I understand, not fatal, especially with a nice defensive sub on the bench...but still.
I can't judge about the 2012 comparison above (I don't have the stats, but I could do the same calculation if Robert provides me the numbers)
But in this 2014 set, if I exclude all 500K players, there were 3 left fielders whose best position were left fielders despite their 5: Willingham, Ludwick, and D. Young. In my ratings, if I forced them to play defense, (and assuming neutral stadiums, 28/72 L/R ratio) all three are among the 10 worst purchases for left-field.
I won't surprise anyone who played this year that the worst purchases in left field are Gordon, Yelich and Gardner (none of them, except perhaps Gardner are being picked in the new leagues I've been involved into).
- Code: Select all
Salary......NAME.....Bal.....Defense.....projected price..diff....WAR
1,970,000 Willingham 2L lf-5(+1)e1 $1.52 -0.45 0.20
690,000 Johnson,R 2L lf-4(+1)e6 $0.21 -0.48 -1.66
710,000 Gomes,J 5L lf-4(0)e9 $0.22 -0.49 -1.66
880,000 Ludwick,R 2L lf-5(+1)e1 $0.30 -0.58 -1.46
550,000 Choice,M 3L lf-4(0)e12 -$0.12 -0.67 -1.97
2,010,000 Young,D E lf-5(+2)e11 $0.89 -1.12 -0.82
6,730,000 Gardner,B 1R lf-1(-2)e2 $5.53 -1.20 3.07
8,510,000 Gordon,A 1L lf-1(-4)e2 $7.16 -1.35 4.15
8,210,000 Yelich,C 2L lf-1(+1)e2 $6.75 -1.46 3.87
WAR=an overall assessment akin to Win above replacement (based roughly on a 1,5M player)