Thu Aug 13, 2015 9:37 am
Okay, here's where we're at:
At noon Eastern time, we need to close leagues 4 and 5. VilleBowler, zim13, krazykat, Dr_Marc and TexasKen have checked in so far. So in about two and a half hours from now, any four of them can join the last two leagues we need to fill. First come, first served.
The last one left will join the final league which opens on Saturday morning. There are four spots still available for that league. So if Kevmo, toshiro and/or markyura check in this morning (before noon), there's room for everybody in the last league.
I am going off the grid in about 30 minutes and will not be back until late this afternoon, but I think we can do this. If there is some kind of major malfunction, it's only give me a chance to get back online later today.
The password to League 4 is D4. The password to League 5 is E5.
Thx guys and GL!