2015 ATG8 Alphabet League Draft

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2015 ATG8 Alphabet League Draft

PostTue Feb 17, 2015 12:07 am

Welcome to the ABC as easy as 123 Strat-O-Matic Alphabet League.

I've not played this in MANY years and the originator / creator I no longer see either…..so I'll try and keep this alive as best I can recall the rules.

Prerequisites for this league are simple

A) you need to know your ABC's
B) you need to be committed to a LIVE DRAFT on the message boards for a full 26 rounds with a 3 hr clock from 9 AM to 8 PM EST M thru F.
…..proxies acceptable.
C) READ THE RULES BELOW CAREFULLY before agreeing to play

If you can agree to those criteria, then let's play.


1 - We are playing an ATG 8 FULL SET league with a $120 mil cap - with DH - 80/20 drop penalty - no waivers, set frenzy time.

2 - Starting with a random letter (explained later) we will begin with a draft order as determined by the sign-up sheet.
…you can put your name on any of the 12 slots and that's your draft position.

3 - Each owner in-turn drafts a player who's last name begins with the letter we are up to.
EXAMPLE: if "B" is the first letter, then you can draft "B"ONDS, BARRY.

4 - When making a pick, please make your pick CLEAR for everyone by stating the letter you are using and the players full name.
EXAMPLE: "B" - BONDS, Barry - 12.95 mil

5 - Please, as you can see above, list the SALARY of the player next to the pick. You'd be smart to list the LOWEST of their salaries because you can always adjust later….but the salary you list, is the salary you keep for the draft.

7 - this is a PROFESSIONAL style draft where we go from 1-12 and then back to 1. NOT a SNAKE. I repeat, this is NOT a snake draft.

8 - Each owner, in-turn, drafts an appropriate player (or STADIUM - yes, you are drafting a STADIUM with the same criteria) who's name starts with the letter up at your turn.

9 - Each owner is allowed 3 SKIPS. A SKIP = you are allowed to SKIP to the NEXT LETTER if you don't like what you are delt. You get 3 and only 3 skips.
ONLY ONE SKIP per turn. You can not use 2 SKIP's to move 3 letters down the road unless one is a FREE skip due to no letters left for that spot.

Using the above example, the next in line after BONDS would be "C". You can say something like this:
"C" - SKIP (1) "C" and pick "D" - DiMaggio 11.57 Mil …please keep track of your SKIPS so we know
NOTE- the guy after you normally is very pissed off ! (that's part of the fun)

ADDENDUM to this rule:

In the event come to a letter than you already have, you may skip that letter w/o penalty (w/o using one of your FREE skips) to go to the next available letter. You may only use this to move to 1 letter down the road. All other rules above apply.

10 - with the exception of "I", "Q", and "X" - most letters have a decent amount of choices (not that they are all very good)….but once a letter is depleted then you get a FREE SKIP
Example: If half-way thru we get the letter "I" and all 5 "I's are gone, then that owner would say:
"I", free skip to "J" - Jackson, Bo - 2.13

11 - You must compile a LEGAL team ready to load into the SOM draft engine for all HITTERS/PITCHERS/RP only / 2 Catchers criteria + a unique stadium

12 - If you happen to run out of Salary Cap room during the draft OR if you wind up at the end and notice that you don't have a legal team you MUST FIX your team the following way:

a) drop the HIGHEST SALARIED PLAYER you have and re-pick an available player at the same letter that fills your requirement. If there are no players at that letter, move to the next one
until you get a legal pick. If your issues is that you have one too many Pitchers, you drop your HIGHEST Salaried Pitcher to pick a hitter. Same goes with Hitters to take a pitcher, Hitters to take a Cacther, or SP's to take an RP. ….etc..
When in doubt, ask me and I will make a ruling.

b) your replacement pick is immediate and then you continue until you have a legal team
c) please try and not let this happen ! :) …..if would be very helpful if you can keep a running total of your salary after each pick. However, I will be monitoring myself nightly.

d) the player thrown back is not available to be picked. Again, let's not let this happen because this is another problem that gets people annoyed.

