Captain Obviuos Team Scoring

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Re: Captain Obviuos Team Scoring

PostTue Apr 07, 2015 11:51 pm

Day 9

Ghost 2W +6 SHO +3 =9
AK 1W +3 4Hit +1 =4

Chase 2W +6 10K +1 =7
Splinter 1W +3 4Hit +1 =4
The msaegse is waht mttares msot!


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Re: Captain Obviuos Team Scoring

PostWed Apr 08, 2015 11:34 pm

Frank 2W +6 NoHit +5 10K +1 =12
Bombers 1W +3 =3

9ers 3W +9 Sweep +5 =14
GB =0

Ghost 3W +9 Sweep +5 =14
Kev =0

Team Chase 40 + 182 = 222
Team Kev 3 + 218 = 221
The msaegse is waht mttares msot!


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Re: Captain Obviuos Team Scoring

PostWed Apr 08, 2015 11:50 pm

PostSun Mar 29, 2015 10:41 am

Ehlekev1..... 0...40

TEAM CHASE............182
Sorry as my math sucks. That adds up to 192
High Score Leader
GBrookes and Ghost 18

The score is Team Chase 132 Team Kevin 221
The msaegse is waht mttares msot!


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Re: Captain Obviuos Team Scoring

PostThu Apr 09, 2015 9:45 am

chasenally wrote:PostSun Mar 29, 2015 10:41 am

Ehlekev1..... 0...40

UH this adds up to 209 not 218

chasenally wrote:TEAM CHASE............182
Sorry as my math sucks. That adds up to 192
High Score Leader
GBrookes and Ghost 18

The score is Team Chase 132 Team Kevin 221

So does your typing ;)

The score is Team Chase 192 Team Kevin 209

Unless there's other scoring I'm missing. :?


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Re: Captain Obviuos Team Scoring

PostThu Apr 09, 2015 9:52 am

chasenally wrote:TEAM KEVINEHLE......221
Ehlekev1..... 0...40

No offense captain but, can you not add? do you not own a calculator? or are you just dyslexic? ;)

(Assuming the 3 for LM is part of his 34)

Those scores add up to 212, not 221.

chasenally wrote:TEAM CHASE............232

High Score Leader
GBrookes 42 and Ghost 68

so scores should be

Team KEV 212 and TEAM chase 232 (again assuming the first scores for myself, Ghost and Frank are part of the second number) at least you got our team's score right. :o


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Re: Captain Obviuos Team Scoring

PostThu Apr 09, 2015 10:50 am

I demand a recount! I think team Ehle should be ahead by 100.


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Re: Captain Obviuos Team Scoring

PostFri Apr 10, 2015 12:27 am

This is an example for how the scoring is posted.

Player name / score for today / total score player

Bombers .................3.........................34

I posted the day that I messed up the scoring to show you where I messed up.
The msaegse is waht mttares msot!


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Updated Scoring

PostSat Apr 11, 2015 7:31 pm

OK this took way longer than I ever thought it would but here is the right score. Team Kev 507 Team Chase 449

Day 1
Bomber 3 9ers 6/Ak 7 Edub 3/Kev 15 Chase 1/GB 7 Frank 9
Kev 32 Chase 19
Missed 4Hit game for Bomber

Day 2
Bomber 7 Edub 4/ GB 5 Chase 7/ Ak 0 9ers 16/ Kev 3 Frank 11/ Jeep 5 Terry 6/ Splinter 6 Ghost 3
Score is correct for Day 2 Kev 26 Chase 47
Kev 32+26=58 Chase 19+47=66
Missed 3 points from Ghost will added it to the end score

Day 3
Kev 58 Chase 66

Day 4
Kev 4 Chase 7/Splinter 4 Terry 6/Ak 4 9ers 6/ GB 18 Frank 0/ Bombers 7 Edub 3/ Jeep 5 Ghost 6
Score is correct for day 4 Kev 42 Chase 28
Kev 58+42=100 Chase 66+28=94

Day 5
Ak 3 Edub 6/ Splinter 0 Ghost 18/ Jeep 3 Terry 6/Bombers 14 9ers 0
Score is correct for day 5
Kev 100+20=120 Chase 94+30=124

Day 6
GB 7 Chase 10/ Splinter 14 Terry 0/ Jeep 14 Ghost 1/ Kev 3 Frank 13
GB was credited for 1 10K he didn't get
Kev 38 Chase 24
Kev 120+38=158 Chase 124+24=148

Day 7
Jeep 14 Frank 0/ Bombers 0 Ghost 14
Score is correct for day 7
Kev 14 Chase 14
Kev 158=14=172 Chase 148+14=162

Day 8
Splinter 8 9ers 3/ Kev 15 Edub 0/ AK 10 Chase 9/ GB 7 Ghost 3
Score is correct for day 8
Kev 40 Chase 15
Kev 172+40=212 Chase 162+15=177

Day 9
Splinter 4 Chase 7/ Ak 4 Ghost 9
Score is correct for day 9
Kev 8 Chase 16
Kev 212+8=220 Chase 177+16=193

