4 season league Franchise League 1+1+Stadium +1 extra player

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Re: 4 season league Franchise League 1+1+Stadium +1 extra pl

PostSun Jun 08, 2014 10:22 am

Yes - really. This is a four season commitment, not just one.


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Re: 4 season league Franchise League 1+1+Stadium +1 extra pl

PostSun Jun 08, 2014 10:31 am

I fail to see your logic.


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Re: 4 season league Franchise League 1+1+Stadium +1 extra pl

PostSun Jun 08, 2014 11:15 am

JoeyC wrote:Exactly what does "move forward" mean in this instance? Does it mean draft around the missing manager and let him catch up when he returns? Does it mean try to get a replacement manager and give him that 4th spot in the 1st round? If it's the latter, plan on asking for two replacement managers then.


It means to find a replacement and continue on with the draft.
bcp7 has played with us before and everything has been alright. It has been since Tuesday June 3rd since we had seen anything from him. Some owners want to wait, some want to go on with the draft. That's why I created the poll to see which way to go. Or we can just trash this all together.

There has been some disputing going on and we may not make it through all 4 seasons anyway.

I saw bcp7 post about the NeL players and he said he would play either way. I started to put him down as an owner, but thought I better not just in case he ended up not really wanting to play. I thought to myself if he wants to play let him post it himself.
I'm not trying to start anything. I had an owner in another league I'm in, say he wanted to play and said to sign him up.I sent him several messages about how many people had signed up and the link to the forum. He never took the time to sign himself up so I figured he didn't really want to play.

The 4 season league we had going from Aug. 2013 to Mar.2014 way very competitive. Each division was close all 4 seasons. That's what I was trying to do here, but I'm not succeeding.

I do not want to continue this league if owners can not agree and get along.

So please state your thoughts and let's get past this one way or another.
Thank you Dan.


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Re: 4 season league Franchise League 1+1+Stadium +1 extra pl

PostSun Jun 08, 2014 12:03 pm

I'm still relatively new to strat, I've been playing for less than a year still and I was one of the last to show up to this draft so I may not be the best to comment on this... but I do have a couple observations. First of all my name is Dan also so to avoid confusion you can call me Daniel if you want or better yet just pageian.

I think Brad's explanation of being in a relative hurry was great, I think that should put the issue to bed there shouldn't be any need to dwell on it any longer. Once the baseball starts all that stuff is going to be forgotten and we're going to have 12 people focused on trying to develop a roster that can compete through four seasons.

The big issue right now is the missing owner. If it were me and I still hadn't shown up for the draft I would definitely understand why the league moved on without me. I don't know BCP7 but at this point, given all that's going on if we have another owner who's willing to step in I think that's the way to go. Assuming we need to get the draft done within the next 8 days we could wait another day or two if the majority thinks that's best, but getting things moving right now is probably the best way to keep the league together and keep everyone else invested. It's a 4 season league and if people start out frustrated it could lead to a loss of interest in the whole thing.

I say let's get an owner today, BCP7 or otherwise and get the draft rolling.


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Re: 4 season league Franchise League 1+1+Stadium +1 extra pl

PostSun Jun 08, 2014 12:53 pm

kunkel40 wrote:
JoeyC wrote:Exactly what does "move forward" mean in this instance? Does it mean draft around the missing manager and let him catch up when he returns? Does it mean try to get a replacement manager and give him that 4th spot in the 1st round? If it's the latter, plan on asking for two replacement managers then.


It means to find a replacement and continue on with the draft.
bcp7 has played with us before and everything has been alright. It has been since Tuesday June 3rd since we had seen anything from him. Some owners want to wait, some want to go on with the draft. That's why I created the poll to see which way to go. Or we can just trash this all together.

There has been some disputing going on and we may not make it through all 4 seasons anyway.

I saw bcp7 post about the NeL players and he said he would play either way. I started to put him down as an owner, but thought I better not just in case he ended up not really wanting to play. I thought to myself if he wants to play let him post it himself.
I'm not trying to start anything. I had an owner in another league I'm in, say he wanted to play and said to sign him up.I sent him several messages about how many people had signed up and the link to the forum. He never took the time to sign himself up so I figured he didn't really want to play.

The 4 season league we had going from Aug. 2013 to Mar.2014 way very competitive. Each division was close all 4 seasons. That's what I was trying to do here, but I'm not succeeding.

I do not want to continue this league if owners can not agree and get along.

So please state your thoughts and let's get past this one way or another.
Thank you Dan.

It actually means to replace me as we'll if another manager that wasn't initially part of this group is allowed to just come in and take the 4th spot. I wouldn't have a problem if this was just for one season but it's not.



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Re: 4 season league Franchise League 1+1+Stadium +1 extra pl

PostSun Jun 08, 2014 1:35 pm

JoeyC, I guess I don't really understand the issue. Is it that the new guy would be picking 4th? If we randomized again that would be extremely unfair to the folks that have high picks right now. We don't even have rosters or divisions yet, seems like replacing someone now when everything is unknown would be the fairest thing to do. If we don't then what's the appropriate amount of time to wait? A couple more days, a week, indefinitely? I don't see the problem with replacing someone who's not here or how that's a bad idea or unfair to everyone else because of his draft slot.

This may not be an ideal situation but if BCP7 isn't going to be here then dropping a new owner into his spot before anything baseball related has been decided seems like the lesser of all evils.