13 - CLOCK. As stated before, this is a LONG LONG draft. Its' a 3 hr clock starting at 9AM the morning after this fills. If your clock runs out then you get the next available letter automatically. If that letter
puts you over a CAP or makes you fill out an illegal team, then you are subject to the ABOVE rules. If the guy after you SKIPS a letter, then you are free to pick the letter you were supposed to or SKIP to the next one if you have SKIPS left.

9 AM to 5 PM Eastern Standard Time. Mon thru Fri. Weekends and nights there are no clock.


14 - NO waivers (SET TIME DRAFT FRENZY) but yes, add/drops both in PRE SEASON and during are allowed….. but trust me, I didn’t' just put you all thru a week or two of drafting to simply dismantle your team in seconds.
No, EVERY SINGLE ADD/DROP must but the SAME LETTER. NO EXCEPTIONS. You can NOT drop Bonds and pick up Gibson ! …you can drop Bond for Bailor or Buhner, or even Blylevn if legal….but must be a B for a B.

If you have MANTLE and JETER and want to pick up MAYS and JACKSON you must do DROP MANTLE, PICK UP MAYS and then DROP JETER and pick up JACKSON.
…you can NOT drop MANTLE to get JACKSON and then later pick up MAYS for JETER. The waiver wire must be LETTER for LETTER - no exceptions.
….very tricky to manuver so I suggest you pick wisely. (DROPPING A CHEAPER RUTH for a MORE EXPENSIVE RUTH is easy…that's why I say to pick the LOWEST salaried player if you can….but then again, trying to build a team later may be hard)

Draft Slots as selected:

1 - roblatorre
2 - dukie98
3 - YountFan
4 - muellerinwesttn
6 - Mr BaseballWorld
7 - pacoboy
8 - bcp7
9 - JoeyC
10 - Treyomo
11 -dilgreene13
12 - unclerowser


Round 1
1 - pacoboy - "M" - Matthews, Eddie - 6.97
2 - bcp7 - "N" - Newhouser, Hal - 6.26
3 - JoeyC - "O" - Orosco, Jesse - 2.45
4 - Treyomo - "P" - Piazza, Mike 7.40
5 -dilgreene13--"Q" skip (sorry), "R"--Ruth, Babe (1916) 8.66
6 - unclerowser "S" - Sutter, Bruce 5.71
7 - roblatorre - "T" - Trammell, Alan - 8.24
8 - dukie98 "U" skip "V" Vaughn, Arky - 5.25
9 - YountFan "W" Wells, Willie 8.48
10 - muellerinwesttn - Free Letter SKIP "X", "Y" Young, CY - 7.22
11 - MIKEARCHAMBAULT - "z" skip, "A" - Alexander, Pete - 6.70
12 - Mr BaseballWorld- "B" - Bonds, Barry 11.47

Round 2

1 - pacoboy - "C" Campenella 7.51
2 - bcp7 - "D" Duffy, Hugh 0.95
3 - JoeyC - "E" Eckersley, 4.62
4 - Treyomo - "F" = Foxx 9.46
5 -dilgreene13--"G"--Gibson, Josh 11.49
6 - unclerowser "H" Hornsby, Rogers 13.00
7 - roblatorre - "I" SKIP - "J" - Jackson, Joe 8.87
8 - dukie98 - K- Sandy Koufax , 9.76m
9 - YountFan --- "L" Skip - "M" Mantle, Mickey 8.96
10 - muellerinwesttn - P. Niekro, 5.33
11 - MIKEARCHAMBAULT -"O" - Ott. Mel 7.63
12 - Mr BaseballWorld - "P" - Penmar Park

Round 3

1 - pacoboy - "Q" - Quirk 0.65
2 - bcp7 - "R" - Rivera, Mariano 5.59
3 - JoeyC - "S" - Simmons, Al 8.85
4 - Treyomo - "T" - Torborg, Jeff 0.53
5 -dilgreene13--"U"--Uecker, Bob 0.55
6 - unclerowser SKIP "V" - "W" - Williams, Ted 12.03
7 - roblatorre - Letter skip "X", - "Y" - Yastrzemski, Carl 9.69
8 - dukie98 - Skip "Z" - "A" Aaron, Hank - 7.17
9 - YountFan -"B" Brown, Three Fingers - 10.39
10 - muellerinwesttn - "C" T.Cobb, 9.39
11 - MIKEARCHAMBAULT - "D" DiMaggio, Joe 9.46
12 - Mr BaseballWorld - proxy - "E" - English, Woody 1.67

