6 Half Teams League - Draft

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6 Half Teams League - Draft

PostTue Jun 24, 2014 6:27 am

200 million $ cap DH
10% cut penalty
6 Half teams
12 Managers
NEL players Excluded

After Randomizer we draft 1/2 team ( Batting or Pitching)serpentine style. Each half team is not Franchise - but specific half team ie pre-war NY Yankees hitting.
Highest Salaried Card belongs to Franchise that drafted him, but that is pre waivers. If someone ends up with player that belonged to another owner - a trade must be made to rectify. We can have a 6 round draft on the ILC. I am going to wait until tomorrow to post this on the boards. I am also posting this in another league that I am in. I will update as fast as possible.
Stadium must be from 1 of your drafted teams. Team can announce stadium at any time during draft , but must announce by end of round 6. If the 1st franchise you draft and you like that stadium , you may announce at that time or you can wait until round 6. Hope you guys like this idea.
also no free agents , but will allow trades for players that have cards with other franchise - but card used must be from franchise drafted. draft will have no time limit first round or weekend. We will have 3 hour time limit rounds 2 - 6 from 9:00 am est to 9:00 pm est.any questions please post here.
3, 11, 7, 1, 8, 6, 5, 9, 12, 4, 2, 10
1) 3) mrharryc
2) 11) reggie reigns
3) 7) krazykat
4) 1) NYMETS99
5) 8) rburgh
6) 6) Musial6
7) 5) Thomasmore
8) 9) bontomn
9) 12) sschu
10) 4) treyomo
11) 2) JOEYC
12) 10) FrankMansueto

Mr Baseball World

Joined: Thu Aug 23, 2012 3:17 pm
Re: Randomizer needed pleaseReport this postReply with quoteMon Jun 23, 2014 4:38 pm

Research Randomizer Results

1 Set of 12 Unique Numbers Per Set
Range: From 1 to 12 -- Unsorted

Job Status:

Set #1:
3, 11, 7, 1, 8, 6, 5, 9, 12, 4, 2, 10
Last edited by nymets99 on Tue Jun 24, 2014 4:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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Re: 6 Half Teams League - Draft Mr Harry C Leads off

PostTue Jun 24, 2014 10:01 am

200 million $ cap DH
10% cut penalty
6 Half teams
12 Managers
NEL players Excluded
After Randomizer we draft 1/2 team ( Batting or Pitching)serpentine style. Each half team is not Franchise - but specific half team ie pre-war NY Yankees hitting.
Highest Salaried Card belongs to Franchise that drafted him, but that is pre waivers. If someone ends up with player that belonged to another owner - a trade must be made to rectify. We can have a 6 round draft on the ILC. I am going to wait until tomorrow to post this on the boards. I am also posting this in another league that I am in. I will update as fast as possible.
Stadium must be from 1 of your drafted teams. Team can announce stadium at any time during draft , but must announce by end of round 6. If the 1st franchise you draft and you like that stadium , you may announce at that time or you can wait until round 6. Hope you guys like this idea.
also no free agents , but will allow trades for players that have cards with other franchise - but card used must be from franchise drafted. draft will have no time limit first round or weekend. We will have 3 hour time limit rounds 2 - 6 from 9:00 am est to 9:00 pm est.any questions please post here.
3, 11, 7, 1, 8, 6, 5, 9, 12, 4, 2, 10
1) 3) mrharryc - [b]Yankees Pre-War hitting[/b]
2) 11) reggie reigns
3) 7) krazykat
4) 1) NYMETS99
5) 8) rburgh
6) 6) Musial6
7) 5) Thomasmore
8) 9) bontomn
9) 12) sschu
10) 4) treyomo
11) 2) JOEYC
12) 10) FrankMansueto
Last edited by mrharryc on Tue Jun 24, 2014 10:06 am, edited 2 times in total.


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Re: 6 Half Teams League - Draft Mr Harry C Leads off

PostTue Jun 24, 2014 10:03 am


Sorry for the delay... it wasn't the shock of getting first pick (although that's never happened to me!) or paralysis by analysis, but a regional power failure... good luck one and all!


reggie reigns

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Re: 6 Half Teams League - Draft Mr Harry C Leads off

PostTue Jun 24, 2014 12:09 pm

I will take SF exp- hitting (sorry, on my phone, so can't cut & paste)


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Re: 6 Half Teams League - Draft Mr Harry C Leads off

