Sat Mar 21, 2015 4:32 pm
I've looked at the rules and here's how I interpret them:
You are allowed to trade at any time.
You may promote at any time.
The rules about needing to "make the picks good" only apply to the FA draft as the language of that section speaks only in terms of a FA draft.
He may also engage in imbalanced trades that would clear 40-man space.
As I see it, Ted may not simply drop his prospects.
He may:
Trade his picks.
Trade 40-man players and promote prospects to make room for his picks.
Now, I understand all the objections, but they aren't supported by the rules.
That said, this really has to be about the spirit of the league - Ted is clearly rebuilding and I don't think we should be trying to keep him from using his picks - which have come at significant trade expense. Ideally, Ted would have gotten this taken care of in the drop/promotion period (and he cannot drop and promote that way any more), but he didn't and we should give him every opportunity to make the moves he needs to make now.
Ted, if you can expeditiously try to get your roster good, that would be great.
Thanks everybody.