New player additions

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New player additions

PostFri Mar 27, 2015 11:57 am

How about when you plan for ATG9 when it arrives to add all World Series teams or at least all World Series winners?

True, that makes it tough for teams like the Cubs. So here would be another idea.

Run a set of polls. Announce now you are going to add one full team for each currently existing franchise.
30 teams, 30 separate polls. For each one Strat uses the 5 teams from that team's history with the most wins. Then we can all vote in each poll for the year we want. Top vote getter in each poll gets in the new set. ALL teams would get an equal infusion of new cards. And since entire teams would be added those wanting more bench and less expensive cards would be made happy. Those wanting more options for franchise themes would be happy. Should set off a frenzy of new franchise theme leagues.

Regarding individual player card monthly additions.

Create a separate forum for new team/card polls and discussions. Take all the nominations that Bill has collected in his worksheets and break them up in to batches. The batches could be broken up in a number of different ways. Each batch would get a separate poll thread.
30 batches: one for each current existing franchise.

For the ongoing monthly additions:
12 batches: 8 for the 8 positions on the field, 1 for 8 SP, 1 for non * SP, 1 for RP, 1 for SP/RP cards

To keep balance you could take the top 2 for each of the pitching polls and 1 for each position.
so you are adding 8 position players and 8 pitchers. Or you take 2 from each position resulting in 24 cards added with a 16/8 batter to pitcher ratio. Or 2 from each position and 3 from each pitcher poll for a 16/12 ratio.

After the first poll results you could take the top 3 from each position and throw them in a separate additional batch/poll with all the cards that were for DH seasons and thus do not have a position listed on card to create a DH batch/poll. That way people would have a way to vote in a popular/deserving DH or cast their vote in the direction of a position they thought was needed more than other positions.

Bottom voter gets removed and the poll reset. When you vote do you try to push that card you want over the top for inclusion? Or do you vote for a card you would like who is in danger of dropping out due to no votes.


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Re: New player additions

PostFri Mar 27, 2015 1:23 pm

These are great ideas. Most of all, SOM, we need more bench options! Bench players in the .50 to 1.00 range! 1-way relievers under 1.00!

george barnard

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Re: New player additions

PostMon Mar 30, 2015 9:06 am

These are great ideas!

To which I would add a monthly lottery. Everyone who wants nominates one player and at the end of the month, one player from all those nominated is picked at random, no vote, no nothing. Details could be placed for each lottery (not already carded, middle infielders, players from TB, COL, ARI, MIA...). For example, Joe Cunningham would make for a good addition, but he's not the sexiest of players and his name recognition is not up there with the Mantles and the Clementes of the world. He might never get voted in (unless the entire 1959 Cardinal team is dropped in). With the lottery, he might have a 1 in a 100 shot of getting in in any particular month. Just a passing thought as I was walking from the store....



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Re: New player additions

PostSat Apr 11, 2015 6:52 pm

How about the option of paying Strat a nominal fee, say $3, per every player you personally wish to be added to the ATG pool?

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