Golden era 5 round player draft- Drafts complete!

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Re: Golden era 24 team theme lg.-filled! Pls. check in!

PostFri Sep 04, 2015 4:58 pm

Keep in mind, also, that you do have a choice in the 5 round player draft. You can either

(a) pick one of your core players (presumably one who was also carded to a competing franchise, so that you - and not the other franchise - will own his rights throughout this league). Or

(b) pick a player who is not carded to ANY of the 24 franchises picked in the franchise draft. Please note that there are 26 available franchises in this card set, including Toronto and Seattle, but not Arizona or Colorado. So, for our example, if we assume that neither Toronto nor Seattle were picked as part of the 24 franchises for the league (just for example), then the players who are carded to Toronto and Seattle in this set would also be available (to you, and to any other managers) in the 5 round player draft.

Whether you pick in (a) or (b), that player will be owned by you throughout this league, and will be considered a core player for you (even the "free agent" in (b), even if he wasn't carded to your team, but was from one of the 2 non-picked franchises).

Keep in mind, though, that if you pick from one of the "free agent" franchise player pools in the 5 round draft, you are foregoing an opportunity to "lock up" one of your potential core players, who might be carded to another franchise in the league as well. If you pass up the opportunity to select a core player in the 5 round draft, then you could conceivably lose out on getting that player in the autodraft, if the opposing manager (to whose team the player is also carded) beats you out in the autodraft for that player, in rounds 6-15 of the autodraft!

Once you "own" a player - by any means whatever - you can use any card that he has in this 1968-1995 special player set. Be careful not to drop him without simultaneously adding his other card - otherwise you could lose the player by accident. Once lost by a drop (and an add by another player), you simply no longer own that player any more.

Core players include any players that you "own" that either have a card for your team, or were picked in the 5 round player draft (i.e. from one of the 2 franchises not picked in the franchise draft). The 5 round player draft is the only way that you can cause a player to become a core player for you, that was not ever carded to your franchise (see (b) above).
Last edited by gbrookes on Wed Sep 09, 2015 5:44 pm, edited 2 times in total.


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Re: Golden era 24 team theme lg.-filled! Pls. check in!

PostFri Sep 04, 2015 5:01 pm



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Re: Golden era 24 team theme lg.-filled! Pls. check in!

PostFri Sep 04, 2015 5:03 pm



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Re: Golden era 24 team theme lg.-filled! Pls. check in!

PostFri Sep 04, 2015 5:03 pm

checking in. Why not start the team draft now, even though we go real slow?? (on another thread to not mix the draft with the checkings)

A few questions, with your example, if you take the Expos, you don't have access to Carter's Mets card, right?

Also, shouldn't there be some limits of the number of players others can take? Say you pick the Expos with your first overall pick. You then only pick 24th for your first player. If the other owners take in the first round Carter, Alou, Walker, Raines, Dale Murray and Pedro, you're in a big hole, to say the least.

edit---Forgot what I just wrote. I thought you could pick any player in the first five round. I now understand taht you can pick only "available players", either from your own team or from the two franchises that were not picked up. So except for Carter, all players will remain with the Expos since they only have cards with the Expos.


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Re: Golden era 24 team theme lg.-filled! Pls. check in!

PostFri Sep 04, 2015 5:31 pm

^^^ Marc, it is a valid concern, for any players for your franchise that are carded to other teams as well as your own. In fact, that's really the purpose of the 5 round player draft - to nail down your roster for key players. So your point is valid.

Just to illustrate - if I'm Montreal, and I'm picking after the New York Mets and the Chicago Cubs, I could lose both Carter to the Mets (if the Mets pick him) as well as Dawson to the Cubs (if the Cubs pick him). So it is a serious concern.

(Just to be clear - what the Cubs cannot do is pick Moises Alou in the 5 round player draft, if the Expos are one of the 24 teams in the draft. Reason - even though Alou played for the Cubs in real life, he isn't carded to the Cubs in this player set. In the 5 round player draft, only players that are carded to your franchise can be taken, or players for franchises that are not included in the league - i.e. weren't picked in the franchise draft).

