Tue May 12, 2015 4:44 pm
Real life managers play the game with all the information they have available , weather a player hits lefties or righties better, where a hitter is more apt to hit a ball and how high to allow the grass to grow depending on who they are playing. Even the great Casey platooned players based on their l/r abilities. When we start a season we are all 0-0 and have spent the same amount of money, we tailor our teams to our ballparks and make decisions from all we have learned from the countless leagues we have played in. Some managers are stronger than others but the truth is that almost every team will win and lose 60 games its the other 32 games that decide the outcome of the season and when the losing teams look back on any given season they can evaluate what went wrong , sometimes its bad luck just like in real life , but most times its bad matchups depending on how we build are team. Gabe Paul once said "your never as good as you are when your winning and never as bad as you are when your losing " [ real life normalization] Bill