Round 4

1 - pacoboy - proxy - "F" - Furillo, Carl 4.08
2 - bcp7 - "G" - Grimes, Burleigh 6.99
3 - JoeyC - "H" - Hartnett, Gabby 5.21
4 - Treyomo - "I" skip, "J" Johnson, Walter 8.64
5 -dilgreene13-""K'--Kiner 6.64
6 - unclerowser - "L" Leonard, Dutch 10.81
7 - roblatorre - "M" - Morgan, Joe - 9.26
8 - dukie98 - "N" - Nettles, Graig- 1.58
9 - YountFan - "O" Oglivie, Ben 5.56
10 - muellerinwesttn - "P" Paige, Satchel 5.60
11 - MIKEARCHAMBAULT -"Q" Qualcomm Stadium '00 (proxie)
12 - Mr BaseballWorld - "R" Robinson, Jackie 5.74

Round 5

1 - pacoboy - "S" Snider, D. - 9.66
2 - bcp7 - "T" Tudor, John - 8.78
3 - JoeyC - "U" - US Cellular Field '05
4 - Treyomo - "V" - Vance, Dazzy 1.99
5 -dilgreene13-"W"--Walsh, Ed 8.13
6 - unclerowser - "Y" Yount, Robin 10.03
7 - roblatorre - "Z" (by proxy) - Zimmer, Chief - 4.26
8 - dukie98 - "A" - Averill, Earl - 7.71
9 - YountFan - "B" - Beckwith, John 9.81
10 - muellerinwesttn - "C" - Cochrane, Mickey 6.03 (by proxy)
11 - MIKEARCHAMBAULT - "D" - Bill Dahlen - 2.67
12 - Mr BaseballWorld -"E"-Prior use skip(English)/ "F" skip / "G" Griffey Jr, Ken 9.24

Round 6

1 - pacoboy - "H" Henderson, R - 5.37
2 - bcp7 - "I" - Isbell, Frank - .50
3 - JoeyC - "J" - Joss, Addie - 8.93
4 - Treyomo - "K"- Kaat 3.72
5 -dilgreene13-"L"--Linzy, Frank 0.99
6 - unclerowser - "M" Martinez, Pedro 9.38
7 - roblatorre - "N" Nichols Kid
8 - dukie98 - "O" Olerud, John 3.46
9 - YountFan - "P" Polo '41
10 - muellerinwesttn - "Q" Quisenberry 2.56
11 - MIKEARCHAMBAULT - "R" Redus, F 4.85 (by proxy listed on chat)
12 - Mr BaseballWorld - "S" Sterns, Turkey - 10.41

Round 7

1- pacoboy - "T" Thomas, F - 6.70
2 - bcp7 - "U" - Unser, D - .91
3 - JoeyC - "V" - Vangilder, E - 0.55
4 - Treyomo - "W" - Wagner, Honus - 6.55 (proxy from League Chat)
5 -dilgreene13-the obligatory free "X" skip. "Y"--Yerkes, Carroll 0.66
6 - unclerowser skip "Z" (my 2nd) - "A" - Adams, Babe 8.81
7 - roblatorre - "B" - Bender, Chief - 9.64
8 - dukie98 - "C"- Charleston, Oscar - 7.58
9 - YountFan - "D" Dickey, Bill - 6.29
10 - muellerinwesttn - "E" - Evers, Johnny 2.79
11 - MIKEARCHAMBAULT - "F" - Frisch, Frank 2.18
12 - Mr BaseballWorld - "G" Gherig - 11.89

