Forum Topics II - where do we discuss this travesty?

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Re: Forum Topics II - where do we discuss this travesty?

PostThu Sep 10, 2015 10:27 pm

Yes, it does say ESPN apologized for using a false report. So, it's curious they repeated the Matt Walsh story about the Rams in their article I posted.

However, as I said above, it just shows the Rams were likely one of the lucky teams Belichick and the Patriots didn't tape during one of their many cheating "filmings."


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Re: Forum Topics II - where do we discuss this travesty?

PostThu Sep 10, 2015 10:58 pm

Tonight starts off with the Steelers coaches getting Patriot radio play by play in their headsets instead of them talking to each other to start the game.
The msaegse is waht mttares msot!


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Re: Forum Topics II - where do we discuss this travesty?

PostThu Sep 10, 2015 10:59 pm

Must be new guys running the show at that.
The msaegse is waht mttares msot!


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Re: Forum Topics II - where do we discuss this travesty?

PostFri Sep 11, 2015 12:33 pm

There is NO CHANCE that the Pats would intentionally mess with headsets on Opening Night and with the ink still wet on the ESPN and SI reports. It defies logic and common sense.

However, an unnamed source has confirmed to me that the NFL is behind headsetgate (and the aforementioned reports) as payback for the time low level Patriots staffers were found in a dumpster in an alley behind the league office on Park Avenue. :roll:
Last edited by bigmahon on Fri Sep 11, 2015 12:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.

blue turtle

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Re: Forum Topics II - where do we discuss this travesty?

PostFri Sep 11, 2015 12:35 pm

bigmahon wrote:There is NO CHANCE that the Pats would intentionally mess with headsets on Opening Night and with the ink still wet on the ESPN and SI reports. It defies logic and common sense.

An unnamed source has confirmed that the NFL is behind headsetgate (and the aforementioned reports) as payback for the time low level Patriots staffers were found in a dumpster in an alley behind the league office on Park Avenue.

LOL. So the NFL, a multi-billion dollar industry, and their franchises are run by 12-year olds?


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Re: Forum Topics II - where do we discuss this travesty?

PostFri Sep 11, 2015 1:10 pm

bigmahon wrote:There is NO CHANCE that the Pats would intentionally mess with headsets on Opening Night and with the ink still wet on the ESPN and SI reports. It defies logic and common sense.

However, an unnamed source has confirmed to me that the NFL is behind headsetgate (and the aforementioned reports) as payback for the time low level Patriots staffers were found in a dumpster in an alley behind the league office on Park Avenue.

Whether or not "headset-gate" is true or not, Belichick has made it clear very little is beneath him if he thinks it will help his team win. However, while he is clearly unethical and has no problem defrauding fans of all ages who expect a fair football game, he isn't stupid. So, I would be surprised if he'd be that reckless and hubristic.

As to Patriot staffers being found in a dumpster in an alley, that's unlikely. Considering so many of them spend time filming other teams' plays and signals and/or devising other ways to cheat for an advantage, an alley is the last place you'd find them... ;)

And this post below seems to have forgotten the proven past cheating of the Patriots:
blue turtle wrote:LOL. So the NFL, a multi-billion dollar industry, and their franchises are run by 12-year olds?

Considering the Patriots and Belichick's infamous track record, suspicion of further cheating in this case--particularly if there is any possible evidence pointing to it--isn't immaturity. It may be over-suspicious, but it's not immature.

The cheating by Belichick and the Patriots, however is worthy of the "12-year-old" description. Belichick and the Patriots obviously forgot this is a grown-up professional sports league where ethics and legality demands coaches don't actively and flagrantly cheat the opposing team or defraud the fans, particularly of that opposing team. However, Belichick never grew up into a responsible, adult professional coach and instead has acted like a cheating 12-year old on the playground, using unethical--and likely illegal--practices to win.


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Re: Forum Topics II - where do we discuss this travesty?

