Starting rotation not working properly

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Re: Starting rotation not working properly

PostWed Dec 03, 2014 5:13 pm

wahlerpc wrote:

Take a look, Steve. Please give me your comments.

I think you'll hit ok , but I think you have too many mediocre relievers and lack a stud righty reliever. If it were me I'd probably cash in Rodriguez, Petit and Gonzalez for a 50 cent 5th starter and one stud righty reliever


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Re: Starting rotation not working properly

PostWed Dec 03, 2014 5:25 pm

Thanks Bandit. I do have two of those guys. Petit is one of them. Miguel Gonzalez is the other. One of the frustrating things about Strat is that there is so little info from Strat itself on how to set things up. It is truly a trial and error experience. But than goodness for these forums. They are indispensable to learning this game.

This is my 4th Strat season. I always think I have an excellent team, then end up 70-92 or worse. I'm learning, though. I think I'd throw a party if I could end up 81-81.

I have played Roto for 30 years and love it during the regular season. I am very good at it, but Strat is light years different from Roto.

In the end, though, it's all baseball, one of God's greatest gifts to man.


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Re: Starting rotation not working properly

PostWed Dec 03, 2014 5:27 pm

Thanks for your input, Steve. I'll consider it. This game humbles you, doesn't it?


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Re: Starting rotation not working properly

PostWed Dec 03, 2014 6:25 pm

You've had to make some changes because you didn't draft an ideal roster, so that's an exception to what I'm about to say...

The best advice you will ever get is this: Don't make changes to your roster after the season starts. The 20 percent drop will kill you. There are rare exceptions to this. Very rare.

A corollary to my "best advice" is don't drop someone from your roster just because they are doing poorly. Each player's card is the same as the day you drafted him no matter how badly they "slump."

If you want to take an active role in making roster changes once the season begins, you might try one of the mystery games. There it's vital you update your roster as players' seasons are "revealed."


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Re: Starting rotation not working properly

PostWed Dec 03, 2014 8:20 pm

Indeed it does Ed. The thing that makes it so addicting is that it looks so much easier than it really is. I learned from a lot of different sources, but the one that really opened my eyes more than any others was JPav's "secret formula "



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Re: Starting rotation not working properly

PostThu Dec 04, 2014 12:13 pm

Good advice, Coyote; Thanks Steve for the reference. I will review it.


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Re: Starting rotation not working properly

PostThu Dec 04, 2014 1:19 pm

When I use a 4 *SP rotation I like to have that "5th" starter with a reliever rating. If they are one side use them as a lefty/right specialist. If they are bad just use them as mop up.

The alternative if you have a good bullpen is just spending .50 on an SP without a reliever rating so he wouldn't be used and funnel all relief inning to your bullpen.


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Re: Starting rotation not working properly

PostFri Dec 26, 2014 3:05 pm

When using a 4 man rotation, I generally will use a .50 starter only to fill the requirement of a 5th starter. I will also sometimes use use 2 of them at higher salary caps so I can put the money to better use elsewhere. This can depend on league construction may need more pitching options with Lefty or righty parks

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