I guess we could consider a "can't blow out a franchise rule" - something like this - "You can't pick a player in the 5 round draft if it would cause a particular franchise to lose out on more than 1 (or 2?) of the players that are carded to that franchise."

I think you would apply the rule on a round by round basis, except that maybe you could also build in a higher limit for "franchise lost carded players" for the entire draft - e.g. "a player can't be picked in the 5 round draft if it would cause them to lose out on more than 5 carded players for their franchise".

Thoughts, anyone?

I think that those would be good rules to have, so that a particular franchise doesn't get blindsided in just one round, losing half of their potential core players in just one round. No-one would want to be in that situation!

The "con" to this rule is that it could penalize teams (like the Cubs in round 1 for example) if they wanted to get Dawson, but the Mets picked first and got Carter. Then the Cubs would be unable to pick Dawson. It kind of has a domino effect in each round (based on the way I worded the rule). Having said that, I think it's a good rule. I'm just wondering if it should be 1 player, or 2 players that could be lost in a round, per franchise, subject to an overall 5 player limit for players lost.

If we were to use a 2 player limit, then both the Mets could take Carter, and the Cubs could take Dawson. I think I like a one player limit better.

The more I think about it, the more I like the idea that only one multi-team carded player can be "lost" to another team, per round. After that "loss" (in my example, the Mets taking Carter), then any other multi-team Expos would be off limit for the rest of round 1. In round 2, it resets, and Dawson would be available to the Cubs, unless the Expos picked him themselves in round 1. It's also really important that the 5 round player draft is serpentine, so that if the Expos picked last in round 1, they would then pick first in round 2.

That's my proposal as commissioner. Keep in mind that this is complicated, and it will be hard to come up with something that will be fair in all circumstances. (just by way of example, I count 14 players on the Expos that are carded to multiple teams -please refer to my Expos chart on the previous page).

Marc, does this rule sound good to you? Any other thoughts or opinions on this from the group?
Last edited by gbrookes on Fri Sep 04, 2015 5:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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Re: Golden era 24 team theme lg.-filled! Pls. check in!

PostFri Sep 04, 2015 5:35 pm

Marc, re the timing of the franchise draft, yes we could start now, if the manager was ready. However, I want to encourage all managers to take their time, and analyze the rosters that are available to them. It's really important to identify what players could be lost, as multi-team carded players, so that you can consider that in your team selection, and in your player draft strategy (when we get to that).

I also know that Spider 67 needs a few days to catch up, so there isn't really a rush yet. Use the weekend to get up to speed on ATG, and on the player set for the franchises that you're interested in. But if you want to pick your franchise, and your turn is up, go ahead! Take your time, though.


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Re: Golden era 24 team theme lg.-22 in!! Just 2to go! Let's

PostFri Sep 04, 2015 5:36 pm

gbrookes wrote:Here is the draft order for the franchise draft, determined by random numbers for each of the 24 managers (picking in order from highest random number to lowest random number):

1 carlerik
2 Mr Baseball World
3 MarcPelletier
4 Spider 67
5 Paul_Long71
6 Rube (MikeGilbert)
7 buzz082308
8 ycbill
9 Keyzick
11 Rosie2167
12 GBrookes
13 Palerydr2.0
14 Crimson Fan
15 RobertLatorre
16 Dinsdale
17 andycummings
18 ctstough
19 Musial6
20 rolandzeut
21 ScumbyJr
22 FoggyOne
23 YountFan
24 davesodu

Keep in mind that the order reverses for round 1 of the 5 round player draft, and is serpentine for each of the 5 rounds of the player draft. So davesodu will pick first in the 5 round player draft.

bumping to this page.


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Re: Golden era 24 team theme lg.-11 in, 13 to go! Let's fill

PostFri Sep 04, 2015 5:39 pm

gbrookes wrote:
andycummings65 wrote:
Rosie2167 wrote:The most recent shuffle I see is dated 8/23, maybe there's a slight delay in posting?

