80s Tuesday afternoon Update

the official tournament of the Mystery Card player sets

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80s Tuesday afternoon Update

PostMon Feb 16, 2015 5:32 pm

League 1 needs Gordie Howe to close. I have sent him a message in an old league. No response.

League 2 needs Cabobob before sphilip8 can close. We have not heard from Cabobob.

League 3 needs Geronimobuffalo, larkline, jsamia before LMBombers can close. Jsamia has indicated he would enter his team as has larkline. We have not heard from Geronimobuffalo.

League 4 is closed.

League 5 needs mburatti76 and l. strether before ggrover can close. No indication from mburratti76 or l. strether on when they will enter their respective teams.

League 6 is closed.

League 7 needs Zod25. No response to messages sent to him.

League 8 is closed.

League 9 needs pdixon0101 and BigAMcinroy before Chuck can close. Big has indicated he will load. No response from pdixon0101

League 10 needs gkhd11a and Mwpkd3 before Jimmy can close. Messages have gone unread.

League 11 is closed.

Thank you for whatever help you can provide. Any team not entered by end of day Wednesday will potentially be replaced. If for some reason you cannot enter your team until Thursday or Friday, you need to let me know so you maintain your spot in the tournament. Of the 18 remaining to load, we have 9 managers we have not heard from. If anyone has updates on the managers remaining to load, please post.
Last edited by Ducky on Tue Feb 17, 2015 5:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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Re: 80s Monday afternoon Update

PostMon Feb 16, 2015 5:53 pm

Messages sent within other leagues to bigdinkent, GreatUnwashed (responded he will be in), Jomboy78 (and he has now responded that he will be in soon) and GordieHowe.

Last edited by djkalle on Tue Feb 17, 2015 11:04 am, edited 1 time in total.


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Re: 80s Monday afternoon Update

PostMon Feb 16, 2015 7:21 pm

djkalle wrote:Messages sent within other leagues to bigdinkent, GreatUnwashed, Jomboy78 (and he has now responded that he will be in soon) and GordieHowe.


Thank you Chuck.


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Re: 80s Monday afternoon Update

PostTue Feb 17, 2015 12:05 pm

I will enter Wednesday am league 3 ty


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Re: 80s Tuesday afternoon Update

PostTue Feb 17, 2015 5:30 pm



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Re: 80s Tuesday afternoon Update

PostWed Feb 18, 2015 11:55 am

League 1 needs Gordie Howe to close. I have sent him a message in an old league. No response. Message in 60's league has not been read.

League 2 - sphilip8 can close.

League 3 needs larkline before LMBombers can close. larkline has indicated he would enter his team.

League 4 is closed.

League 5 needs mburatti76 and l. strether before ggrover can close. both mburratti76 or l. strether have indicated they will be in.

League 6 is closed.

League 7 needs Zod25. No response to messages sent to him.

League 8 is closed.

League 9 needs pdixon0101 before Chuck can close. No response from pdixon0101

League 10 - closed

League 11 is closed.

Thank you for whatever help you can provide. Any team not entered by end of day Wednesday will potentially be replaced. If for some reason you cannot enter your team until Thursday or Friday, you need to let me know so you maintain your spot in the tournament. Of the 18 remaining to load, we have 9 managers we have not heard from. If anyone has updates on the managers remaining to load, please post.

The Conndor

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Re: 80s Tuesday afternoon Update

PostWed Feb 18, 2015 5:15 pm

I sent a note to mburatti76 at 16:00 EST today. He is in my 60s league and has been relatively active. I meant to send him a note yesterday but forgot.


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Re: 80s Tuesday afternoon Update

PostWed Feb 18, 2015 5:22 pm

Yesterday mburrati posted on the league 5 thread that he would enter his team last night or this morning. Hopefully he will enter soon. Larkline also stated he would enter. With the note that pdixon will enter, that leaves GordieHowe and ZOD as missing.


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Re: 80s Tuesday afternoon Update

PostWed Feb 18, 2015 7:32 pm

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