Sun Oct 12, 2014 8:56 pm
Private leagues are often organized around a theme, or they might be one of a series of leagues involving the same players. While you can always inquire with the player who organized a private league, if you're learning the way Strat works you might find it more fun to play the basic game without any special rules added. I agree with others who suggested the 2013 set - I think it's easier to get the hang of things. As for the free intro leagues, in the time I've been playing online I've never seen them fill very quickly. If you really want to try the game, pick up the cheap two-fer offer and sign up for an Auto League. Those usually fill within a reasonable time. Look for hitters with on-base results in the middle of their columns and pitchers with outs in those spots, suit them up and send them on out to play. I'm sure you can get more detailed advice from a lot of guys that regularly kick my teams around, but I say play however you have fun with it.