6 Half Teams League - Draft

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Re: 6 Half Teams League - Draft

PostMon Jul 07, 2014 2:55 pm

1) 3) mrharryc - Yankees Pre-War hitting
2) 11) reggie reigns - Giants EXP hitting
3) 7) krazykat - Cincinnati, Expansion Era Hitting
4) 1) NYMETS99- New York Yankees postwar hitting
5) 8) rburgh - Red Sox EXP Hitting
6) 6) Musial6 - Cardinals EXP Hitting
7) 5) Thomasmore - Cubs DB pitching
8) 9) bontomn - Cubs PRE hitting (proxy)
9) 12) sschu - Bos-db pitching
10) 4) treyomo - As PRE hitting
11) 2) JOEYC - St. Louis pre hitting
12) 10) FrankMansueto - Cleve EXP Hitting

Rd. 2
13. FrankMansueto - Oak EXP Hitting
14. JOEYC - CHW-db pitching
15. treyomo - NYG - DB pitching
16. ssch - HOU - exp hitting
17. bontomm - HOU - EXP pitching (proxy)
18. Thomasmore - Ny Giants pre hitting
19. Musial6 - TEX - EXP hitting
20. rburgh - Mon Exp Pitching
21. NYMETS99 - Det Pre Hitting
22. krazykat - Philadelphia A, Deadball Era Pitching
23. reggie reigns - Cleveland DB pitching
24. mrharryc - Atlanta EXP pitching


25. mrharryc - Milwaukee (Braves) hitting
26. reggie reigns - Brooklyn -Post hitting
27. krazykat - Oakland, Expansion Era Pitching
28. NYMETS99-post Brooklyn pitching
29. rburgh - CLE EXP Pitching
30. Musial6 - NYY - EXP - Pitching
31. Thomasmore - Orioles Post Hitting
32. bontomn - Twins EXP hitting (proxy)
33. sschu - KC-exp Hitting
34. treyomo - As DB hitting
35. JOEYC - Yankees Expansion Hitting
36. FrankMansueto - Pitt DB Pitching

Rd. 4
37. FrankMansueto - Wash DB Pitching
38. JOEYC - BOS pre hitting
39. treyomo - PHI DB hitting
40. ssch - LA-exp hitting
41. bontomm - CWS Exp -- Hitting
42. Thomasmore - CHC Exp Pitching
43. Musial6 - LAD Exp Pitching
44. rburgh - SEA EXP Hitting
45. NYMETS99 - Ny Mets Exp Pitching
46. krazykat - Detroit, Deadball Era Hitting
47. reggie reigns - Giants EXP Pitching
48. mrharryc- Pirates PRE Hitting (proxy)

Round 5
49. mrharryc - Tigers EXP Pitching (proxy)
50. reggie reigns - Cincinnati Reds EXP pitching (proxy)
51. krazykat - Colorado, Expansion Era Hitting
52. NYMETS99-Tor Exp Pitching
53. rburgh - Expos Hitting
54. Musial6 - Cubs EXP Hitting (proxy)
55. Thomasmore - Pirates DB hitting
56. bontomn - Pirates POST hitting (proxy)
57. sschu - STL-post-hit
58. treyomo - Phi DB Pitching
59. JOEYC - Boston B (BSB) DB hitting
60. FrankMansueto phillies exp hitting

Rd. 6
61. FrankMansueto - St. Louis exp pitching (Veterans Stadium '78)
62. JOEYC - Minnesota EXP pitching (Yankees '71 ballpark)
63. treyomo - KC Royals EXP pitching (Royals '80 ballpark)
64. ssch - SD-exp-pitch (Sportsman 1957)
65. bontomm - MIL EXP pitching (Minute Maid '05) ballpark
66. Thomasmore - Cards Post pitching (Memorial 57)
67. Musial6 - Giants Post hitting (Wrigley '78)
68. rburgh - Phillies EXP Pitching (Jacobs Field)
69. NYMETS99 - Atl Exp Hitting ( Fulton County Stadium 78)
70. krazykat - Seattle, Expansion Era Pitching (Riverfront Stdm '78)
71. reggie reigns - Brewers Expansion HItting (Ebbets Field '57)
72. mrharryc- Arizona EXP pitching (Tiger Stadium '78)

Free Agent Draft
1. FrankMansueto - Josh Gibson
2. JOEYC - Oscar Charleston
3. treyomo - Tris Speaker BOS 13.41
4. ssch - John Beckwith
5. bontomm -
6. Thomasmore -
7. Musial6 -
8. rburgh -
9. NYMETS99 -
10. krazykat -
11. reggie reigns -
12. mrharryc-

reggie reigns

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Re: 6 Half Teams League - Draft

PostMon Jul 07, 2014 4:17 pm

I think the two missing teams are both mine...Giants exp pitching and Reds Exp pitching.


