Sat May 16, 2015 11:32 pm
I'd like to think that there's some way Strat could fix this, and remove him.
Did he at least draft an all-Yankee team?
I mean let's look at it this way: He took the time to draft a team that fell within our league parameters, and I'm assuming was the 12th person to draft? That way, once he drafted, there was nothing anyone could do to remove him? Because once he was in, 10 minutes later the draft started. Is this some wanna-be hacker who's just trying to guess passwords and mess up private leagues?
Clearly, that's not the way to go about being a long standing member of our leagues. When I wanted to join, I messaged Andy and waited for a league vacancy to come along. I never would have thought about pulling a jerk move like that - and trying to guess someone else's password.
Kind of sucks, to be honest. I had started a spreadsheet for the '21-'46 series of leagues, and I was going to do one for the '47-'66 leagues as well (tracking which teams make the playoffs, which of us as managers make the playoffs, and won/loss records for both franchises and individual managers). And now because I'm not in Season 8, the results will be skewed.