Fri May 15, 2015 6:24 pm
I was at that game and remember that before the Mick got up how me and my friends went down to the lower level in right field to have a chance to get the ball in case he hit one. Just before he stepped into the box someone threw a rubber ball out towards Frank Robinson, he picked the ball up and put it in his back pocket, after Mantle hit the home run he took it out and threw into the stands . Neither my friends or I caught Micks 500 HR but my friend Louie got the rubber ball caught the rubber ball that Frank Robbie tossed into the stands. Looking back its strange to see how empty the stadium was that day, the Yanks were a bad team at that time but with Mantle going for 500 you would think a bigger crowd. The pitcher for the birds for that HR was Stu Miller. As for the HR trot, that was the classic Mantle trot. If you remember Billy Crystal at Mantles memorial talking about how all the kids from that time would all try to run Like Mickey , smile like Mickey and try to switch hit like him. He was for a lot of the greatest . Bill