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Re: 6 Half Teams League - Draft

PostMon Jul 07, 2014 4:32 pm

Selected squads:

As DB Hitting -------- As EXP Pitching
As EXP Hitting -------- As DB Pitching
As PRE hitting -------- Astros EXP pitching
Astros EXP Hitting -------- Braves EXP pitching
Braves EXP Hitting
Braves POST hitting -------- Cubs DB pitching
Braves DB hitting ......... Cardinals EXP Pitching
Brewers EXP hitting .......... Cards Post Pitching
Cardinals EXP Hitting -------- Cubs EXP pitching
Cardinals PRE hitting -------- Dodgers EXP Pitching
Cardinals POST hitting....... Brewers EXP pitching
Cubs PRE hitting -------- Dodgers POST pitching
Cubs Exp hitting ........... Diamondback EXP pitching
Dodgers EXP Hitting ........... EXPos EXP Pitching
Dodgers POST Hitting -------- Giants DB Pitching
Expo hitting ------- Giants Exp Pitching
Giants EXP hitting -------- Indians DB pitching
Giants PRE hitting -------- Indians EXP Pitching
Giants Post hitting .......... Mariners EXP pitching
Indians EXP Hitting -------- Mets EXP Pitching
Mariners EXP Hitting -------- Pirates DB Pitching
Orioles POST Hitting -------- Phillies DB Pitching
Reds exp pitching .......... Padres EXP Pitching
Phillies DB Hitting -------- Phillies EXP Pitching
Phillies EXP hitting
Pirates pre hitting-------------- Senators DB Pitching
Pirates db hitting ........... Reds Exp Pitching
Pirates post hitting .......... Red Sox DB Pitching
Rangers EXP Hitting -------- White Sox DB Pitching
Red Sox EXP Hitting -------- Yankees EXP Pitching
Red Sox PRE Hitting -------- Twins EXP pitching
Reds EXP Hitting -------- Royals EXP pitching
Rockies hitting
Royals EXP Hitting --------
Tigers DB Hitting
Tigers PRE Hitting --------
Tigers EXP Hitting
Twins EXP Hitting --------
White Sox EXP Hitting --------
Yankees EXP hitting --------
Yankees POST hitting --------
Yankees PRE Hitting --------



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Re: 6 Half Teams League - Draft

PostMon Jul 07, 2014 5:44 pm

What are division alignments? Suggest by draft order:

1,4,7,10 - East
2,5,8,11 - Central
3,6,9,12 - West



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Re: 6 Half Teams League - Draft

PostMon Jul 07, 2014 8:50 pm

1) 3) mrharryc - Yankees Pre-War hitting
2) 11) reggie reigns - Giants EXP hitting
3) 7) krazykat - Cincinnati, Expansion Era Hitting
4) 1) NYMETS99- New York Yankees postwar hitting
5) 8) rburgh - Red Sox EXP Hitting
6) 6) Musial6 - Cardinals EXP Hitting
7) 5) Thomasmore - Cubs DB pitching
8) 9) bontomn - Cubs PRE hitting (proxy)
9) 12) sschu - Bos-db pitching
10) 4) treyomo - As PRE hitting
11) 2) JOEYC - St. Louis pre hitting
12) 10) FrankMansueto - Cleve EXP Hitting

Rd. 2
13. FrankMansueto - Oak EXP Hitting
14. JOEYC - CHW-db pitching
15. treyomo - NYG - DB pitching
16. ssch - HOU - exp hitting
17. bontomm - HOU - EXP pitching (proxy)
18. Thomasmore - Ny Giants pre hitting
19. Musial6 - TEX - EXP hitting
20. rburgh - Mon Exp Pitching
21. NYMETS99 - Det Pre Hitting
22. krazykat - Philadelphia A, Deadball Era Pitching
23. reggie reigns - Cleveland DB pitching
24. mrharryc - Atlanta EXP pitching