Day 10
Bombers 3 Frank 15/ GB 0 9ers 14/ Splinter 6 Edub 3/ Kev 0 Ghost 14
Score is right
Kev 9 Chase 46
Kev 220+9=229 Chase 193+46=239

Day 11
Bomber 15 Chase 3/ Kev 15 9ers 0/ Ak 15 Terry 0/ Splinter 6 Frank 3
Score is right
Kev 51 Chase 5
3+3=6 Missed 1 point for Chase added at the end score
Kev 229+51=280 Chase 239+5=244

Day 12
Jeep 6 Chase 4/ Ak 7 Frank 3/ Bombers 14 Ghost 0/ GB 6 Edub 3
Score is right
Kev 27 Chase 6
4+3+0+3=10 Missed 4 points for Chase added at end score

Kev 280+33=313 Chase 244+6=250

Day 13
Jeep 15 9ers 0/ Kev 3 Terry 7
Score is right
Kev 18 Chase 7
Kev 313+18=331 Chase 250+7=257

Day 14
Jeep 11 Edub 3/ Kev 6 9ers 3/ GB 3 Terry 10/ Bombers 7 Chase 4
Score is right
Kev 27 Chase 21
3+3+10+4=20 Added 1 point too many to Chase score
Kev 331+27=358 Chase 257+21=278

Day 15
Bomber 15 Terry 0/ Splinter 3 Chase 6
Score is right
Kev 18 Chase 6
Kev 358+18=376 Chase 278+6=284

Day 16
GB 0 9ers 14/ Bomber 0 Frank 15
Kev 0 Chase 29
Kev 376+0=376 Chase 284+29=313

Day 17
GB 1 Edub 14/ AK 6 Frank 4/ Splinter 7 Terry 3/ Jeep 8 Ghost 7
Kev 376+22=398 Chase 313+28=341
Added the 284 instead of the 313 to Chase score

Day 18
Kev 6 Edub 5/ Jeep 7 Terry 3/ AK 1 Chase 15/ Splinter 4 Ghost 6
Kev 398+18=416 Chase 341+29=370

Day 19
Jeep 3 Frank 9/ AK 6 9ers 3/ Kev 17 Ghost 0/ Bombers 6 Edub 9
Kev 416+32=448 Chase 370+21=391

Day 20
Jeep 4 Chase 7/ GB 8 Terry 3
Kev 448+12=460 Chase 391+10=401

Day 21
AK 6 Edub 3/ Kev 4 Terry 6/ Bombers 3 9ers 6/ Splinter 3 Frank 7
Kev 460+16=476 Chase 401+22=423
Again added my total score from 2 days ago

Day 22
Jeep 6 9ers 3/ AK 3 Ghost 7/ Kev 6 Frank 5/ GB 10 Chase 3
Kev 476+25+6=507 Chase 423+18+1+4-1=446
Last edited by chasenally on Tue Apr 21, 2015 2:17 am, edited 21 times in total.
The msaegse is waht mttares msot!


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Re: Captain Obviuos Team Scoring

PostSun Apr 12, 2015 10:38 am

Hey Mike, what level of baseball is Chase playing? Peewee? Little League? T-Ball? or maybe Major League? Is his name Chase Utley?

Anyway, I miss coaching little league teams. If Chase is in the 6 to 12 range, it brings back fond memories when I was teaching multiple league teams that WINNING IS EVERYTHING! Perhaps I was too intense now that I think about those years. :shock:

Enjoy these times with your son. They grow up too fast!


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Re: Captain Obviuos Team Scoring

PostWed Apr 15, 2015 1:05 am

KEVINEHLE wrote:Hey Mike, what level of baseball is Chase playing? Peewee? Little League? T-Ball? or maybe Major League? Is his name Chase Utley?

Anyway, I miss coaching little league teams. If Chase is in the 6 to 12 range, it brings back fond memories when I was teaching multiple league teams that WINNING IS EVERYTHING! Perhaps I was too intense now that I think about those years. :shock:

Enjoy these times with your son. They grow up too fast!

Pissing moment coming..........

I have Coached my kid from 5 to 9 in Kidsports and Little League. I was always proud when a Mother or Father would come up to me half way through the season and ask me "which one of them is your kid." I treated them all the same and ripped them when they did bad and rocked them when they did good. They like that and want that.
This year I quit Coaching to focus on my kid and it has gone really bad. My wife and I decided to put him in Babe Ruth as we had hoped as we were lead to believe that it was all about winning and putting the best team out there. The 3 Coaches put their kids out there for every inning in every game and the rest of the kids share time. They don't help the other kids get better they just load up on their kids.
Chase is a very good SS but the Head Coaches son is just as good so I am fine with that. Here comes a Strat range moment... The other 2 kids play SS and 3B when he is pitching and I give them a range 5 because you cant have a 6. I am so pissed I can hardly sleep. It is all I think about because I know better. I am going to round up some of the kids and hold private practices to help them get better. The one Coaches kid cant move even after the ball has passed him by.
I want to thank you for letting me vent because I wanted to take all 3 Coached behind the Woodshed and this might just hold that off for a week.
I am even thinking about buying Frank a plane ticket :twisted: .
The msaegse is waht mttares msot!

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