Fri Oct 03, 2014 9:32 pm
I understand that the highest-priced card of a player on a team in this league gives that player's rights to the team on the card. If that team declines to take him in the autodraft, then that player is fair game for any other team that had that player on their roster at some point in his career.
Now for my question:
Of the players who have cards for NYY, BOS, STL, etc., but no teams eligible for this league, some of those guys played for two, three, four of the teams that are in our league.
Do we duke it out for those guys in the autodraft or do we have to wait for the frenzy/waivers after?
Example: Dick Radatz. His card is Boston, can't play there. He also pitched for Cleveland, Montreal, Detroit and Chicago. Can those owners autodraft him or must they wait until waivers/frenzy?