Round 8

1- pacoboy - LS "H" (Henderson), "I" - Isringhausen - 3.02
2 - bcp7 - "J" - Jones, Chipper - 7.40
3 - JoeyC - "K" - Keefe, Tim - 8.71
4 - Treyomo - "L" - Lajoie, Nap 8.21
5 -dilgreene13 -"M"- Maddux, Greg 7.71
6 - unclerowser - "N" - Narleski, Ray 3.62
7 - roblatorre - "O" - O'Doul, Lefty 5.94
8 - dukie98 -"P" - Posada, Jorge 7.19
9 - YountFan - "Q" Skip (#2) "R" Robinson, F. 8.03
10 - muellerinwesttn - "S" Speaker, Tris 10.06
11 - MIKEARCHAMBAULT - "T" Terry, Bill 2.17
12 - Mr BaseballWorld - "U" "Uribe" - .66

Round 9

1- pacoboy - Skip (1) "V", "W" Wilson, Hack - 6.58
2 - bcp7 - free skip (x), "Y" - Young, Matt - 0.55
3 - JoeyC -"Z"--Zarilla, Al 0.85
4 - Treyomo - "A" - Arroyo, Luis 0.74
5 -dilgreene13 -"B"- Brett, George 6.15
6 - unclerowser - "C" - Coveleski, Stan 9.49
7 - roblatorre - "D" Dandridge - 5.40 via proxy
8 - dukie98 - "E" Ebbets Field '20
9 - YountFan - "F" Ford, Whitey 7.20
10 - muellerinwesttn - "G" Garciaparra, Nomar 4.91
11 - MIKEARCHAMBAULT - "H" Hamilton, Billy 6.14
12 - Mr BaseballWorld - "I" Iorg, Garth 1.82


1- pacoboy - "J" Jackson, Jim - 0.73
2 - bcp7 - "K" - Kelley, King - 7.83
3 - JoeyC - "L" skip (1st); "M" - Musial, Stan 5.59
4 - Treyomo - "N" - Nelson, Jeff 2.32
5 -dilgreene13 -"O"-Oliva, Tony 4.87
6 - unclerowser - "P" - Pena , Tony 0.59
7 - roblatorre - "Q" - Quilici, Frank 0.61
8 - dukie98 - "R" - Radatz, Dick -4.64
9 - YountFan - "S" Stanky, Eddie 6.14
10 - muellerinwesttn - "T" Tiant, Luis 4.17
11 - MIKEARCHAMBAULT - "U" Underwood,Tom 2.99
12 - Mr BaseballWorld - "V" - Veal, B. - 6.02

Round 11

1- pacoboy - "W" - Wood, Joe - 0.95 (he's also the same as the pitcher FYI)
2 - bcp7 - "Y" free skip Matt Young, skip "Z" - "A" Appling, Luke 4.04
3 - JoeyC - "B" Backman - .83
4 - Treyomo - "C" Crawford - 6.48 via proxy
5 -dilgreene13 - "D"--Deberry, Joe 0.50
6 - unclerowser - "E" - Egan, Dick 0.54
7 - roblatorre - "F" - Ferrell, Rick - 2.6
8 - dukie98 - "G" - Gehringer, Charlie - 7.15
9 - YountFan - "H" Higbe, Kirby 3.74
10 - muellerinwesttn - Skip "I" "J" Jackson, Mike 1.75 (proxy)
11 - MIKEARCHAMBAULT - "K" - Klink, Joe 0.98
12 - Mr BaseballWorld - Skip "L"; "M" - Murray, Dale 5.99

Round 12

1- pacoboy - "N" Nathan - 4.73
2 - bcp7 - skip "O" - "P" Pujols, 7.88
3 - JoeyC - skip (my 2nd skip) "Q", "R"- Rosen, Al - 6.12
4 - Treyomo - "S" - Schmidt, Mike 8.52
5 -dilgreene13 - "T" - Torriente - 7.68
6 - unclerowser - skip "U" (my 3rd ugh!) - "V" Vandermeer, Johnny 1.97
7 - roblatorre - "W" - Waner, L - 5.71 via proxy
8 - dukie98 - "Y" - Earl Yingling 0.76
9 - YountFan - "Z" Zimmerman, Heinie .97
10 - muellerinwesttn - "A" Anson, Cap 4.72
11 - MIKEARCHAMBAULT - "B" Bench, Johnny 5.83
12 - Mr BaseballWorld -"C" Caminiti, Ken 3.70

