraank123 - Red Sox
6. Treyomo
7. Jablowmi
8. mrharryc
9. JoeyC
10. reggie reigns
11. emart
12. nymets99
13. nymets99
14. emart
15. reggie reigns
16. JoeyC
17. mrharryc
18. Jablowmi
19. Treyomo
20. frank123
22. drfreeze49
23. mighty moose
24. Musial6

Plus 2 Portion

1. nymets99
2. emart
3. reggie reigns
4. JoeyC
5. mrharryc
6. Jablowmi
7. Treyomo
8. frank123
10. drfreeze49
11. mighty moose
12. Musial6
13. Musial6
14. mighty moose
15. drfreeze49
17. fraank123
18. Treyomo
19. Jablowmi
20. mrharryc
21. JoeyC
22. reggie reigns
23. emart
24. nymets99

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