25. mrharryc - Milwaukee (Braves) hitting
26. reggie reigns - Brooklyn -Post hitting
27. krazykat - Oakland, Expansion Era Pitching
28. NYMETS99-post Brooklyn pitching
29. rburgh - CLE EXP Pitching
30. Musial6 - NYY - EXP - Pitching
31. Thomasmore - Orioles Post Hitting
32. bontomn - Twins EXP hitting (proxy)
33. sschu - KC-exp Hitting
34. treyomo - As DB hitting
35. JOEYC - Yankees Expansion Hitting
36. FrankMansueto - Pitt DB Pitching

Rd. 4
37. FrankMansueto - Wash DB Pitching
38. JOEYC - BOS pre hitting
39. treyomo - PHI DB hitting
40. ssch - LA-exp hitting
41. bontomm - CWS Exp -- Hitting
42. Thomasmore - CHC Exp Pitching
43. Musial6 - LAD Exp Pitching
44. rburgh - SEA EXP Hitting
45. NYMETS99 - Ny Mets Exp Pitching
46. krazykat - Detroit, Deadball Era Hitting
47. reggie reigns - Giants EXP Pitching
48. mrharryc- Pirates PRE Hitting (proxy)

Round 5
49. mrharryc - Tigers EXP Pitching (proxy)
50. reggie reigns - Cincinnati Reds EXP pitching (proxy)
51. krazykat - Colorado, Expansion Era Hitting
52. NYMETS99-Tor Exp Pitching
53. rburgh - Expos Hitting
54. Musial6 - Cubs EXP Hitting (proxy)
55. Thomasmore - Pirates DB hitting
56. bontomn - Pirates POST hitting (proxy)
57. sschu - STL-post-hit
58. treyomo - Phi DB Pitching
59. JOEYC - Boston B (BSB) DB hitting
60. FrankMansueto phillies exp hitting

Rd. 6
61. FrankMansueto - St. Louis exp pitching (Veterans Stadium '78)
62. JOEYC - Minnesota EXP pitching (Yankees '71 ballpark)
63. treyomo - KC Royals EXP pitching (Royals '80 ballpark)
64. ssch - SD-exp-pitch (Sportsman 1957)
65. bontomm - MIL EXP pitching (Minute Maid '05) ballpark
66. Thomasmore - Cards Post pitching (Memorial 57)
67. Musial6 - Giants Post hitting (Wrigley '78)
68. rburgh - Phillies EXP Pitching (Jacobs Field)
69. NYMETS99 - Atl Exp Hitting ( Fulton County Stadium 78)
70. krazykat - Seattle, Expansion Era Pitching (Riverfront Stdm '78)
71. reggie reigns - Brewers Expansion HItting (Ebbets Field '57)
72. mrharryc- Arizona EXP pitching (Tiger Stadium '78)

Free Agent Draft
1. FrankMansueto - Josh Gibson
2. JOEYC - Oscar Charleston
3. treyomo - Tris Speaker BOS 13.41
4. ssch - John Beckwith
5. bontomm - Willie Wells
6. Thomasmore -
7. Musial6 -
8. rburgh -
9. NYMETS99 -
10. krazykat -
11. reggie reigns -
12. mrharryc-


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Re: 6 Half Teams League - Draft

PostMon Jul 07, 2014 10:25 pm

1) 3) mrharryc - Yankees Pre-War hitting
2) 11) reggie reigns - Giants EXP hitting
3) 7) krazykat - Cincinnati, Expansion Era Hitting
4) 1) NYMETS99- New York Yankees postwar hitting
5) 8) rburgh - Red Sox EXP Hitting
6) 6) Musial6 - Cardinals EXP Hitting
7) 5) Thomasmore - Cubs DB pitching
8) 9) bontomn - Cubs PRE hitting (proxy)
9) 12) sschu - Bos-db pitching
10) 4) treyomo - As PRE hitting
11) 2) JOEYC - St. Louis pre hitting
12) 10) FrankMansueto - Cleve EXP Hitting

Rd. 2
13. FrankMansueto - Oak EXP Hitting
14. JOEYC - CHW-db pitching
15. treyomo - NYG - DB pitching
16. ssch - HOU - exp hitting
17. bontomm - HOU - EXP pitching (proxy)
18. Thomasmore - Ny Giants pre hitting
19. Musial6 - TEX - EXP hitting
20. rburgh - Mon Exp Pitching
21. NYMETS99 - Det Pre Hitting
22. krazykat - Philadelphia A, Deadball Era Pitching
23. reggie reigns - Cleveland DB pitching
24. mrharryc - Atlanta EXP pitching


