gb(A)+ rule question

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gb(A)+ rule question

PostThu Oct 16, 2014 10:58 am

The rules state
gb(2b)A, gb(2b)A+ or B+, gb(2b)B, gb(2b)c -- Groundout to listed position (third base, shortstop, second base, first base, pitcher). An "A" is a hard groundout resulting in a double play, if applicable. A "B" is a medium groundout in which a runner on first is forced out at second, if applicable, and the batter is safe. A "C" means the batter is out and all runners advance one base. A "+" after the groundball means it is an automatic single if the infield is in or a runner is being held on.

But it was my understanding that the super advanced fielding we use here does not give an automatic hit on A+ but rather treats it like a generic gb(A) with adjustments made to the fielding ratings. For example runner held results in certain positions being reduced from a 1 range to a 2 range depending on which base a runner or runners are being held on.

Does anyone know for sure what rules the online game uses here?


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Re: gb(A)+ rule question

PostThu Oct 16, 2014 12:04 pm

I think the + is an automatic SI** with the infield in. I have never heard of this being modified to a gbX with a runner held.


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Re: gb(A)+ rule question

PostThu Oct 16, 2014 1:14 pm

The "+" is not used in the super advanced game. Here are the rules regarding holding runners in the super advanced game.

Holding a Runner on Base

When holding a runner on base, refer to the following chart to determine which fielder(s) are responsible for holding the runner on base. The penalty for holding a runner on is as follows: If a gb( )X is hit to a fielder who is responsible for holding a runner on base, add 1 to that fielder's range rating when consulting SUPER ADVANCED FIELDING CHART. For example, with a runner on 1st being held and a left-handed batter up, a gb(ss)X reading occurs. Let's say the shortstop is rated ss-2 e2O. When consulting the fielding chart you should treat him as a ss-3 e2O. Note that if a player is already a 5 do not add 1 to his rating as 5 represents the maximum rating. In addition, when consulting the fielding chart for this fielder, all readings followed by the # symbol are treated as "SI2".

Table 1: Runner Being Held Chart

Runner being Held

Fielder responsible for holding runner on

Runner on 1st, left-handed batter

1B & SS

Runner on 1st, right-handed batter

1B & 2B

Runner on 2nd, left-handed batter


Runner on 2nd, right-handed batter


Runner on 3rd


Balk/Pickoff Rule


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Re: gb(A)+ rule question

PostThu Oct 16, 2014 1:40 pm

What Steve posted is how I thought it worked with the computer using the super advanced fielding. What confuses me is why in the rules of the game they post the wrong rule. Why after all these years do we still not have an accurate rules page?


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Re: gb(A)+ rule question

PostThu Oct 16, 2014 2:10 pm

Haven't you heard of the Mystery Games? :lol:


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Re: gb(A)+ rule question

PostFri Oct 17, 2014 10:47 am

Sent an email to online strat help yesterday using the contact us link. Have not heard anything back.


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Re: gb(A)+ rule question

PostMon Nov 24, 2014 1:29 pm

Oh, crap. At the risk of making some of you repeat yourselves, you are telling me the following understanding is wrong. I've been operating with this (mis) understanding for a while, and apparently it helps explain my ineffectiveness.

--play in a small ball park
--Get 2 high OBP guys at top of the order who also are threats to steal at least enough to be held by HAL
--place guys 3-5 in the order that have 6 GBA+ chances ...

And presto, extra singles with your speedy high OBP guys racing around the bases.

If it is just a GBx, with a reduction in range for certain fielder(s), that seems much less useful.

It would be great if online strat responded.


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Re: gb(A)+ rule question

PostMon Nov 24, 2014 3:20 pm

I hate to add to the confusion, but, the below is courtesy of What I get from this, unless there is a misprint, is that when the runner(s) is held, gb()+ is only a single** when the # is encountered when referring to the super-advanced fielding chart. What confuses me below is that they talk about gb()+, then, they refer to it as gb()X without explaining that the gb()+ is to be converted to a gb()X, so, I still don't understand if this is a misprint. In summary, I'd say that Valen is correct in saying the stated online rule is wrong. I'd also say Chompsky's speedy baserunners will score on GB()A+, but, only if a "#" is encountered on the super-advanced fielding chart and the ball was hit to the infielder doing the holding of the runner.

Holding Baserunners:

BaseRunners can only be held when Infield Back or Corners In. They cannot be held when Infield In.

gb()+ ... SINGLE** Do not award SINGLE** on a gb()+ if runners held on base. Instead, when a gb()X hit to an infielder respon. for holding runner results in a symbol followed by # change that to SINGLE**

Runner on 1B or 2B advancing extra base on batter’s hit

If held, -1 from running rating

If not held, +1 to running rating


If gb()X hit to the fielder holding a runner, add +1 to fielder’s rating


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Re: gb(A)+ rule question

PostTue Nov 25, 2014 1:18 am

Maybe I can clarify. As I understand when people refer to gb()+ they mean either gb(A)+ or gb(B)+
gb(B)+ is a lot more rare than gb(A)+ but I have seen both on cards.
So gb()+ is used so they do not have to type gb(A)+ or gb(B)+ since both have same end results.

Now as I understand from what others are saying both the above are totally ignored.
gb(A)+ is treated as simply gb(A)
gb(B)+ is treated as simply gb(B)

So how does the game reflect the fact that holding a runner gives the hitter a better chance of getting a hit?
It is done through the fielding charts.

When there is a gb()X runners being held or infield being in, etc are accounted for within the chart and rules for accessing that chart.

gb()X is not intended as meaning that gb()+ is changed to gb()X
The fielding chart is not referenced when the initial dice roll is gb()+

Rather it is a similar shorthand that encompasses all the ground balls to the infield.
gb()X could be either gb(1b)X or gb(2b)X or gb(3b)X or gb(ss)X or gb(p)X
gb()X is just easier to type than all of them since in the context of the relevant discussion it could be any of the positions involved.

The only reason I was ever confused on this is that what has been explained on these boards by Bernie back when he was allowed to talk to us and what is in the rules are not the same thing. For what it is worth the explanations by those who responded in this thread match what I remember Bernie as saying. Unfortunate that the rules page was never updated.

Also for what it is worth I never did get a response from my email to online strat help.


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Re: gb(A)+ rule question

PostTue Nov 25, 2014 9:14 am

Valen, please be sure to bump the thread if and when you get a reply from Strat...

anybody ever hear from (or news of) Bernie?

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