Franchise Infusion League Draft

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Re: Franchise Infusion League Draft

PostThu May 07, 2015 9:39 am

Musial6's another Dean Chance question. Is he eligible for drafting? He's listed on his card as LAA, but there is not a LAA team roster - his two LAA pre-1967 cards are just out there in limbo. Technically not on the California EXP roster which Strat starts with 1967 for whatever reason?

Well - somebody else can tackle that conundrum if they are interested in Dean Chance.

"As the fifth selection in the 2015 Franchise Infusion League supplemental draft, from the Florida Marlins (aka the Miami Marlins), by way of Texas, Los Angeles and all points in between, the Minnetroita Tiger Twins select Kevin Brown.


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Re: Franchise Infusion League Draft

PostThu May 07, 2015 9:52 am

12. Braves / Athletics EXP (DrFreeze)- Josh Gibson
11. Pirates / Astros EXP (mykeedee)- Roger Clemens
10. White Sox / Royals EXP (1787) - Turkey Stearnes
9. Reds / Nationals/Expos EXP (FrankM) - Oscar Charleston
8. Tigers / Twins EXP (Musial6) - Kevin Brown

7. Indians/ Mets EXP (Treyomo) - John Beckwith

6. Cubs / Brewers EXP (Bontomn)
5. Red Sox / Orioles EXP (Andycummings)
4. Cardinals/ Rangers EXP (Visick)
3. Dodgers / Phillies EXP (JoeyC)
2. Giants / Mariners EXP (Carr20)
1. Yankees / Padres EXP (MrHarryC)


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Re: Franchise Infusion League Draft

PostThu May 07, 2015 11:03 am

12. Braves / Athletics EXP (DrFreeze)- Josh Gibson
11. Pirates / Astros EXP (mykeedee)- Roger Clemens
10. White Sox / Royals EXP (1787) - Turkey Stearnes
9. Reds / Nationals/Expos EXP (FrankM) - Oscar Charleston
8. Tigers / Twins EXP (Musial6) - Kevin Brown
7. Indians/ Mets EXP (Treyomo) - John Beckwith

6. Cubs / Brewers EXP (Bontomn)

5. Red Sox / Orioles EXP (Andycummings)
4. Cardinals/ Rangers EXP (Visick)
3. Dodgers / Phillies EXP (JoeyC)
2. Giants / Mariners EXP (Carr20)
1. Yankees / Padres EXP (MrHarryC)


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Re: Franchise Infusion League Draft

PostThu May 07, 2015 11:07 am

Re: Dean Chance: I think it's rather straightforward - if you type in his name his three cards pop up and his California card reflects the highest salary, so therefore he's Angels property. Whether he's an "exp" or post doesn't matter because Angel players are part of the FA pool. As stated earlier, for our purposes, only the high salary has meaning; all other cards are irrelevant. As an Angel, he's eligible for the FA draft.


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Re: Franchise Infusion League Draft

PostThu May 07, 2015 11:28 am

12. Braves / Athletics EXP (DrFreeze)- Josh Gibson
11. Pirates / Astros EXP (mykeedee)- Roger Clemens
10. White Sox / Royals EXP (1787) - Turkey Stearnes
9. Reds / Nationals/Expos EXP (FrankM) - Oscar Charleston
8. Tigers / Twins EXP (Musial6) - Kevin Brown
7. Indians/ Mets EXP (Treyomo) - John Beckwith
6. Cubs / Brewers EXP (Bontomn) - Walter Johnson

5. Red Sox / Orioles EXP (Andycummings)

4. Cardinals/ Rangers EXP (Visick)
3. Dodgers / Phillies EXP (JoeyC)
2. Giants / Mariners EXP (Carr20)
1. Yankees / Padres EXP (MrHarryC)


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Re: Franchise Infusion League Draft

PostThu May 07, 2015 11:40 am

Unfortunately, Walter Johnson is not eligible for the FA draft, as he is a "DB" player carded to the Senators/Twins. Again, the only DB, pre or post players that can be on our rosters must come from one of the 12 primary franchises.

Please re-pick.


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Re: Franchise Infusion League Draft

PostThu May 07, 2015 11:40 am

mrharryc wrote:Re: Dean Chance: I think it's rather straightforward - if you type in his name his three cards pop up and his California card reflects the highest salary, so therefore he's Angels property. Whether he's an "exp" or post doesn't matter because Angel players are part of the FA pool. As stated earlier, for our purposes, only the high salary has meaning; all other cards are irrelevant. As an Angel, he's eligible for the FA draft.

Well, I'm sorry - but it wasn't so straightforward to me, because I have a lot of Twins EXP players who have cards that are technically for the years the Twins were the expansion team placed in Minnesota but they are listed under the Washington/Minnesota POST roster for the time period 1961 to 1966, So are those cards available to me as Twins EXP also.
Same years involved as Dean Chance's LAA cards? That's why I was questioning those years' eligibility of Dean Chance?


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Re: Franchise Infusion League Draft

PostThu May 07, 2015 11:45 am

Any of the players listed on Strat's Minnesota Twins EXP roster are available to you, if the highest salary card is as a Twin. Since Chance's card was not the highest, he is not a Twin . If the player is not on that list you may not use him no matter what else. You may use any of their cards regardless of years, since the Twins, as your infusion team, have ownership rights.

Also, just to remind everyone of the FA rules: the only DB, pre or post players eligible are those that belong to one of the 12 primary franchises. Thus pre-expansion players from the only other franchises that have any - Orioles(Browns), Athletics, Twins(Senators) and Phillies are not eligible. Again, with the understanding that highest salary card determines franchise. For example, this means no: Sisler, Pete, Hornsby, Foxx, Simmons, Cochrane, etc.

All Nel are eligible.

All players from the other FA pool teams - Jays, Marlins, DBacks, Rockies, Angels are eligible. This means people like Clemens, Delgado, Johnson, Schilling, Percival etc.


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Re: Franchise Infusion League Draft

PostThu May 07, 2015 11:54 am

I must be away at a business meeting for a few hours; I hope we can wrap up the draft here soon so we can draft our teams!

If any questions come up for me, I'm sorry that it will likely be 3:30PM ET before I'm able to respond. If a question comes up and anyone else can assist, I'd appreciate it. Draft happily!



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Re: Franchise Infusion League Draft

PostThu May 07, 2015 11:55 am

12. Braves / Athletics EXP (DrFreeze)- Josh Gibson
11. Pirates / Astros EXP (mykeedee)- Roger Clemens
10. White Sox / Royals EXP (1787) - Turkey Stearnes
9. Reds / Nationals/Expos EXP (FrankM) - Oscar Charleston
8. Tigers / Twins EXP (Musial6) - Kevin Brown
7. Indians/ Mets EXP (Treyomo) - John Beckwith
6. Cubs / Brewers EXP (Bontomn) - Walter Johnson

5. Red Sox / Orioles EXP (Andycummings) - Martin Dihigo

4. Cardinals/ Rangers EXP (Visick)
3. Dodgers / Phillies EXP (JoeyC)
2. Giants / Mariners EXP (Carr20)
1. Yankees / Padres EXP (MrHarryC)

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