Golden era 5 round player draft- Drafts complete!

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Re: Golden era 24 team theme lg.-filled! Pls. check in!

PostSat Sep 05, 2015 12:11 am

so CarlErik can pick his team, right?


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Re: Golden era 24 team theme lg.-filled! Pls. check in!

PostSat Sep 05, 2015 12:49 am

In, ready to go.

I think someone said this before - We should start the draft in a new forum in ILC..

I'm 20th, so I'll be watching..."Patience is a virtue" :)


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Re: Golden era 24 team theme lg.-filled! Pls. check in!

PostSat Sep 05, 2015 1:09 am

I reread the rules, t looks like you can have a card from another franchise, so long as that player has a card on your franchise. IE. If I was Montreal, I could pick Andre Dawson, but use his card from the Cubs.


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Re: Golden era 24 team theme lg.-filled! Pls. check in!

PostSat Sep 05, 2015 1:26 am

Some good thoughts all around. To me the real charm and strategy about this concept is the draft and the challenge in acquiring and protecting multi carded players, this is unlike most other franchise leagues. I also feel that if you cap the guys that a franchise can lose per round you adversely handicap other franchises and their strategy. There is no way to know how this will unfold and I kind of feel like we're over reacting a bit. I'm not saying what is being discussed is invalid, it is very valid but I think there are other ways to handle it without putting restraints on the draft.

My suggestion for consideration is to not have any limits, but instead have a compensation round or rounds for those clubs that lose more than so many players, say 3. Not sure that's the right number but let's say it is. If you lose 3 or more players you're franchise is entitled to a compensatory pick(s) in an additional mini draft. All clubs that lose 3+ are ranked based on the total salary that they 'missed' out on. If they lose 3 they get one pick in the 6th round, 4 they get one pick in the 6th and 7th....and so on. That way they can fill holes created by clever drafting with other core players or free agents before we go to autodraft.

Also I don't think we're in any rush, its a holiday weekend and there are a ton of seasoned managers signed up, I'd advocate waiting until next week before we start so we can collect everyone's feedback that wants to chime in.



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Re: Golden era 24 team theme lg.-filled! Pls. check in!

PostSat Sep 05, 2015 1:36 am

Texted crimson fan and he is in.
Good discussion on rules. I am baby sitting the grandkid and will add any thoughts I have later when I have time to read everything carefully.


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Re: Golden era 24 team theme lg.-filled! Pls. check in!

PostSat Sep 05, 2015 1:38 am


The only players worth picking in the 5-round draft are multi-carded players or players from the 2 unpicked franchises. Therefore, everyone is going to lose out on multiple players. Probably you will lose from 3-12 players over 5 rounds of 24 guys picking players. That's 120 total players being selected in the 5-round draft. So I'd guess most teams will lose at least 3 players. the ones with a lot of possible players could lose up to 10 or more (2 to 3 in EACH round)

anyway, at least it's being discussed.

on another point (before it gets brought up). I'd say we should NOT allow trading of players' "rights". for example Cinci should not be able to trade away Larkin (who is exclusive to the Reds) prior to the draft. This just makes the teams with multiple options even more powerful. my 2 cents.


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Re: Golden era 24 team theme lg.-filled! Pls. check in!

PostSat Sep 05, 2015 5:10 am

CTStough wrote:I reread the rules, t looks like you can have a card from another franchise, so long as that player has a card on your franchise. IE. If I was Montreal, I could pick Andre Dawson, but use his card from the Cubs.

Correct - and he's still a core player for Montreal - because he has a card with Montreal in the game set - even though montreal is using his Cubs card.


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Re: Golden era 24 team theme lg.-filled! Pls. check in!

PostSat Sep 05, 2015 5:16 am

Paul_Long71 wrote:Rosie,

The only players worth picking in the 5-round draft are multi-carded players or players from the 2 unpicked franchises. Therefore, everyone is going to lose out on multiple players. Probably you will lose from 3-12 players over 5 rounds of 24 guys picking players. That's 120 total players being selected in the 5-round draft. So I'd guess most teams will lose at least 3 players. the ones with a lot of possible players could lose up to 10 or more (2 to 3 in EACH round)

anyway, at least it's being discussed.

on another point (before it gets brought up). I'd say we should NOT allow trading of players' "rights". for example Cinci should not be able to trade away Larkin (who is exclusive to the Reds) prior to the draft. This just makes the teams with multiple options even more powerful. my 2 cents.