25. mrharryc - Milwaukee (Braves) hitting
26. reggie reigns - Brooklyn -Post hitting
27. krazykat - Oakland, Expansion Era Pitching
28. NYMETS99-post Brooklyn pitching
29. rburgh - CLE EXP Pitching
30. Musial6 - NYY - EXP - Pitching
31. Thomasmore - Orioles Post Hitting
32. bontomn - Twins EXP hitting (proxy)
33. sschu - KC-exp Hitting
34. treyomo - As DB hitting
35. JOEYC - Yankees Expansion Hitting
36. FrankMansueto - Pitt DB Pitching

Rd. 4
37. FrankMansueto - Wash DB Pitching
38. JOEYC - BOS pre hitting
39. treyomo - PHI DB hitting
40. ssch - LA-exp hitting
41. bontomm - CWS Exp -- Hitting
42. Thomasmore - CHC Exp Pitching
43. Musial6 - LAD Exp Pitching
44. rburgh - SEA EXP Hitting
45. NYMETS99 - Ny Mets Exp Pitching
46. krazykat - Detroit, Deadball Era Hitting
47. reggie reigns - Giants EXP Pitching
48. mrharryc- Pirates PRE Hitting (proxy)

Round 5
49. mrharryc - Tigers EXP Pitching (proxy)
50. reggie reigns - Cincinnati Reds EXP pitching (proxy)
51. krazykat - Colorado, Expansion Era Hitting
52. NYMETS99-Tor Exp Pitching
53. rburgh - Expos Hitting
54. Musial6 - Cubs EXP Hitting (proxy)
55. Thomasmore - Pirates DB hitting
56. bontomn - Pirates POST hitting (proxy)
57. sschu - STL-post-hit
58. treyomo - Phi DB Pitching
59. JOEYC - Boston B (BSB) DB hitting
60. FrankMansueto phillies exp hitting

Rd. 6
61. FrankMansueto - St. Louis exp pitching (Veterans Stadium '78)
62. JOEYC - Minnesota EXP pitching (Yankees '71 ballpark)
63. treyomo - KC Royals EXP pitching (Royals '80 ballpark)
64. ssch - SD-exp-pitch (Sportsman 1957)
65. bontomm - MIL EXP pitching (Minute Maid '05) ballpark
66. Thomasmore - Cards Post pitching (Memorial 57)
67. Musial6 - Giants Post hitting (Wrigley '78)
68. rburgh - Phillies EXP Pitching (Jacobs Field)
69. NYMETS99 - Atl Exp Hitting ( Fulton County Stadium 78)
70. krazykat - Seattle, Expansion Era Pitching (Riverfront Stdm '78)
71. reggie reigns - Brewers Expansion HItting (Ebbets Field '57)
72. mrharryc- Arizona EXP pitching (Tiger Stadium '78)

Free Agent Draft
1. FrankMansueto - Josh Gibson
2. JOEYC - Oscar Charleston
3. treyomo - Tris Speaker BOS 13.41
4. ssch - John Beckwith
5. bontomm - Willie Wells
6. Thomasmore -
7. Musial6 -
8. rburgh -
9. NYMETS99 -
10. krazykat -
11. reggie reigns -
12. mrharryc-


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Re: 6 Half Teams League - Draft

PostMon Jul 07, 2014 10:35 pm

Before I pick I want to offer a trade to schuu. Your entire pitching staff is made up of the Padres expansion team. Would you trade Beckwith for Walsh?


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Re: 6 Half Teams League - Draft

PostMon Jul 07, 2014 10:44 pm

Thomasmore wrote:Before I pick I want to offer a trade to schuu. Your entire pitching staff is made up of the Padres expansion team. Would you trade Beckwith for Walsh?

:?: :?: :?: Ed Walsh of the Whitesox? JoeyC has them. I think the only trades allowed would be of players that are on one of the six half franchises that might be on both franchises owned by the managers making the trade. Is that right?


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Re: 6 Half Teams League - Draft

PostMon Jul 07, 2014 10:52 pm

Steve also has the Dead Ball Red Sox staff, including Dutch Leonard, Cy Young, Joe Wood, and Carl Mays.


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Re: 6 Half Teams League - Draft

PostMon Jul 07, 2014 11:14 pm

Joss then

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