1-pacoboy--"D"-Drysdale, Don 5.04
2 - bcp7 - skip "E" , "F" - Fox, Nellie - 6.88
3 - JoeyC - "G" - Groat, Dic 0.56
4 - Treyomo - "H" - Henderson, Dave 3.55
5 -dilgreene13 -"I", skip. "J"-Johnson, Don -0.52
6 - unclerowser - "K" - Knight, Ray 2.52
7 - roblatorre - skip "L" (S2), "M" - Mathewson,C. - 9.80 via proxy
8 - dukie98 - "N" - Nomo, Hideo - 8.85
9 - YountFan - "O" - Ott, Ed 0.92
10 - muellerinwesttn - "P" Packard, Gene 1.34
11 - MIKEARCHAMBAULT - LS "Q" (Qualcomm) "R" - Ruel, Muddy .76
12 - Mr BaseballWorld - LS "S" (Stearnes) "T" Tannehill, Jesse 6.55

Round 14

1-pacoboy - "U" Unglaub - 0.85
2 - bcp7 - "V" Vergez, Johnny 0.98
3 - JoeyC - "W" Waddell, Rube - 8.85
4 - Treyomo - "X" free skip, "Y" - Young,Bobby - 0.50
5 -dilgreene13-"Z"-Zahn, Geoff 2.36
6 - unclerowser - free skip "A" - "B" - Brown, Gates 5.07
7 - roblatorre - "C" - Carew - 8.56
8 - dukie98 - "D" - Daniels, Kalvoski- 3.98
9 - YountFan - "E" Eels, Harry 0.93 (Proxy on chat page)
10 - muellerinwesttn - "F" Forbes Field 1957
11 - MIKEARCHAMBAULT - "G" Grove, Lefty 9.18
12 - Mr BaseballWorld - Hershberger - 1.22

Round 15

1-pacoboy - Free Skip "I" (Isringhausen), "J" - Johnson, HomeRun - 6.47
2 - bcp7 - "K" - Klinger, Bob - 1.68
3 - JoeyC - "L" - Lyle, Sparky 2.43
4 - Treyomo - "M" - McDowell, Sudden Sam 6.9
5 -dilgreene13-- "N"-Nen, Robb 5.01
6 - unclerowser - "O" - O'Neill, Steve 5.50
7 - roblatorre - "P" Pfiester - 5.10
8 - dukie98 - Skip (S3) "Q"; "R" - Rogers, Kenny 1.38
9 - YountFan - "S" Spahn, Warren 6.09
10 - muellerinwesttn - "T" Traynor, Pie 5.12
11 - MIKEARCHAMBAULT - LS U (Underwood); skip(2) "V"; "W" - Wilhelm, Hoyt 4.19
12 - Mr BaseballWorld - "Y" Young, Pep 0.50

Round 16

1 - pacoboy - Skip (S2) "Z", "A" - Appier - 4.42
2 - bcp7 - "B" Bresnahan, Roger - 7.08
3 - JoeyC - "C" - Collins, Shano - 0.53
4 - Treyomo - "D" - Dugan, Joe 0.5
5 -dilgreene13--"E"--Ebbets Field '41
6 - unclerowser "F" - Flood, Curt 3.83
7 - roblatorre - "G" Guidry - 5.14
8 - dukie98 - "H" Hanlon - 0.55
9 - YountFan - "I" Iannetta, Chris 2.45
10 - muellerinwesttn - "J" (letter skip - Mike Jackson); "K" Kelly, Joe 4.84
11 - MIKEARCHAMBAULT - "L" - Lindstrom, Fred 7.05
12 - Mr BaseballWorld "M" Mays, Willie 10.42

Round 17

1 - pacoboy - "N" - Niekro, Joe - 0.65
2 - bcp7 - "O" - Oyler, Ray - 0.50
3 - JoeyC - "P" - Patterson, Daryl - 1.31
4 - Treyomo - Skip "Q", "R" - Ruthven, Dick 0.50
5 -dilgreene13-"S"-Sewell, Joe 1.96
6 - unclerowser - "T" Taveras, Frank 0.50
7 - roblatorre - "U" Upshaw, C. - 1.13
8 - dukie98- "V" - letter skip (Vaughan) - "W" - White, Doc 5.73
9 - YountFan--"Y"--Young, Michael 1.24
10 - muellerinwesttn - "Z" Zimmer, Don 0.52
11 - MIKEARCHAMBAULT LS A (Alexander) "B" Baldwin, Lady 9.56
12 - Mr BaseballWorld- "C" Caldwell, Mike 1.00