Agree. The time for free agency is in the autdraft rounds 16-25, in the waiver draft, in the frenzy , and thereafter . Trades can be made (subject to the 15 core player minimum at all times), but only after the waiver draft. Trades must be executed in the strat game system. Trades cannot be done by agreement on the boards - trades have to be carried out in the gaming system with 15 core players at all times.

So if the Reds want to trade Larkin for a non core player, they would have to acquire a 16th core player before the trade. They would also need to have cap space to acquire that 16th core player before the trade ($100 million cap).


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Re: Golden era 24 team theme lg.-filled! Pls. check in!

PostSat Sep 05, 2015 5:24 am

We need to agree on what the limit is for how many carded , potential core players a franchise can "lose" in the 5 round player draft.

If the overall limit is 5 (as I have previously proposed) it could create a stilted , ineffective 5th round to the draft, since each franchise could be approaching the loss of their 5th player at that time (although the players from the 2 inactive franchises can also be drafted in the 5 round draft, which helps a little).

Let's say the maximum multicarded players lost (carded to your franchise, but picked by other franchises to whom the player is also carded) is 7. I don't want to go too much higher than 7 as the limit for this, because it can really deal a blow to franchises with a smaller card set available to them. I think I prefer 6 as the limit. Can we go with 6?

Remember that there are also the player cards from 2 franchises that won't be active in the league (26 real life teams, only 24 being used in our league) that can also be drafted in the 5 round draft.


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Re: Golden era 24 team theme lg.-filled! Pls. check in!

PostSat Sep 05, 2015 5:33 am

Rosie2167 wrote:Some good thoughts all around. To me the real charm and strategy about this concept is the draft and the challenge in acquiring and protecting multi carded players, this is unlike most other franchise leagues. I also feel that if you cap the guys that a franchise can lose per round you adversely handicap other franchises and their strategy. There is no way to know how this will unfold and I kind of feel like we're over reacting a bit. I'm not saying what is being discussed is invalid, it is very valid but I think there are other ways to handle it without putting restraints on the draft.

My suggestion for consideration is to not have any limits, but instead have a compensation round or rounds for those clubs that lose more than so many players, say 3. Not sure that's the right number but let's say it is. If you lose 3 or more players you're franchise is entitled to a compensatory pick(s) in an additional mini draft. All clubs that lose 3+ are ranked based on the total salary that they 'missed' out on. If they lose 3 they get one pick in the 6th round, 4 they get one pick in the 6th and 7th....and so on. That way they can fill holes created by clever drafting with other core players or free agents before we go to autodraft.

Also I don't think we're in any rush, its a holiday weekend and there are a ton of seasoned managers signed up, I'd advocate waiting until next week before we start so we can collect everyone's feedback that wants to chime in.


Great comments Rosie, and a great idea!!

Keep in mind that "losing" a carded player is kind of like losing a bid at an auction - but the bidding is *only* between the 2 teams (or maybe 3) that he is carded to in strat. And the bidding isn't with money, but instead by draft order selection. But it's kind of like an auction between the 2 teams.

I like the idea of a supplemental draft after the 5 round draft, but I'd still like to have a hard limit on player "losses". For example, if the hard limit on losses is 7, we could make a rule that says that any player losses over 6 entitles that franchise to 1 supplemental draft (if they lose 7 players). If those supplemental picks bring other teams over 6 player losses then they would also become entitled to a supplemental draft pick. To keep some order, we should keep the same draft order for the supplemental round, but being a serpentine draft system, the order would reverse again in the 6th (I.e. Supplemental) round, which would be a small help to the teams that picked last in the first round (and 3rd round , and 5th round).

The same draft restrictions would apply in the supplemental round as apply in the first 5 rounds . But only the teams with 7 player card losses would pick in the supplemental (6th) round.

How does everyone feel about this supplemental draft round idea?
I like this idea.

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