Thu Jul 30, 2015 6:36 pm
John's blog today addressed stealing and used Trouts 5/- 19-6 steal rating as an example.
This means when the computer attempts to steal with Trout it will first 'roll' two dice to see if he achieves a good lead. If the 'roll' is a 5 he achieves the good lead and will automatically attempt to steal 2nd base with a safe chance of 19 +/- the catcher's arm and pitcher's hold ratings and then minus 2 for being held on base. If the 'roll' is not a 5, the computer re-evaluates whether or not to attempt a steal with a safe chance of 13 +/- the catcher's arm and pitcher's hold ratings and then minus 4 for being held on base.
I was under the impression that if a good lead wasn't achieved the second number to evaluate whether to steal or not would be 6, not 13 (19 minus 6).