... 427042/491Eighth inning, Flyball LF X to Juan Perez a 1. The result is a single advance 1.
I ruled out these:
Pitcher fatigue; Casilla was at F9 before and after the result.
Home field advantage; Posey was on the visiting team.
Rare play; no rare plays result in a hit on only possible results of F1, F2, F3, or error results.
The only thing I can guess if the third baseman was guarding the line (stupid with a 3-run lead). Also the guarding the line maximum rule is one of two STUPID rules in our online game. (I like most of the implemented max rules but this one and pitch around are implemented so horribly as to be an embarrassment to an otherwise statistically sound game.) Anyway, is that what happened here?
Any other ideas how ideas Posey got his single? It's really annoying to make the right move (Perez coming in for defense) and have it nullified by something silly or stupid.