It's there. It's called ATG8, 1968-1995

Link to set: ... rowse/3818

bumping the link to the card set to this page.


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Re: Golden era 24 team theme lg.-filled! Pls. check in!

PostFri Sep 04, 2015 5:47 pm

The stadiums available, hoping I didn'T make a mistake.
BIG L stands for big lefty (large advantage to lefty hitters), similar with big R--bigger effect than simply lefty or righty.

Last column follows roughly on-base pct logic (closer to .400, really good offensively, closer to .300, pitcher park)

Code: Select all
NAME  YEAR   TEAM   Div   SI L   SI R   HR L   HR R   ratio   off impact
Memorial S   70   BAL   AL_E    17   5   12   12   lefty   0,344
Memorial S   78   BAL   AL_E    4   4   4   4   neutral   0,315
Fenway Par   71   BOS   AL_E    13   19   9   17   BIG R   0,352
Fenway Par   78   BOS   AL_E    17   14   9   15   righty   0,349
Municipal    78   Cle   AL_E    4   4   3   5   righty   0,315
Tiger Stad   78   Det   AL_E    10   7   19   16   lefty   0,358
Tiger Stad   75   Det   AL_E    13   10   16   13   lefty   0,352
County Sta   78   Mil   AL_E    15   15   10   10   neutral   0,343
Yankee Sta   78   NYY   AL_E    1   1   15   8   BIG L   0,334
Yankee Sta   71   NYY   AL_E    8   2   12   1   BIG L   0,323
Exhibition    78   Tor   AL_E     11   11   9   9   neutral   0,336
Anaheim St   78   Cal   AL_W   12   12   9   9   neutral   0,337
Anaheim St   77   Cal   AL_W   6   6   2   12   BIG R   0,326
Comiskey P   78   CHW   AL_W   12   12   7   7   neutral   0,331
Royals Stad   80   KCR   AL_W   17   20   3   3   righty   0,326
Royals Stad    78   KCR   AL_W   14   14   3   3   neutral   0,322
Metropolit    71   Min   AL_W   8   14   3   12   BIG R   0,332
Metropolit    78   Min   AL_W   1   1   6   5   lefty   0,317
Oakland Co   78   Oak   AL_W   4   4   9   9   neutral   0,329
Kingdome     78   Sea   AL_W   5   5   17   17   neutral   0,353
Arlington Bal    78   Tex   AL_W   7   7   5   5   neutral   0,321
Wrigley Fie   78   CHC   NL_E    18   18   18   18   neutral   0,368
Jarry Park     71   Mon   NL_E    7   7   19   10   BIG L   0,348
Olympic Sta   94   Mon   NL_E    14   8   9   6   lefty   0,332
Olympic Sta   78   Mon   NL_E    3   3   5   5   neutral   0,317
Shea Stadi    71   NYM   NL_E    3   3   19   4   BIG L   0,335
Shea Stadi     78   NYM   NL_E    4   4   7   7   neutral   0,324
Veterans St   78   Phi   NL_E    6   6   15   15   neutral   0,348
Veterans St   75   Phi   NL_E    10   10   10   10   neutral   0,338
Three Rive   78   Pit   NL_E    14   14   12   12   neutral   0,347
Busch Stad    78   STL   NL_E    10   10   4   4   neutral   0,321
Fulton Cnt    78   Atl   NL-W   13   13   20   20   neutral   0,369
Riverfront    78   Cin   NL-W   9   9   11   11   neutral   0,340
Astrodome    78   Hou   NL-W   3   3   2   2   neutral   0,309
Astrodome    71   Hou   NL-W   1   10   1   1   righty   0,308
Dodger Sta   78   LAD   NL-W   9   9   12   12   neutral   0,343
Jack Murph   78   SDP   NL-W   7   7   4   4   neutral   0,318
Candlestic    78   SFG   NL-W   0   0   5   5   neutral   0,314



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Re: Golden era 24 team theme lg.-22 in!! Just 2to go! Let's

PostFri Sep 04, 2015 5:54 pm

24 davesodu

ouch. Good thing I called Cincy already.

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