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Re: 4 season league Franchise League 1+1+Stadium +1 extra pl

PostSun Jun 08, 2014 1:57 pm

pageian wrote:JoeyC, I guess I don't really understand the issue. Is it that the new guy would be picking 4th? If we randomized again that would be extremely unfair to the folks that have high picks right now. We don't even have rosters or divisions yet, seems like replacing someone now when everything is unknown would be the fairest thing to do. If we don't then what's the appropriate amount of time to wait? A couple more days, a week, indefinitely? I don't see the problem with replacing someone who's not here or how that's a bad idea or unfair to everyone else because of his draft slot.

This may not be an ideal situation but if BCP7 isn't going to be here then dropping a new owner into his spot before anything baseball related has been decided seems like the lesser of all evils.

If it's no biggie, then let me take the 4th slot and put the new guy in my slot. Or, move everyone else up one slot and the new manager picks last. I just have a problem with allowing a new Manager the 4th pick (Mantle or Gibson or the likes) for four seasons while managers that were part of the original sign-up are left to pick later. If it appears that I'm being a squeaky wheel about this, then that's cool - just replace me as well and get two new managers.



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Re: 4 season league Franchise League 1+1+Stadium +1 extra pl

PostSun Jun 08, 2014 2:34 pm

If you need another manager, I'll volunteer. I've been in leagues with at least five of you in the past. I certainly don't want to step on anyone's toes, but I equally don't want to be automatically relegated to the 12th spot. Perhaps a compromise would be to randomize the remaining nine first-round spots.

I'll check back in after you work it out.



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Re: 4 season league Franchise League 1+1+Stadium +1 extra pl

PostSun Jun 08, 2014 2:51 pm

I don't think any manager who wants to leave has to justify it to the rest of us.

That being said, I'll be disappointed if Joey C leaves. But I have no dispute with his right to play or not play, for any reason or no reason.

In all other ongoing leagues I've been in, usually when a manger goes AWOL, the replacement manager "inherits" the same position as the manager he's replacing. In other words, if bcp7 is replaced, the replacement manager should stay in his spot. It is the most fair, cleanest and easiest way to do things. No new manager should be penalized with a lower pick merely because his predecessor was a no show and other managers picking behind the no show generally do not view it as an opportunity to better their position when someone goes AWOL. If such was to be the case, why run a randomizer? Why not just pick in the order of sign up? It was hard enough to fill this league to begin with. Imagine how hard it will be when the new guy deliberately gets penalized with a low pick through no fault of his own. In addition, not one of the remaining managers will be any worse off by sliding the replacement manager into the spot of his predecessor. There are plenty of good players to go around and I'm just as comfortable picking last as I would be first. But again, it's not for me, or for any of us for that matter, to decide how other managers should feel about it.

As for any "disputing" going on, although I like the concept of the league, I initially held off on joining because my experience with Brad is that he, for me at least, has a history of creating unnecessary drama concerning the filling of a league. It happened in a previous theme league where he took it upon himself to find a replacement for me even though I was on the sign up sheet, merely because I didn't enter a team as quickly as he would have liked, despite me not missing any deadlines, despite being told by the commissioner that he was certain that I would get my team in and despite it being at least a couple of days away from the Friday deadline for a Monday start. In addition, he never told my replacement that the league sign up sheet was already filled. But I gave Brad a relative pass, realizing that he was fairly new to the online game and probably didn't know any better. So this time around I waited and watched to see if there was any drama prior to signing up and seeing none, I joined. Not only did I join, but I confirmed that I was ready to go when asked to do so. But that wasn't good enough for Brad. Almost as soon as I joined he was demanding that everyone reaffirm their participation and he not only falsely claimed that I had not confirmed my participation, but falsely claimed that I had been PMed about the draft starting and implied that I had not responded. Not only were such claims false, but he broadcast them to the Strato universe in the ATG forum and the ILC forum. Despite giving him the benefit of the doubt, I sadly realized that a tiger doesn't change its stripes, but this time I wasn't going to give him a pass. He picked a fight with me for no valid reason and publicly lied about my follow up, or lack thereof, to the rest of the online community and I wasn't going to take it lying down. I'm not quite ready to let go of this issue given Brad's last post on the subject, but that is for another day.

As for the rest of the league members, I have no dispute with any of you, as for the most part, so far you seem to be level headed reasonable people. As for my dispute with Brad, I don't expect it to last beyond the draft period here, unless of course, he continues to unnecessarily obsess about people entering their teams and again wrongly targets me. Hopefully he'll learn to leave me and other good managers alone and will realize that not everyone shares his over anxiousness to fill a league.
Last edited by BDWard on Sun Jun 08, 2014 3:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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Re: 4 season league Franchise League 1+1+Stadium +1 extra pl

PostSun Jun 08, 2014 3:03 pm

bontomn wrote:If you need another manager, I'll volunteer. I've been in leagues with at least five of you in the past. I certainly don't want to step on anyone's toes, but I equally don't want to be automatically relegated to the 12th spot. Perhaps a compromise would be to randomize the remaining nine first-round spots.

I'll check back in after you work it out.


I'd accept the thought about randomizing the rest, or a variation of that theme. Let's say pick 5 wants to keep his pick, that's cool. Any manager that wants to keep his selection instead of trying for a randomizer should be able to. Maybe only pick 4, pick 10 and pick 12 would end up being included, then just randomize those 3 into those slots. All I want is a fair shot at the 4th pick along with any new manager.


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