Hal was sick that day. Needing a fill-in the computer put out a call to my old softball coach "no long ball HAL".
Here is the scenario. There was a church league team that was just awesome and dominated. They had a former all-pro linebacker who had retired in his prime because he felt called. Anyway the guy could swat a softball a mile. I pitched to him once and lavished him with praise imploring him to hit put one in orbit. Maybe got in his head a little because I got popups. Thing is he was just another player on that team. It was loaded with top athletes.
Next year I said want to be on that team so I joined that church. When I went out for the softball team I did not recognize anyone. Seems all the great athletes had decided to quit playing at the same time including the coach. The team was taken over by an insurance salesman who had no clue. He always hit leadoff and I hit somewhere different every games. The only 2 great hitters we had were always slotted in the last 2 batting slots. The lineup would be posted each game with the admonition "No long ball tonight". Sorry, but you needed to hear him say it with that strange accent he had or one of my teammates who did a great imitation of him.
So one night Roger blasts 2 huge home runs. I followed him to plate after the second one and the ump says that guy can really hit. I responded "yeah, that is why we strategically have him batting last, so we can avoid as many of those long balls as possible". Umpire died laughing and the game was delayed about 3 minutes while he regained his composure. Meanwhile everyone on bench hollering "what did you say to him?"
That is why Foxx and Charleston hit 8th and 9th. No Long Ball Hal wanted to minimize the chances of HRs being hit. They were after all proof player was not listening to the pep talk and admonition "no long ball tonight".