Which 60's league is the toughest?

the official tournament of the Mystery Card player sets

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Re: Which 60's league is the toughest?

PostThu Jan 08, 2015 6:00 pm

I've spent most of the last eight years playing Mystery Card and, though I'm not particularly good at it, if a new player asks my advice I'll give it, tournament or not. My motivation is to get more people involved with the Mystery Card leagues. We have a good base of regulars, but always look for ways to make new managers feel welcome.

BTW, Roger Repoz is a steal in the 70's!


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Re: Which 60's league is the toughest?

PostThu Jan 08, 2015 6:05 pm

pwootten wrote:I've spent most of the last eight years playing Mystery Card and, though I'm not particularly good at it, if a new player asks my advice I'll give it, tournament or not. My motivation is to get more people involved with the Mystery Card leagues. We have a good base of regulars, but always look for ways to make new managers feel welcome.

BTW, Roger Repoz is a steal in the 70's!

Thanks! I will try to draft Roger in the next league. I appreciate your suggestion. I suck in the 70s.

Rigged Splits

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Re: Which 60's league is the toughest?

PostThu Jan 08, 2015 6:07 pm

Back to the toughest league. Obviously it's 10. Not just because it's got great managers. It will be the toughest to enjoy. Every move will be scrutinized for collusion. No one will be able to pick up or drop any players for fear of being called a cheater. Consequently, Chess won't have any fun because he won't be able to analyze and tell the league to pick up those dropped players or challenge anyone to pick up his own. He won't be able to make any predictions because he may be colluding to make them come true. God help anyone that manages to make a trade! :P

I'd say just give everyone 81 points and split up the bonus points evenly too.


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Re: Which 60's league is the toughest?

PostThu Jan 08, 2015 6:09 pm

pwootten wrote:I've spent most of the last eight years playing Mystery Card and, though I'm not particularly good at it, if a new player asks my advice I'll give it, tournament or not.

General advice like that Roger Repoz advice is great. However, if you give specific advice to a player playing against a likely tourney rival, you've just helped yourself out. If you give specific advice to one player about his team, you've colluded with him against his division rivals. Rigged Splits doesn't understand this, but I assume you do.


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Re: Which 60's league is the toughest?

PostThu Jan 08, 2015 8:17 pm

Rigged Splits wrote:Back to the toughest league. Obviously it's 10. Not just because it's got great managers. It will be the toughest to enjoy. Every move will be scrutinized for collusion. No one will be able to pick up or drop any players for fear of being called a cheater. Consequently, Chess won't have any fun because he won't be able to analyze and tell the league to pick up those dropped players or challenge anyone to pick up his own. He won't be able to make any predictions because he may be colluding to make them come true. God help anyone that manages to make a trade! :P

I'd say just give everyone 81 points and split up the bonus points evenly too.

Since I haven't played 60s, I will take the 81 points! Yea, I was already worried that I may have to decrease my constant chatter. I don't know these players so the only way to figure out if they are good is to see if I get trade offers for them. I have had 6 trade offers, so I have a few worth keeping. I certainly don't want to be accused of collusion but my psychological warfare may take a hit. I may have to ramp up my verbal activity in the 70s.


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Re: Which 60's league is the toughest?

PostThu Jan 08, 2015 9:34 pm

Quite frankly I'll take a guaranteed 81 points as well in the 60s. And I have 0 trade offers Chess. Tells you how good my team is.
I missed on picks 1, 2 and 4 and I still have the number 9 spot in waivers...

Radagast Brown

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Re: Which 60's league is the toughest?

PostFri Jan 09, 2015 1:35 am

I guess Eli and Peyton Manning should never talk during the season or they are "colluding". Even the pros pass on basic tips.


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Re: Which 60's league is the toughest?

PostFri Jan 09, 2015 9:58 am

Radagast Brown wrote:I guess Eli and Peyton Manning should never talk during the season or they are "colluding". Even the pros pass on basic tips.

You are wasting your time Radagast. The person you are addressing is either trolling this thread or has serious self esteem issues. Your message will be lost either way.


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Re: Which 60's league is the toughest?

PostFri Jan 09, 2015 11:48 am

I thought this topic had been put to rest. But now that G_Money is making childish personal attacks and being an actual troll, I will make clear what I stated before, so people don't further misrepresent me.

1. I did not say anything was wrong with general advice to all players or general tips about game-play. So Radagast's Manning analogy was way off.

2. My main complaint was some veteran managers, including our commissioner and organizer, are planning to help other players with their specific teams, including their rosters. This is wrong in two ways. Firstly, it compromises fair individual competition in the tournament, as some players are playing with assistance from Vets and others aren't. It also constitutes collusion against the assisted team's division rivals. There is no disputing the unfairness of that.

Finally, the players giving help could gain benefits from that help, as they are helping teams beat their division rivals and likely Tournament rivals. That is clearly inequitable, too.

Good luck to everyone.


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Re: Which 60's league is the toughest?

PostFri Jan 09, 2015 12:39 pm

Yes let's move forward. Anyone can allege anything they want--collusion, trolling, unfairness, lack of self esteem, bad hair, etc. But we can ignore allegations that we think detract from the conversation. Ignore as in not respond to. I'm not saying which types of allegations I think those are.

Speaking of no one wanting the players we have, I got nearly everyone I drafted, am 12th in waiver order. Is that a bad sign? I'm thinking yes. I'm ready to take 81 points too, and just play the season for "fun" and edification.

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