Wed Apr 29, 2015 12:24 am
besides the cards not appearing (only the stats) when you click on a player, here's the news report for a game tonight:
Jeff Samardzija shutout Lockport while awing ng the Julilpen a s '14 aden Yards '14 aards '14 ashe Julian A Apostattates beat thLockport 37 ~EIy the coucounf f 1 to 0.
Samardzij-3) 3) win control ol thame from the outset. Heesjuusjusjusjust8ts and 1 walk in nings. s loiweg hg hg hi hi his ERA from 2t Loport hachanc come back ickickick in in tin theth b but they cacame up short.
losing phtphtcher was Jeff f Locke(0-3). 'e sa tr to to taktake than on ot others' mike lamenteftertertee game. 'Th 'This wan one of them.'