Do you remember when?

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Do you remember when?

PostFri May 16, 2014 12:47 am

The msaegse is waht mttares msot!

Radagast Brown

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Re: Do you remember when?

PostFri May 16, 2014 2:14 am

Is that the Eugene, Organ Little League web-site? I remember Little League, I would always keep track of my own batting average to make sure it was right when the "official stats" came out.

What positions did you play? I played mostly 2B and 3B. Years later when I played men's softball I played just about every position. But as years went by I went from left center or shortstop to right field, which can still be tough but is also where you hide your worst fielder..... Oh yeah and by the end of my softball career they had me catching. Our bar team kept getting better and finally there was no position left for me, it was kind of humiliating. We did win several suburban League Championships.


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Re: Do you remember when?

PostFri May 16, 2014 3:24 am

Yes it is the Eugene Little League from Oregon website and these boys are from 7 to 10. I am the old fart with the gray hair and fat belly checking in with the Captains to make sure the lineup is what they want.
Last edited by chasenally on Fri May 16, 2014 3:50 am, edited 1 time in total.
The msaegse is waht mttares msot!


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Re: Do you remember when?

PostFri May 16, 2014 3:47 am

I was the SS when Billy Owens pitched and I was the CF when Bobby Owens pitched and I was 9 playing with the 11 and 12 year olds. Their dad was the best coach I ever had. We had to go to a camp for 1 week at Alpenrose Stadium where the Softball Championship is held today for a week held by Portland St with Jack Dunn with Dale Murphy. Big fan Of Dale and his defense with the diving catches and that long but fast body he had.
The msaegse is waht mttares msot!

george barnard

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Re: Do you remember when?

PostFri May 16, 2014 6:30 am

Very nice pics.

But I was a little bit surprised by the prominent position of the Little League Pledge on the banner. When I played LL (too many years ago), that pledge was never mentioned. I was coached by some of the most incredible men, some gentle, some rough around the edges, churchgoers for the most part, some lay deacons or elders. They imparted to me some great life skills that I still try to use. But never, and I mean never, did church or God ever enter into our conversations. Little League should just move along and understand that playing the game right and trying one's best has NOTHING to do with God (or the gods).

In any event, good luck to the team (and to all little leaguers and their coaching moms and dads). And remember that kids do take in what you are imparting.


Radagast Brown

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Re: Do you remember when?

PostFri May 16, 2014 2:45 pm

Little League was great. I forgot I pitched as well. I also played baseball in junior high and high school though I was cut my junior year from the varsity and I never got over that. A few years later our men's softball team played in the same league as my old coach and many of his old players' team. I took great pride every time my team beat my old coach's team. ....Still nothing beats Little League. I like to watch young players today, and the Little League World Series is fun to watch. Good luck to all the coaches, ex players, and present day softball players.

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Re: Do you remember when?

PostTue May 27, 2014 9:27 pm

I remember my first year coaching a 7-8 year old team. We won our first 5 games then lost a squeeker.
The team gathered by the dugout as per our custom. The team could tell things were different than when we won. I gave them the all of the coaches and parents are proud of you speech.

I then asked them if they had anything to say
one brave player asked if we still got sno-cones after the game
I said yes
and they erupted in cheers
lesson to coaches
its a game and supposed to be fun.
vivan Correcaminos! Andale! Andale!

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