New Franchise League Load em up

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Re: New Franchise League bontomn UP

PostWed Oct 08, 2014 1:17 pm

1. reggie reigns-Braves
2. Frank Bailey -- Cubs
3. andycummings -- Indians
4. mrharryc - Pirates
5. Joey C.- Dodgers
6. Brent65-- Tigers
7. Visick- CIN
8. FrankM- CWS (PROXY)
9. nymets99 NY Mets w/ the Say Hey Kid!!
10. bontomn --Wash/Minn
11. musial 6 - Phillies
12. drfreeze49 Balt/Browns

Once I make my selection...I will create league:
League Name New Franchise
P/W: freeze

NEL Draft
1. drfreeze49- Josh Gibson
2. Musial - Willie Wells
3. bontomn - Oscar Charleston
4. nymets99 Martin Dihingo
5. frankm John Beckwith
6. visick
7. Brent
8. Joey
9. Harry
10. AndyC.
11. FrankB
12. Reggie
13. drfreeze


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Re: New Franchise League Frank then Visick UP

PostWed Oct 08, 2014 1:20 pm

1. reggie reigns-Braves
2. Frank Bailey -- Cubs
3. andycummings -- Indians
4. mrharryc - Pirates
5. Joey C.- Dodgers
6. Brent65-- Tigers
7. Visick- CIN
8. FrankM- CWS (PROXY)
9. nymets99 NY Mets w/ the Say Hey Kid!!
10. bontomn --Wash/Minn
11. musial 6 - Phillies
12. drfreeze49 Balt/Browns

Once I make my selection...I will create league:
League Name New Franchise
P/W: freeze

NEL Draft
1. drfreeze49- Josh Gibson
2. Musial - Willie Wells
3. bontomn - Oscar Charleston
4. nymets99 Martin Dihingo
5. frankm John Beckwith
6. visick-Turkey Stearnes

7. Brent

8. Joey
9. Harry
10. AndyC.
11. FrankB
12. Reggie
13. drfreeze


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Re: New Franchise League Brent65 then JoeyC UP

PostWed Oct 08, 2014 2:27 pm



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Re: New Franchise League Brent65 then JoeyC UP

PostWed Oct 08, 2014 2:27 pm

1. reggie reigns-Braves
2. Frank Bailey -- Cubs
3. andycummings -- Indians
4. mrharryc - Pirates
5. Joey C.- Dodgers
6. Brent65-- Tigers
7. Visick- CIN
8. FrankM- CWS (PROXY)
9. nymets99 NY Mets w/ the Say Hey Kid!!
10. bontomn --Wash/Minn
11. musial 6 - Phillies
12. drfreeze49 Balt/Browns

Once I make my selection...I will create league:
League Name New Franchise
P/W: freeze

NEL Draft
1. drfreeze49- Josh Gibson
2. Musial - Willie Wells
3. bontomn - Oscar Charleston
4. nymets99 Martin Dihingo
5. frankm John Beckwith
6. visick-Turkey Stearnes
7. Brent- Cristobal Torriente

8. Joey
9. Harry
10. AndyC.
11. FrankB
12. Reggie
13. drfreeze


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Re: New Franchise League Brent65 then JoeyC UP

PostWed Oct 08, 2014 2:43 pm

1. reggie reigns-Braves
2. Frank Bailey -- Cubs
3. andycummings -- Indians
4. mrharryc - Pirates
5. Joey C.- Dodgers
6. Brent65-- Tigers
7. Visick- CIN
8. FrankM- CWS (PROXY)
9. nymets99 NY Mets w/ the Say Hey Kid!!
10. bontomn --Wash/Minn
11. musial 6 - Phillies
12. drfreeze49 Balt/Browns

Once I make my selection...I will create league:
League Name New Franchise
P/W: freeze

NEL Draft
1. drfreeze49- Josh Gibson
2. Musial - Willie Wells
3. bontomn - Oscar Charleston
4. nymets99 Martin Dihingo
5. frankm John Beckwith
6. visick-Turkey Stearnes
7. Brent- Cristobal Torriente
8. Joey - Tubby Scales

