joethejet wrote:Probably a little early to worry about it since the cards aren't out yet....but, I will ping some of the veterans that have dropped out: Big M, Jeep, Silver, Niners and Keyzick. I'm pretty sure that Niners has too many other teams (like JMP) Not sure about Jeep or Big M, but I will ping them. Not sure if any of the other guys are playing: Shrink, C2, JG,
Also, we still haven't heard from Hawk and Corky.
Other than that, we should start thinking about people who might be interested.
I MIGHT be interested, in a return, 2 big hurdles though:
1. I'm guessing that you guys are going to want to get rolling right when the cards come out, that will be a huge problem for me as I'll be overseeing 4 drafts in the 4 keepers I run and participating in 3 others, not sure i can squeeze an 8th draft into that schedule.
2. It would depend entirely on Salary cap, unless it was 100mil(or higher), I'd also not be interested.
As for your list, Sandy hasn't played in 3 years, neither has C2. Hawk is around, but usually only on in the morning or evening, if you need his e-mail I can get it to you. Bigmahon is also around but VERY busy, e-mail him as well.
As for the others don't know, Jeep should be around, but I have had no contact with the rest of that list.