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PostWed Apr 15, 2015 3:22 pm

Hello friends of LOTO and GBBR. I am really back, have a computer and time to play again. If there are any players interested, I will set up a league for the new 2014 set. It will be named GBBR 2015 tho.


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Re: LOTO/GBBR Leagues

PostWed Apr 15, 2015 7:10 pm

Go for it Robt - you know I'll be there! :D


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Re: LOTO/GBBR Leagues

PostWed Apr 15, 2015 7:46 pm

I'm in. Just say when.


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Re: LOTO/GBBR Leagues

PostThu Apr 16, 2015 9:49 pm

Has anyone been in an auto league recently? Nobody speaks to each other. Or answers any posts. Its really cryptic Almost creepy - Zombie like. LVING 4 WORK. bE BACK TOMORROW. ROBERT


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Re: LOTO/GBBR Leagues

PostFri Apr 17, 2015 7:54 am

Outside of the rude players not answering your messages, I wouldn't let it bother you Robert. In my 15 years of playing, most of my leagues have been chat free. Although it's cool you and some other players like to socialize, most players--including myself--just want a (mostly) quiet break from work. Since you will have your GBBR leagues, though, you have no worries.

I was also going to ask if you got the music I sent you. Did it change your mind at all, or are you still disillusioned?


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Re: LOTO/GBBR Leagues

PostFri Apr 17, 2015 11:53 am


Apologies for the late reply...if you're following the boards, I've been quite busy trying to close out the 2015 Tour leagues by TONITE!

We still need two managers to close out the last league, Tour Event 1 - League 5 (password is E5). If you, strether, or anyone else who is NOT already signed up for the tour wants to close this out, feel free to join us at any time. You can join as a one time participant or continue on through the additional events if you wish to do so. No obligations whatsoever.

You can follow the tour related threads, rules, etc in the Players Championship forum.

I did not see a LOTO league available in the Open Leagues, but know I'll join as soon as you make it available.

Thx Robert!


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Re: LOTO/GBBR Leagues

PostFri Apr 17, 2015 8:45 pm

ROBERTVOZZA wrote:Has anyone been in an auto league recently? Nobody speaks to each other. Or answers any posts. Its really cryptic Almost creepy - Zombie like. LVING 4 WORK. bE BACK TOMORROW. ROBERT

Hey Robert, the land of auto-leagues can be a hit or miss roll of the dice. I have 13 current teams and only 1 auto-league. That league is very quiet. The other 12 leagues are Keeper leagues and long-running leagues with buddies. I think some of us who have been around a lot of years need to jump in some open leagues and chat it up. It's veterans who can help out newbies and make the game interesting to them.
Keep reaching out to your league. You are one of most interesting person in all of online SOM, so you would be a great ambassador.
By the way, after 15 years of continuous play, I have a ton of great SOM online friends, but you and Lance Bousley are the only 2 I have met in person.

By the way, Diane says Hi. Your dead-on horoscope reading regarding my wife was eerily spot-on. Still don't know how you did it. :shock:

When the GBBR gets rolling, I'm in.

Take care.


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Re: LOTO/GBBR Leagues

PostFri Apr 17, 2015 10:13 pm

Now that I've hit the weekend, I'll be in work/sleep mode. I initially put one up before I joind an autoleague, but nobody joined and it was down after a day. Just wanted to get my feet wet with a practice league before I play with all the gr eats here. But I'll try to put a team together mon-Wed and load my debit card.

In order: I.S. Sory, I didn't get a chance to check out any of those bands. But now that my situation is considerably more stable, I will try to take a look. But I appreciate it. Thanks.

Edge and Jeep, great to be back in contact again. I'LL look 4ward to playing with probably my 2 longest standing friends along with CATom, Leehaak and Kav.

JPav, I'd love to join, but my time commitments will only allow so much involvement right now. But I hope you'll be able to play with us in the GBBR League.

Kev, Hi back at you both. I used to be good at what I did. But have lost a lot of memory cells while homeless in the Phoenix heat. But I look forward to hooking up here in GBBR and in person anytime you and Di are in the vicinity. And if you are in touch with Tom, I'm sure he'll play.

Also don't know if Big, Kav, Riggo or any of the other guys are still around. Just spread the word. Maybe LMbombes and Durantjerry.

gota go to work till 7am. More later.


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Re: LOTO/GBBR Leagues

PostFri Apr 17, 2015 10:15 pm

Oh, and btw, I.S. You are most welcome to join us as well. But you may have to post something once in awhile. :lol: ;)


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Re: LOTO/GBBR Leagues

PostSat Apr 18, 2015 4:54 pm

ROBERTVOZZA wrote:Oh, and btw, I.S. You are most welcome to join us as well. But you may have to post something once in awhile. :lol: ;)

I don't know about that. IStrether is really, really shy. 8-)

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