PostFri Sep 11, 2015 3:49 pm

l.strether wrote:Belichick has made it clear very little is beneath him if he thinks it will help his team win.

he is clearly unethical and has no problem defrauding fans of all ages who expect a fair football game

The cheating by Belichick and the Patriots, however is worthy of the "12-year-old" description. Belichick and the Patriots obviously forgot this is a grown-up professional sports league where ethics and legality demands coaches don't actively and flagrantly cheat the opposing team or defraud the fans, particularly of that opposing team. However, Belichick never grew up into a responsible, adult professional coach and instead has acted like a cheating 12-year old on the playground, using unethical--and likely illegal--practices to win.

Conjecture! Evidence please!

Thank you.


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Re: Forum Topics II - where do we discuss this travesty?

PostFri Sep 11, 2015 3:57 pm

The only conjecture is your misuse of the word... ;)

You clearly didn't read the article I posted where Belichick admitted to taping other coaches' plays and signals, and Goodell destroyed piles of tapes he had of Belichick doing it.

So, try again. Thank you.


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Re: Forum Topics II - where do we discuss this travesty?

PostFri Sep 11, 2015 4:34 pm

Lol, I read the article twice. I certainly don't rely on you for information.

And I NEVER misuse a word. ;)

The article doesn't prove any of the things you said about Belichick and the Patriots in your post that I quoted. We already knew that there was a prevalent taping culture in the NFL that Belichick clearly bought into. We already knew that Belichick defied a league memo reminding teams that said practice was against the rules. We already know that both Belichick and the Pats were punished for said defiance. That is pretty much the end of what we know.

What we don't know is whether Belichick feels very little is beneath him if he thinks it will help his team win.

We also don't know that he is clearly unethical and has no problem defrauding fans of all ages....

We definitely don't know that Belichick never grew up into a responsible, adult professional coach....

We also don't know for certain that the league (Goodell) destroyed tapes to protect the Patriots.

I have no issue with your opinion on the matter. But excessive use of the words 'clearly' and ''obviously' suggest a degree of objectivity that I am uncomfortable with, especially considering how little we actually know.


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Re: Forum Topics II - where do we discuss this travesty?

PostFri Sep 11, 2015 5:58 pm

Uh-oh, we're obviously discussing one of your sensitive areas; you're banging out the all-caps now... ;)

And whether or not you've misused words before, you certainly misused one in your previous post. I made no conjecture. The article absolutely proved what I said about Belichick and the taping. It made it clear he did much more than "buy into the prevalent taping culture"--your euphemisms are so telling. He crossed into repeatedly and illegally taping coaches signals in a manner far transgressing "prevalent taping culture."

As to the rest, I don't have to prove a thing. His continual taping itself shows there is little beneath him if he thinks it will help his team will win. It also shows he's unethical and doesn't mind defrauding fans of all ages expecting a fair game, because that's exactly what he did when he willingly cheated. And responsible, grown-up coaches don't cheat to win. Belichick cheated to win; so, he's not one. If you have a problem with that, it's because your Belichick and Patriot fandom and bias is swaying your reactions...or you have nothing against cheating.

As to Goodell destroying the tapes to just protect the Patriots, the article never claimed that. It made it clear it was destroying tapes of Belichick cheating to protect the Patriots, but moreso to protect the league and it's "golden" franchise...just like you've been doing. As to my use of adverbs, I've used them just fine. I'd worry a little less about them, if I were you, and a bit more about the questionable coach you're so ardently and questionably defending.

P.s. If you need any reminder it was the Patriots' tapes being destroyed, here's an excerpt from the article:

Goodell had imposed a $500,000 fine on Belichick, a $250,000 fine on the team and the loss of a first-round draft pick just four days after league security officials had caught the Patriots and before he'd even sent a team of investigators to Foxborough, Massachusetts. Those investigators hadn't come up empty: Inside a room accessible only to Belichick and a few others, they found a library of scouting material containing videotapes of opponents' signals, with detailed notes matching signals to plays for many teams going back seven seasons. Among them were handwritten diagrams of the defensive signals of the Pittsburgh Steelers, including the notes used in the January 2002 AFC Championship Game won by the Patriots 24-17. Yet almost as quickly as the tapes and notes were found, they were destroyed, on Goodell's orders: League executives stomped the tapes into pieces and shredded the papers inside a Gillette Stadium conference room.

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