Thu Sep 18, 2014 4:37 pm
A reply from strat:
"Hi Geoff,
There's alot to go through here but we have found that yes, not all hits are changed to a baserunning situation. When there is a chance to extend for an extra base, there is no extra bonus given for a SINGLE** reading compared to a SINGLE or SINGLE* reading.
Strat-O-Matic Baseball Online"
My follow-up reply:
"Thanks so much for your follow-up reply!
I agree that there is a lot to go through, but I think it's important for gamers to understand the mechanics of the rules, in order to be able to make good strategies. I'm like a "dog with a bone" when it comes to understanding this game, and its strategies. The number and ratio of baserunning opportunities for singles and doubles is of huge importance in determining the value of baserunning speed and outfielders' arms.
You are confirming that "not all hits are changed to a baserunning situation". If there is a PERCENTAGE of hits (Single*, Single** and Double** according to my review of game results), it would mean a lot to me and other gamers to know if there is a standard percentage that are converted to baserunning opportunities. (My review of game results confirms that some Double** results are converted into baserunning opportunities, some not, and some Single** results are converted into baserunning opportunities, and some not, but what is the rate or percentage at which these become baserunning opportunities out of all Single** or all Double** results? Is the percentage of baserunning opportunities for Single* results the same as for Single** results, or is it a different percentage, or even 100% for Single* results?
Thanks again!