- Posts: 5235
- Joined: Thu Aug 23, 2012 6:04 pm
- Location: SF Bay Area
Final comparisons ratings to stats
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Team... O... P... F.. P+F. Ovrl Div
JoeTJet 7907 5006 399 5406 2501 E
Stoney. 7550 4664 480 5144 2406 W
Spider. 7416 4778 336 5115 2302 E
Smokey. 8091 5268 543 5811 2280 E
JeepDrv 7929 5225 567 5792 2265 E
Corky.. 8136 5255 677 5932 2204 W
BigAlrc 7333 4930 213 5144 2190 C
SemperG 7677 5176 336 5513 2164 C
ChaseNy 7005 4521 358 4879 2126 C
Gbrooke 7638 5246 354 5600 2038 C
nythawk 7707 5236 667 5903 1804 W
ArrylTr 8068 5822 608 6430 1638 W
Overall Rating comparison
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Team Ov Ovrl Rtg Rec Dif
JoeTJet 2501 1 5 -4
Stoney. 2406 2 1 1
Spider. 2302 3 4 -1
Smokey. 2280 3 6 -3
JeepDrv 2265 3 7 -4
Corky.. 2204 4 3 1
BigAlrc 2190 4 6 -2
SemperG 2164 4 5 -1
ChaseNy 2126 6 6 0
Gbrooke 2038 7 6 1
nythawk 1804 9 7 2
ArrylTr 1638 10 8 2
Jeep and JTJ underperformed the most. Jeep had a lot of bad luck. JTJ had to pathetic stretches. Smokey was also somewhat under. No one was significantly over.
If you just sub in JTJ for Corky, the ratings were pretty darn close. +11 in one run games will always create a difference between rating and record. May not be luck Corky, but it's pretty reliable in detecting a difference in Rating to record.
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Team Of O Rtg Run Dif
Corky.. 8136 2 1 1
Smokey. 8091 2 3 -1
ArrylTr 8068 2 4 -2
JeepDrv 7929 3 3 0
JoeTJet 7907 3 6 -3
nythawk 7707 5 7 -2
SemperG 7677 5 8 -3
Gbrooke 7638 5 7 -2
Stoney. 7550 6 5 1
Spider. 7416 7 7 0
BigAlrc 7333 8 8 0
ChaseNy 7005 12 11 1
JTJ and Semper were the farthest off. Both underperforming. I know this is what killed me. Just had too many platoon guys who just didn't perform adequately. No one was way over.
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Team PF P+F Rtg Run Dif
ChaseNy 4879 1 2 -1
Spider. 5115 3 4 -1
BigAlrc 5144 3 7 -4
Stoney. 5144 3 1 2
JoeTJet 5406 5 6 -1
SemperG 5513 6 5 1
Gbrooke 5600 7 8 -1
JeepDrv 5792 8 6 2
Smokey. 5811 8 11 -3
nythawk 5903 9 8 1
Corky.. 5932 9 11 -2
ArrylTr 6430 12 12 0
Big A was well under, and Smokey somewhat. Again no one was way over. Big A had great fielding which doesn't always translate. There is definitely luck involved in the X Chart.
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Park FRt Rtg F% Dif
BigAlrc 213 1 2 -1
SemperG 336 3 3 0
Spider. 336 3 2 1
Gbrooke 354 3 2 1
ChaseNy 358 3 3 0
JoeTJet 399 4 4 0
Stoney. 480 6 6 0
Smokey. 543 7 7 0
JeepDrv 567 7 9 -2
ArrylTr 608 8 9 -1
nythawk 667 9 11 -2
Corky.. 677 9 7 2
I didn't run fielding during the season, but here it is. Everyone was relatively close.
Anyway, those were the numbers at the end of the season. FWIW.