Golden era 5 round player draft- Drafts complete!

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Re: Golden era 24 team theme lg.-filled! Pls. check in!

PostSat Sep 05, 2015 5:46 am

Re the idea of setting up a thead in ILC - I can see some logic in setting up a separate thread, but this isn't a keeper league.

When mbrake used to run the "virtual reality" league in 200x, I'm pretty sure all the discussion (and the 2 round draft) was all done on the 200x boards, in one thread.

I'm reluctant to split up the discussion into separate threads, so I think I'd like to keep everything here, in one thead. Splitting it up could result in some confusion I think.


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Re: Golden era 24 team theme lg.-filled! Pls. check in!

PostSat Sep 05, 2015 5:52 am

CTStough wrote:I'm not married to my idea, so whatever you guys say, I'll go along with.

But my point is that those 15 franchise players won't leave much left to pick- just 2 million dollar players or less.

Using the Expos as an example, their are only 11 players worth over 5m on their roster (counting their three 5m+ relievers once).

On a different topic, once your player is picked, if he has a better card, but it's with a different franchise- can you use THAT card?


And that player is still a core player to you (since he has at least one card in the game set that is with your franchise), even though you are using a differnt card from another Franchise.

And as Paul correctly pointed out, you can draft autodraft anyone after the 15th round of the autodraft, and in the waiver draft and in the frenzy - as long as you have at least 15 core players.

My calculations are that there is a sufficiently large player pool and salary $ in the game set to create a vibrant, active free agent market. I hope I'm right, but that's what my calculations are telling me!

I'm not sure what you mean about the amount of cap space left after the 15 core players are picked. I guess in my mind this is another interesting part of the league concept. It's a $100 million cap. You may want to use some of your 15 core player picks on what you think are "value" picks - e.g. a good defensive shortstop with a low cap hit - maybe. I'm not 100% sure what all the strategies might be, and they are likely different with each franchise. It's a cap league, which is designed to help the franchises with fewer $ on their cards available. The 9 or more free agents (non core players) is also designed to help those same teams. Once you get your core players figured out, it should behave like any cap league, I think. That's the challenge!

By the way, I propose using the 5/10/20 drop penalty system, to allow us all to iron out the kinks in the first 39 games!!!


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Re: Golden era 24 team theme lg.-22 in!! Just 2to go! Let's

PostSat Sep 05, 2015 6:00 am

gbrookes wrote:
gbrookes wrote:Here is the draft order for the franchise draft, determined by random numbers for each of the 24 managers (picking in order from highest random number to lowest random number):

1 carlerik
2 Mr Baseball World
3 MarcPelletier
4 Spider 67
5 Paul_Long71
6 Rube (MikeGilbert)
7 buzz082308
8 ycbill
9 Keyzick
11 Rosie2167
12 GBrookes
13 Palerydr2.0
14 Crimson Fan
15 RobertLatorre
16 Dinsdale
17 andycummings
18 ctstough
19 Musial6
20 rolandzeut
21 ScumbyJr
22 FoggyOne
23 YountFan
24 davesodu

Keep in mind that the order reverses for round 1 of the 5 round player draft, and is serpentine for each of the 5 rounds of the player draft. So davesodu will pick first in the 5 round player draft.

bumping to this page.


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Re: Golden era 24 team theme lg.-filled! Pls. check in!

PostSat Sep 05, 2015 6:06 am

I've amended the rules on page 1 for the 5 round draft , to reflect a maximum loss of 2 players per round, a maximum loss of 7 players for the 5 round draft , and a supplemental round for teams that have "lost" 7 players.

I'm still open for more discussion on this, or any other aspect! :) great ideas folks!


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Re: Golden era 24 team theme lg.-filled! Pls. check in!

PostSat Sep 05, 2015 6:15 am

Please bear with me on the spreadsheet emails. I'll get them out later this morning. Technical difficulties with my iPhone not recognizing the file.

Update - I sent out the spreadsheet to everyone who emailed me through saturday morning. If you didn't get a reply, please let me know.
Last edited by gbrookes on Sat Sep 05, 2015 11:03 am, edited 1 time in total.


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Re: Golden era 24 team theme lg.-22 in!! Just 2to go! Let's

PostSat Sep 05, 2015 6:24 am

gbrookes wrote:ATG crash course :
-all game rules the same as 200X.
-the big wrinkle is that many players (about 1/3) have multiple card years, and some played for different teams in those different card years. However, the game system only allows one manager to "own" Barry Bonds - including any and all cards for that player.

So, for example, if you go to the linked file (above), you can click on the first player on the list, Barry Bonds. When you click, you'll see his card for 1993- the highest salary cost for any player in the card set. In 1993, Barry Bonds played for San Francisco. The card you're looking at at this point is that 1993 card for SF.

But, you can also see, in the middle of this screen/window, below the heading MLB stats, it also says "other hitting cards for this player in ATG 8 1968-1995". And below that, it shows his statistics for 1992, and that he played for Pittsburgh in 1992. It also shows his salary for his 1992 card, which is different than his salary for the 1993 card. (Keep in mind we are playing in a $100 million cap league).

You can see that the words "1992 Pit" are blue, and are a "hot link". When you click on the hot link, the screen now displays his 1992 card, with the "other card" listing as 1993! To change back to viewing 1993, click on the hot link that says "1993 SF", and you're back where you started, looking at his 1993 card again.

