gbrookes wrote:joethejet wrote:Semp,
Not sure what to tell you about your ATG numbers. Here's something to distract you.
These are the ballpark numbers. You get +1 if you're better in a park than the other team that is playing there and -1 if you're worse.
- Code: Select all
Team… Adv Div
stoney 17 W
Semper 16 W
JTJ... 14 C
big A. 5 C
Spider 4 W
Corky. 4 W
Smokey 3 C
GBrook. -7 E
JMP... -9 C
Hawk.. -12 E
zim... -15 E
At.... -21 E
You can see each team's rating in a park at this link. (You'll have to copy and paste)
In the bottom section, green is good for the team in the left-hand column going across. If it's your home park column, you want red.
If you need some help sorting out all the numbers, let me know.
Thanks Joe!
I've been travelling since Christmas, so I've been slow to catch up on your posts. Just sorting through them now.
Re the ballpark post - does this take into account pitching as well as hitting? Or just the hitting (which is what I might guess)?
Yes, everything including your balance of facing RHSP and LHSP, parks, etc.
I'm assuming the rating figure for hitting includes base stealing (or maybe running factors as well)? Or not? As I type this I'm thinking that you might have answered this question before, and said that the ratings figures do not include base stealing or running.
Figures DO include stealing and running.
I'm looking at the the far right column at the top 1/2 of the page, which looks like the average for each team for ALL ballparks. I think this is an interesting rating figure, since it's kind of a "neutral" ballpark rating. I think it's interesting that my rating is slightly below the average for all 12 teams. It it's hitting only, and excluding stealing and running, it makes sense to me, since a lot of the dollars I spent on hitters would have gone into running and stealing.
Yes, that is the average across 12 parks. Remember that you don't play an even number of games in each park however. so It's not that great of a measure, but yeah, your rating is about average.
The ratings would say that your park isn't a great fit as you are better than 4 teams (Hawk, Zim, AT, JMP), but worse than 7. On the road you are better than Hawk and Zim in their parks.
You are 24 games over .500 and you're 24 over against Hawk, JMP, Corky and smokey. Not sure that it's unusual to make hay against a small number of teams however. In any case, the ratings would indicate that you would do well against Hawk and, to a lesser extent, JMP, but ratings don't really have a reasons for your success against Corky. Obviously injuries and pitching matchups (and die rolls!) factor in.
Thanks again, Joe! I'm sure I'll have lots of questions! !
Sure, questions are always welcome.