Round 18

1 - pacoboy - "D" Dineen - 4.84
2 - bcp7 - "E" Elston - 2.22
3 - JoeyC - "F" - Fitzsimmons, Freddie - 2.98
4 - Treyomo -"G" Garmen - 0.77
5 -dilgreene13-"H"-Herman, Billy 4.63
6 - unclerowser - "I" Irvin, M - 5.35 (Mandatory Pick)
7 - roblatorre - "J" - Johnson, Ernie - 0.65
8 - dukie98- skip "K" (Koufax) - "L" Langston, Mark, 4.72
9 - YountFan- "M" McGwire, Mark 3.75
10 - muellerinwesttn - skip "N" (Niekro) - "O" O'Neill, Tip 8.9 [public proxy]
11 - MIKEARCHAMBAULT "P" - Perranoski, Ron 1.61
12 - Mr BaseballWorld - Skip "Q" (S3), Free Skip "R" (Robinson), "S" Sambito, Joe .55

Round 19

1 - pacoboy - "T" - Trotter .73
2 - bcp7 - skip "U" (Unser) - pick "V" - Virdon .88
3 - JoeyC--"W"--Ward, John 0.91
4 - Treyomo "Y" - free skip (Bobby Young), "Z" - Zimmerman, Jerry 0.60
5 -dilgreene13--"A"--Alou, Jesus 0.50
6 - unclerowser - free skip (Brown, Gates) - "C" Cardenal, Jose 0.58
7 - roblatorre---"D"--Danforth, Dave 0.90
8 - dukie98--"E"--Engle, Dave 0.53 (by public proxy)
9 - YountFan - LS (Ford), "G" Greenberg 7.98
10 - muellerinwesttn - "H" Hoffman - 5.65
11 - MIKEARCHAMBAULT - auto skip "I" (no one available); "J" Johnson, Randy 8.85
12 - Mr BaseballWorld - Killifer, Bill .72

Round 20

1 - pacoboy - "L" LARKIN !!!! 5.12 Thank God ! Finally !
2 - bcp7 - "M" - McKain, Archie - 1.66
3 - JoeyC- "N" North, Billy 1.88
4 - Treyomo - "O" - Olson, Ivy 0.53
5 -dilgreene13-"P"--Parent, Freddie 0.80
6 - unclerowser - "Q" Quinn, Jack 2.63
7 - roblatorre- "R" Reniff, Hal 0.99
8 - dukie98--"S"--Skowron, Bill 2.06 (public proxy)
9 - YountFan - "T" Tincup, Ben 0.79
10 - muellerinwesttn -"U"--Umbricht 0.50 (public proxy)11 -
11 - MIKEARCHAMBAULT - "V" Valdespino, Sandy 0.64
12 - Mr BaseballWorld - "W" - Williams, Matt 5.37

Round 21
1 - pacoboy - "Y" Yeager 1.48
2 - bcp7 - "Z" - Zoldak - 0.85
3 - JoeyC- A" Avila, B. - 3.94
4 - Treyomo - "B" - Bodie, Ping 0.57
5 -dilgreene13-"C"--Carlton, Steve 4.98
6 - unclerowser - "D" - Davis, Tommy 1.64
7 - roblatorre- LS (3) "E", "F" Forbes Field '09
8 - dukie98- "G" - Galaragga 3.28
9 - YountFan - "H" - Honeycutt, Rick 0.91
10 - muellerinwesttn - "J" LS (Mike Jackson); "K" - Kearney, Bob 0.56
11 - MIKEARCHAMBAULT - "L" - Lowrey, Peanuts 0.86
12 - Mr BaseballWorld - "M" McBean, Al 1.39