9. Harry
10. AndyC.
11. FrankB
12. Reggie
13. drfreeze


  • Posts: 661
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Re: New Franchise League Brent65 then JoeyC UP

PostWed Oct 08, 2014 3:06 pm

1. reggie reigns-Braves
2. Frank Bailey -- Cubs
3. andycummings -- Indians
4. mrharryc - Pirates
5. Joey C.- Dodgers
6. Brent65-- Tigers
7. Visick- CIN
8. FrankM- CWS (PROXY)
9. nymets99 NY Mets w/ the Say Hey Kid!!
10. bontomn --Wash/Minn
11. musial 6 - Phillies
12. drfreeze49 Balt/Browns

Once I make my selection...I will create league:
League Name New Franchise
P/W: freeze

NEL Draft
1. drfreeze49- Josh Gibson
2. Musial - Willie Wells
3. bontomn - Oscar Charleston
4. nymets99 Martin Dihingo
5. frankm John Beckwith
6. visick-Turkey Stearnes
7. Brent- Cristobal Torriente
8. Joey - Tubby Scales
9. Harry - Jud Wilson

10. AndyC.

11. FrankB
12. Reggie
13. drfreeze


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Re: New Franchise League Andy FBailey then Regg UP

PostWed Oct 08, 2014 3:30 pm

1. reggie reigns-Braves
2. Frank Bailey -- Cubs
3. andycummings -- Indians
4. mrharryc - Pirates
5. Joey C.- Dodgers
6. Brent65-- Tigers
7. Visick- CIN
8. FrankM- CWS (PROXY)
9. nymets99 NY Mets w/ the Say Hey Kid!!
10. bontomn --Wash/Minn
11. musial 6 - Phillies
12. drfreeze49 Balt/Browns

Once I make my selection...I will create league:
League Name New Franchise
P/W: freeze

NEL Draft
1. drfreeze49- Josh Gibson
2. Musial - Willie Wells
3. bontomn - Oscar Charleston
4. nymets99 Martin Dihingo
5. frankm John Beckwith
6. visick-Turkey Stearnes
7. Brent- Cristobal Torriente
8. Joey - Tubby Scales
9. Harry - Jud Wilson

10. AndyC. - bullet joe rogan

11. FrankB
12. Reggie
13. drfreeze

Frank Bailey

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Re: New Franchise League Frank Bailey then Regg UP

PostWed Oct 08, 2014 6:17 pm

1. reggie reigns-Braves
2. Frank Bailey -- Cubs
3. andycummings -- Indians
4. mrharryc - Pirates
5. Joey C.- Dodgers
6. Brent65-- Tigers
7. Visick- CIN
8. FrankM- CWS (PROXY)
9. nymets99 NY Mets w/ the Say Hey Kid!!
10. bontomn --Wash/Minn
11. musial 6 - Phillies
12. drfreeze49 Balt/Browns

Once I make my selection...I will create league:
League Name New Franchise
P/W: freeze

NEL Draft
1. drfreeze49- Josh Gibson
2. Musial - Willie Wells
3. bontomn - Oscar Charleston
4. nymets99 Martin Dihingo
5. frankm John Beckwith
6. visick-Turkey Stearnes
7. Brent- Cristobal Torriente
8. Joey - Tubby Scales
9. Harry - Jud Wilson
10. AndyC. - bullet joe rogan
11. FrankB - Willard Brown
12. Reggie
13. drfreeze


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Re: New Franchise League Frank Bailey then Regg UP

PostWed Oct 08, 2014 6:27 pm

Sorry mike Willard brown is earmarked for o's browns

Frank Bailey

  • Posts: 721
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Re: New Franchise League Frank Bailey then Regg UP

PostWed Oct 08, 2014 7:27 pm

Missed that Vinnie. Sorry. I will repick in a couple minutes.

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