Sat May 02, 2015 12:49 am
Unless I am missing something (totally possible) his card has a bug this year. after 15 games he has missed 8, plus the 3 he was injured in and the next 7 to come. its how he was injured that has me calling foul. on each it was a role of 3-10, which should be a gb to the ss on his card. each of the 3 rolls of 3-10 he's had this year was a foul out with injury. 3 roles of 3-10, 3 foul outs (instead of ground balls), 3 injuries. what is going on here? I saw him dropped in another league by someone else who he was constantly injured for. I chalked it up to bad luck and a 3 injury risk. now I see why he was dropped. anybody else have similar experiences?