Round 22

1 - pacoboy - "N" Neilsen, S. - .55
2 - bcp7 - frees skip "O" Oyler - "P" Puckett, K - 6.21
3 - JoeyC- "Q" - no letters skip - "R" prior letter skip (Rosen) - "S" - Scioscia, Mike - 1.92
4 - Treyomo - "T" - Triplett, Coaker 0.76
5 -dilgreene13-"U"--free skip (Uecker) "V"--skip #3 "W"--Wagner, Billy 4.76
6 - unclerowser - "Y" Yankee Stadium '05
7 - roblatorre-"Z" free skip (Zimmer); "A"--Adams, Ace 0.81 (proxy)
8 - dukie98- "B" - Bagwell, Jeff - 10.18M
9 - YountFan - "C" Cadaret, Greg 1.13
10 - muellerinwesttn - "D" Davis, Kiddo 0.70 public proxy
11 - MIKEARCHAMBAULT - Esposito, Sammy 0.66 public proxy
12 - Mr BaseballWorld - "F" Fryman, Woodie 3.81(SP)

Round 23

1 - pacoboy - "G" Gagne, Eric 4.38
2 - bcp7 - "H" - Herman, Babe 5.33
3 - JoeyC - Free Skip "I", "J" Jackson, Reggie - 3.84
4 - Treyomo - free skip "K" (Kaat); "L" - Lindblad, Paul 0.76
5 -dilgreene13--"M"--McCovey, Willie 4.43
6 - unclerowser free skip (Narleski) - "O" Oquendo, Jose 2.62
7 - roblatorre - "P" Parker, Dave 0.86
8 - dukie98 - Free Skip "Q", "R" - Regan, P. - 0.60
9 - YountFan--"S"--Sellers, Jeff 0.52
10 - muellerinwesttn - "T" Thompson, Sam 2.84
11 - MIKEARCHAMBAULT - LS U (Underwood); "V" - Vaughn, Greg 0.94
12 - Mr BaseballWorld - "W" Worthington, Al 0.91

Round 24

1 - pacoboy - "Y" - Yerkes 1.00 - I AM DONE WITH HITTERS, Need a pitcher and stadium - 1 skip left
2 - bcp7 - skip "Z" Zoldak - "A" - Astrodome 71 - need 1 SP and a bench player
3 - JoeyC - skip "B" - Backman - "C" - Collins, Ripper - 2.35 - Need 1 pitcher, any type, 1 hitter - 1 skip left
4 - Treyomo - skip "D" (Dugan); "E" - Ebbets '55 - Need 1 pitcher, 1 hitter
5 -dilgreene13 -"F"--Foli, Tim 0.52--need two hitters
6 - unclerowser - "G" Giusti, Dave - 1.78 - need 1 pitcher & 1 hitter
7 - roblatorre - "H" Howard, Elston - 0.96 - need 2 hitters
8 - dukie98 - skip "I" (no players left); "J" - Joost, Eddie, 0.58 - need 2 pitchers (1 SP)
9 - YountFan - "K" Kennedy, Vern 0.90 (2 hitters. 1 skip)
10 - muellerinwesttn - "L" Lebvere, Jim - .68
11 - MIKEARCHAMBAULT - "M" - McMahon, Don 0.97 need 1 hitter 1 pitcher, one skip left I think
12 - Mr BaseballWorld - "N" Nuxhall, Joe 3.35 need 1 pitcher and 1 hitter no skips

Round 25
1 - pacoboy - Skip "O" (S3), "P" - Polo Ground '11
2 - bcp7 - Skip "Q" no players remaining - "R" Ruffing - 6.67
3 - JoeyC - skip "S" (Simmons) - "T" Torre, Joe 3.76
4 - Treyomo--""U", skip #3; "V"--free skip (Vance); "W" - Wheat, Zack 6.62
5 -dilgreene13--"X"--free skip; "Y"--"Yost, Ned--1.13
6 - unclerowser - "Z" Zuber, Bill 0.69
7 - roblatorre - skip "A" (prev pick Ace Adams), "B" Brouhard, Mark 1.44
8 - dukie98- "C" Conroy, Tim 0.53
9 - YountFan- "D" - Dusak, Erv 0.90 (per chat proxy)
10 - muellerinwesttn - "E" letter skip (Evers) "F" Ford, Hod 0.67
11 - MIKEARCHAMBAULT - "G" letter skip (grove) "H" Holmes, Darren 0.94 (Proxy)
12 - Mr BaseballWorld - "J" Jones, Slim 8.09
Last edited by pacoboy on Wed Mar 04, 2015 11:06 am, edited 31 times in total.