PostTue Jun 24, 2014 12:23 pm

200 million $ cap DH
10% cut penalty
6 Half teams
12 Managers
NEL players Excluded
After Randomizer we draft 1/2 team ( Batting or Pitching)serpentine style. Each half team is not Franchise - but specific half team ie pre-war NY Yankees hitting.
Highest Salaried Card belongs to Franchise that drafted him, but that is pre waivers. If someone ends up with player that belonged to another owner - a trade must be made to rectify. We can have a 6 round draft on the ILC. I am going to wait until tomorrow to post this on the boards. I am also posting this in another league that I am in. I will update as fast as possible.
Stadium must be from 1 of your drafted teams. Team can announce stadium at any time during draft , but must announce by end of round 6. If the 1st franchise you draft and you like that stadium , you may announce at that time or you can wait until round 6. Hope you guys like this idea.
also no free agents , but will allow trades for players that have cards with other franchise - but card used must be from franchise drafted. draft will have no time limit first round or weekend. We will have 3 hour time limit rounds 2 - 6 from 9:00 am est to 9:00 pm est.any questions please post here.
3, 11, 7, 1, 8, 6, 5, 9, 12, 4, 2, 10
1) 3) mrharryc - Yankees Pre-War hitting
2) 11) reggie reigns - Giants EXP hitting
3) 7) krazykat
4) 1) NYMETS99
5) 8) rburgh
6) 6) Musial6
7) 5) Thomasmore
8) 9) bontomn
9) 12) sschu
10) 4) treyomo
11) 2) JOEYC
12) 10) FrankMansueto


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Re: 6 Half Teams League - Draft Mr Harry C Leads off

PostTue Jun 24, 2014 1:02 pm

If I understand, if a player is NOT on one of the half teams drafted during these 6 rounds, then that player is not used for the season by any team?

Txs, sschu


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Re: 6 Half Teams League - Draft Mr Harry C Leads off

PostTue Jun 24, 2014 1:08 pm

To clarify - each franchise broken into 2 (pre and post), not 4 (DB, pre, post, EXP), correct?


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Re: 6 Half Teams League - Draft Mr Harry C Leads off

PostTue Jun 24, 2014 1:10 pm

200 million $ cap DH
10% cut penalty
6 Half teams
12 Managers
NEL players Excluded
After Randomizer we draft 1/2 team ( Batting or Pitching)serpentine style. Each half team is not Franchise - but specific half team ie pre-war NY Yankees hitting.
Highest Salaried Card belongs to Franchise that drafted him, but that is pre waivers. If someone ends up with player that belonged to another owner - a trade must be made to rectify. We can have a 6 round draft on the ILC. I am going to wait until tomorrow to post this on the boards. I am also posting this in another league that I am in. I will update as fast as possible.
Stadium must be from 1 of your drafted teams. Team can announce stadium at any time during draft , but must announce by end of round 6. If the 1st franchise you draft and you like that stadium , you may announce at that time or you can wait until round 6. Hope you guys like this idea.
also no free agents , but will allow trades for players that have cards with other franchise - but card used must be from franchise drafted. draft will have no time limit first round or weekend. We will have 3 hour time limit rounds 2 - 6 from 9:00 am est to 9:00 pm est.any questions please post here.
3, 11, 7, 1, 8, 6, 5, 9, 12, 4, 2, 10
1) 3) mrharryc - Yankees Pre-War hitting
2) 11) reggie reigns - Giants EXP hitting
3) 7) krazykat - Cincinnati, Expansion Era Hitting
4) 1) NYMETS99
5) 8) rburgh
6) 6) Musial6
7) 5) Thomasmore
8) 9) bontomn
9) 12) sschu
10) 4) treyomo
11) 2) JOEYC
12) 10) FrankMansueto


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Re: 6 Half Teams League - Draft Mr Harry C Leads off

PostTue Jun 24, 2014 1:28 pm

Treyomo wrote:To clarify - each franchise broken into 2 (pre and post), not 4 (DB, pre, post, EXP), correct?

It was my understanding each franchise was broken down into the teams you see on the dropdown box when drafting. That could include up to the 4 diffferent teams (DB, Pre, Post, Exp). For example, I selected CIN exp hitting, which means someone else could draft Cin post hitting.

Is this assumption correct?


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Re: 6 Half Teams League - Draft Mr Harry C Leads off

PostTue Jun 24, 2014 1:45 pm

krazykat wrote:
Treyomo wrote:To clarify - each franchise broken into 2 (pre and post), not 4 (DB, pre, post, EXP), correct?

It was my understanding each franchise was broken down into the teams you see on the dropdown box when drafting. That could include up to the 4 diffferent teams (DB, Pre, Post, Exp). For example, I selected CIN exp hitting, which means someone else could draft Cin post hitting.

Is this assumption correct?

That's the way I've been assuming the commish meant it - the 4 eras available for most franchises - DB, Pre, Post, and EXP.

Last edited by Musial6 on Tue Jun 24, 2014 2:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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