When you look for players or cards in the free agent list/player browser, you will see each card for each player listed separately. To do adds and drops, you must do it from the team screen/free agent screen, just the way you would do it in 200X strat. The unique aspect of ATG is that you can swap different card years for a player, back and forth, for your team, like a free agent transaction, by dropping the player while simultaneously doing an "add" for that player from the free agent screen. (Don't do the drop and add as separate transactions, or else you could lose the player to an eagle-eyed opponent. Do it as one transaction - both the add and the drop - so that you can't lose the player once you own him).

In every other respect that I can think of , ATG8 works exactly the same as 200X strat (i.e. the 2014 card set and game engine).

Any questions on the ATG game?

Bumping this ATG crash course to the current page.


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Re: Golden era 24 team theme lg.-11 in, 13 to go! Let's fill

PostSat Sep 05, 2015 7:04 am

andycummings65 wrote:
Rosie2167 wrote:The most recent shuffle I see is dated 8/23, maybe there's a slight delay in posting?

It's there. It's called ATG8, 1968-1995

Link to set: ... rowse/3818



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Re: Golden era 24 team theme lg.-filled! Pls. check in!

PostSat Sep 05, 2015 7:56 am

Bumping info- to get the spreadsheet, sorted in various ways , email me at


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Re: Golden era 24 team theme lg.-filled! Pls. check in!

PostSat Sep 05, 2015 10:47 am

Thanks for this ballpark list, Marc. I just thought I'd copy and paste it as well, so that people that have trouble scrolling through it (hello iPhone users, me anyway) can see it without having to scroll too much:

NAME YEAR TEAM Div SI L SI R HR L HR R ratio off impact
Memorial S 70 BAL AL_E 17 5 12 12 lefty 0,344
Memorial S 78 BAL AL_E 4 4 4 4 neutral 0,315
Fenway Par 71 BOS AL_E 13 19 9 17 BIG R 0,352
Fenway Par 78 BOS AL_E 17 14 9 15 righty 0,349
Municipal 78 Cle AL_E 4 4 3 5 righty 0,315
Tiger Stad 78 Det AL_E 10 7 19 16 lefty 0,358
Tiger Stad 75 Det AL_E 13 10 16 13 lefty 0,352
County Sta 78 Mil AL_E 15 15 10 10 neutral 0,343
Yankee Sta 78 NYY AL_E 1 1 15 8 BIG L 0,334
Yankee Sta 71 NYY AL_E 8 2 12 1 BIG L 0,323
Exhibition 78 Tor AL_E 11 11 9 9 neutral 0,336
Anaheim St 78 Cal AL_W 12 12 9 9 neutral 0,337
Anaheim St 77 Cal AL_W 6 6 2 12 BIG R 0,326
Comiskey P 78 CHW AL_W 12 12 7 7 neutral 0,331
Royals Stad 80 KCR AL_W 17 20 3 3 righty 0,326
Royals Stad 78 KCR AL_W 14 14 3 3 neutral 0,322
Metropolit 71 Min AL_W 8 14 3 12 BIG R 0,332
Metropolit 78 Min AL_W 1 1 6 5 lefty 0,317
Oakland Co 78 Oak AL_W 4 4 9 9 neutral 0,329
Kingdome 78 Sea AL_W 5 5 17 17 neutral 0,353
Arlington Bal 78 Tex AL_W 7 7 5 5 neutral 0,321
Wrigley Fie 78 CHC NL_E 18 18 18 18 neutral 0,368
Jarry Park 71 Mon NL_E 7 7 19 10 BIG L 0,348
Olympic Sta 94 Mon NL_E 14 8 9 6 lefty 0,332
Olympic Sta 78 Mon NL_E 3 3 5 5 neutral 0,317
Shea Stadi 71 NYM NL_E 3 3 19 4 BIG L 0,335
Shea Stadi 78 NYM NL_E 4 4 7 7 neutral 0,324
Veterans St 78 Phi NL_E 6 6 15 15 neutral 0,348
Veterans St 75 Phi NL_E 10 10 10 10 neutral 0,338
Three Rive 78 Pit NL_E 14 14 12 12 neutral 0,347
Busch Stad 78 STL NL_E 10 10 4 4 neutral 0,321
Fulton Cnt 78 Atl NL-W 13 13 20 20 neutral 0,369
Riverfront 78 Cin NL-W 9 9 11 11 neutral 0,340
Astrodome 78 Hou NL-W 3 3 2 2 neutral 0,309
Astrodome 71 Hou NL-W 1 10 1 1 righty 0,308
Dodger Sta 78 LAD NL-W 9 9 12 12 neutral 0,343
Jack Murph 78 SDP NL-W 7 7 4 4 neutral 0,318
Candlestic 78 SFG NL-W 0 0 5 5 neutral 0,314


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Re: Golden era 24 team theme lg.-filled! Pls. check in!

PostSat Sep 05, 2015 11:33 am

I'll sunmarize the checkins and follow up on those who haven't checked in. Draft starts officially starts Tuesday (or now if people are ready). No clock for the franchise draft.

Questions (or suggestions) are welcome at any time. Don't be afraid to ask!!!

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