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Re: 2015 ATG8 Alphabet League Draft

PostTue Feb 17, 2015 12:10 am

As stated early on, mullerinwesttn - the first owner to sign up - would be the "KEY".

He e-mailed me his last name and month of birth to get this started.

...as luck would have it, he was born in July = month # 7 and his last name starts with an "M"

Thus, I get the honors....which I don't like but so be it.

It's a long long way to San Jose.

let's get started...
Last edited by pacoboy on Tue Feb 17, 2015 12:20 am, edited 1 time in total.


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Re: 2015 ATG8 Alphabet League Draft

PostTue Feb 17, 2015 12:19 am

Revised Draft order based on the JULY month for mullerinwesttn..and we start with "M"

if you want to be on my e-mail list, send message me your e-mail. Thanks


1 - pacoboy - "M" - Matthews, Eddie - 6.97

2 - bcp7
3 - JoeyC
4 - Treyomo
5 -dilgreene13
6 - unclerowser
7 - roblatorre
8 - dukie98
9 - YountFan
10 - muellerinwesttn
12 - Mr BaseballWorld

Round 2

1 - pacoboy -
2 - bcp7
3 - JoeyC
4 - Treyomo
5 -dilgreene13
6 - unclerowser
7 - roblatorre
8 - dukie98
9 - YountFan
10 - muellerinwesttn
12 - Mr BaseballWorld


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Re: 2015 ATG8 Alphabet League Draft

PostTue Feb 17, 2015 1:06 am

Hey guys, there was one rule from years past that I forgot to implement but I will only modify the above agreed upon rules if there are no objections. After you make a pick, please state if you have any objections to this modification.

The rule would be that if you have already picked a letter (such as I already picked "M") then you DO NOT HAVE TO pick it again and get a FREE skip past that letter(s). You can pick it again if you want, but you don't have to. This prevents 1 guy from getting 4 "E"'s or 3 "V"'s. Again, I will not modify the rules unless it's 100% ok with everyone.

I can live w/o it, but it makes it more fair to have it in.


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Re: 2015 ATG8 Alphabet League Draft

PostTue Feb 17, 2015 1:18 am

maybe I missed something - am I supposed to follow suit and pick a player with the letter "M" or am I supposed to use the next letter "N"?

Mr Baseball World

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Re: 2015 ATG8 Alphabet League Draft

PostTue Feb 17, 2015 1:21 am

You would pick someone starting with N. You could use one of your 3 skips to get to O.


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Re: 2015 ATG8 Alphabet League Draft

PostTue Feb 17, 2015 1:34 am


1 - pacoboy - "M" - Matthews, Eddie - 6.97
2 - bcp7 - "N" - Newhouser, Hal - 6.26

3 - JoeyC

4 - Treyomo
5 -dilgreene13
6 - unclerowser
7 - roblatorre
8 - dukie98
9 - YountFan
10 - muellerinwesttn
12 - Mr BaseballWorld

Round 2

1 - pacoboy -
2 - bcp7
3 - JoeyC
4 - Treyomo
5 -dilgreene13
6 - unclerowser
7 - roblatorre
8 - dukie98
9 - YountFan
10 - muellerinwesttn
12 - Mr BaseballWorld


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Re: 2015 ATG8 Alphabet League Draft

PostTue Feb 17, 2015 8:53 am

Correct MBBW. So you guys ok with my addendum ? Do NOT HAVE TO pick same letter 2x if you don't want. Any objections please advise early. Thanks.


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Re: 2015 ATG8 Alphabet League Draft

PostTue Feb 17, 2015 9:06 am

I am OK with allowing skips when you need to draft the same letter twice. The skipping is going to make things interesting.
Posted by the real YountFan


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Re: 2015 ATG8 Alphabet League Draft

PostTue Feb 17, 2015 9:18 am

That addendum makes sense to me.

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