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Re: Soler

PostSun Dec 21, 2014 1:28 am

l.strether wrote: That info was from the actual site? So, my predictions were pretty accurate. I'm not going to touch that argument again either. However, at least the keeper league people will have access to all the players with the unleashed set, and those preferring the regular set more regular will have that. In these festive times, we can definitely celebrate that truce.

Uh Yeah, are you serious? did you not see this thread?

I know there's a level of animosity between theturtle and yourself, but the thread is legit.

Strat does this every year, it's not from a site like Strat world or someone's projection, it's the actual range ratings that also happens to list if the player is Regular, Additional Carded, or Computer Only. That doesn't mean they don't make a mistake or two but that's really rare and only happens with the range ratings not where the card will exist.

Get 'em for yourself:

But like I said, it's for the Card and Dice game and the CD ROM game. I'm not sure whether the Additional players are included in the online game or if it's a case by case thing. The one thing I do know, is no Computer only players have ever appeared in the online game.


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Re: Soler

PostSun Dec 21, 2014 2:02 am

Of course I was serious. I wouldn't have gone to the trouble of actually making predictions if I could have actually looked them up. That being said, I'm even more pleased at how well my predictions came out. I have never seen that thread before, and I certainly wouldn't avoid it because I didn't care for its poster. And I have no animosity towards The Turtle. I think you are referencing a different reptile.

You are more than welcome to complement my predictions' accuracy now... ;)


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Re: Soler

PostSun Dec 21, 2014 2:22 am

l.strether wrote:Of course I was serious. I wouldn't go to the trouble of actually making predictions if I could have actually looked them up. That being said, I'm even more pleased at how well my predictions came out. I have never seen that thread before, and I certainly wouldn't avoid it because I didn't care for its poster. And I have no animosity towards The Turtle. I think you are referencing a different reptile

You are more than welcome to complement my predictions' accuracy now... ;)

I can't make a comment one way or the other on your predictions, as we don't know the outcome yet.

Your predictions are for the Online game and as to whether the players will be Unleashed or Regular, and as I stated, the information I shared was for the Board, Card and Dice game and as yet the only correlation between the two is that no player listed as Computer only for the board game has ever made an appearance in the online game.

I can't say for sure if the players listed for the Additional set ( or Mixed, a fourth set that also exists but didn't come into play with the players you listed) will be include online or not, either en masse, or, on a case by case basis.

Nor do we know for certain that the Regular players for the Board game are in the Regular, Unleashed or un-included sets for the online game. We won't know that for certain until late February or early March.

Once I have that information, if you'd still like me to tout your predicting skills/stroke your ego, I'll give it some thought. ;) :D


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Re: Soler

PostSun Dec 21, 2014 2:30 am

Niners, you're an ok guy, but please don't talk about "stroking" anything of mine; it's unsettling... ;)

As to the information SOM gives out, you implied the info was about the cards themselves, and you implied your info was accurate:
Ninersphan wrote:I'm only wrong if Strat is wrong the info is right from their site. It doesn't mean he won't be unleashed or even excluded here in the online game.

So, since the news is still out on the actual cards, we can wait on celebrating my predictions' excellence. If they are close though, you can tout them all you like.
Last edited by l.strether on Sun Dec 21, 2014 12:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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Re: Soler

PostSun Dec 21, 2014 2:41 am

l.strether wrote:Niners, you're an ok guy, but please don't talk about "stroking" anything of mine; it's unnerving... ;)

As to the information SOM gives out, you implied the info was about the cards themselves, and you implied your info was accurate:
Ninersphan wrote:I'm only wrong if Strat is wrong the info is right from their site. It doesn't mean he won't be unleashed or even excluded here in the online game.

So, since the news is still out on the actual cards, we can wait on celebrating my predictions' excellence. If they are close though, you can tout them all you like.

There was no implication, I flat out said it's accurate,

and it is...

for the physical cards...

for the board game.

The range ratings apply for both board and online, but as I'm now stating for the third ( or fourth, don't feel like checking) time,

the online game does what it wants regarding inclusion in either regular, Unleashed or not in the game.

You want the ranges, it's there, you want to see who is definitely out, just scratch off the players with COMP next to their names, as to seeing who is unleashed or not, you have to wait until the online game is released.


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Re: Soler

PostSun Dec 21, 2014 4:43 am

No worries.

I just thought you were referring to an official site telling who was actually unleashed when you first mentioned SOM's "site." I was obviously wrong, and we can move on. I'm sure we'll have more interesting discussions on this thread once the Unleashed set is actually announced.


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Re: Soler

PostSun Dec 21, 2014 9:12 am

The online game is a case by case basis for sure.

I remember a couple of years ago there was an uproar (partially by me!) that rookie Salvador Perez and his 158 pa were not included in the regular set, but another player(can't remember which one) with far less pa was included. As I had drafted Perez in a keeper league expecting a catcher with that many pa's to get a card I was mighty pissed!

The Strat person at the time explained that they were indeed case by case and if the player was "a real prospect" with big numbers they were more likely to be included than if they were more of a non-prospect "fluke" card.

I really wish they would just lay out a set of criteria as far as pa/ip are concerned and stick with it.


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Re: Soler

PostSun Dec 21, 2014 9:22 am

Nothing worse than drafting pre-card and finding out a seemingly safe player doesn't get carded! I'm banking on a couple of those fringe guys already....fingers crossed!


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Re: Soler

PostSun Dec 21, 2014 12:50 pm

mbertolli wrote:I really wish they would just lay out a set of criteria as far as pa/ip are concerned and stick with it.

I think SOM should establish a basic set of principles for inclusion in the regular set and in the unleashed once. That would help managers have a sound idea of who will definitely or most likely be assigned to each set. This should also negate unreasonable complaints, such as the ones over the Brandon Moss--who had played 84 games and had 265 ABs--inclusion in the 2013 set.

They definitely shouldn't, however, have to adhere to a stringent set of rules. As Mbertolli correctly noted, each season is a new season with new players who often demand case-by-case analyses. Stringent rules wouldn't allow for that. If they follow the principles known to all managers, that would be sufficient.


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Re: Soler

PostSun Dec 21, 2014 5:15 pm

mbertolli wrote:I really wish they would just lay out a set of criteria as far as pa/ip are concerned and stick with it.

The only certainty I'm aware of is pitchers with less than 29.2 IP will not be in the online game. I was going to post that those with 29.2 or more were automatically included as I'd always believed. However I looked at the 2012 season and found:

JJ Hoover - 30.2 IP - .98/2.05/.168 BAA - not in online game
Aaron Loup - 30.2 IP - .91/2.64/.232 - not in online game

Ok. Fine. Not enough innings to justify their stats and inclusion. But then:

Raul Valdes - 31 IP - .74/2.90/.168 - received a LEASHED card valued at 6.2M

Arbitrary indeed!

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